CHOP Open ASD Data

Provides access to ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorder) concepts based on the CHOP's clinical data.

'drop' Attacks
'second Wind' Phenomenon
(anxiety State (& [states] Or [panic Attack])) Or (pseudocyesis)
(explosive Personality Disorder) Or (aggressive Personality)
(vomiting) Or (bilious Attack) Or (throwing Up)
1 To 12 Seizures A Year
10th Grade Completion
12-lead Electrocardiogram: Interval Change
15-month Well Baby Exam Visit
16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome
1q Partial Trisomy Syndrome
2 Slices Or One Mini Pizza
2 To 4 Seizures A Month
22 Trisomy
22q11 Partial Monosomy Syndrome
22q13.3 Deletion Syndrome
3-lead Electrocardiogram Rhythm Strip: Fully Dependent Pacemaker In Place
4-5 Toe Syndactyly
47, Xyy Syndrome
9p Partial Monosomy Syndrome
9q34 Chromosome Region Deletion
A - Answer To Question
A Childs Behavior Is A Source Of Serious Concern To You
A Hard, Swollen Area
A Hepatitis
A Large Bruise
A Little (less Often Than Usual)
A Little (more Often Than Usual)
A Little Bit
A Lot More Sleepy
A Lot Of Difficulty
A Lot Of The Time
A Milder Form Has Also Been Reported
A Moderate Amount
A Physical Disability
A Recent Decrease In Activity
A Regular Daytime Schedule
A Regular Night Shift
A Rotating Shift
A Tender, Swollen Area
A.cerebri; Occlusion, Multiple
A.cerebri; Tuberculous (manifestation)
A.pulmonalis; Dilatation (idiopathic)
A/b Cover Need - Surgery
A/n - Shared Care
A/n Amniocentesis - Abnormal
A/n Amniocentesis - Offered
Abderhalden Kaufmann Lignac Syndrome
Abdomen Distended
Abdominal Abscesses
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Abdominal Distension Will Be Minimal Or Absent.
Abdominal Distension, Gaseous
Abdominal Distress
Abdominal Distress (family A)
Abdominal Infections
Abdominal Muscles Tense
Abdominal Pain - Cause Unknown
Abdominal Pain Increasing In Frequency
Abdominal Pain, Upper
Abdominal Rigidity, Generalized
Abdominal Striae
Abdominal Tightness Or Squeezing
Abdominal Wind Pain
Abdominals Bloated
Abducens Nerve Disease
Ability Interact With Others
Ability Language
Ability To Chop Food
Ability To Communicate
Ability To Comprehend
Ability To Comprehend Concepts
Ability To Control Aggression
Ability To Control Emotions
Ability To Get An Erection
Ability To Handle Money
Ability To Maintain A Position
Ability To Make Coordinated Movements
Ability To Perform Cognitive Activity
Ability To Perform General Manipulative Activities
Ability To Perform Gross Motor Function
Ability To Process Information
Ability To Process Information Accurately
Ability To Pursue Religious Activities
Ability To Recognise Faces By Sight
Ability To Recognise Other Persons
Ability To Reproduce Geometric Figure At Five Minutes
Ability To Sustain Concentration
Ability To Throw Objects
Ability To Tie Shoe Laces
Ability To Understand Others
Ability To Use Phonological Processes
Able To Channel Aggression
Able To Communicate
Able To Control Portion Size
Able To Do Homework
Able To Recognise Own Emotional Pain And Distress
Able To Sustain Attention
Able To Understand Humor
Abnormal Acylcarnitine Profiles
Abnormal Beats Heart
Abnormal Breath Sound
Abnormal Breathing Patterns
Abnormal Chromosomal And Genetic Finding On Antenatal Screening Of Mother
Abnormal Color
Abnormal Dentition (in Some Patients)
Abnormal Diet
Abnormal Eeg (abnormal Slowing Of Background Activity)
Abnormal Eeg Activity During Sleep
Abnormal Eeg With Epileptiform Changes
Abnormal Eye Movements (in Some Patients)
Abnormal Facial Movements
Abnormal Facial Muscle Tone
Abnormal Facies, Nos
Abnormal Fear/anxiety-related Behavior
Abnormal Finding
Abnormal Finding On Antenatal Screening Of Mother
Abnormal Flags - Below Absolute Low-off Instrument Scale
Abnormal Gain Weight
Abnormal General Body Function
Abnormal Head Shaped
Abnormal Interictal Eeg (in Some Patients)
Abnormal Involuntary Movement
Abnormal Jaw Movement, Nos
Abnormal Lab Values In Last 90d
Abnormal Large Bowel Motility
Abnormal Lipid Profile
Abnormal Movement In Bone
Abnormal Movements
Abnormal Muscles Tone
Abnormal Non-fasting Glucose
Abnormal Ocular Motility
Abnormal Palate Morphology
Abnormal Perception
Abnormal Posture Of Hands
Abnormal Preoccupation Obsessions
Abnormal Preoccupation Tactile Defensiveness
Abnormal Preoccupation Unusual Fears
Abnormal Q-waves On Electrocardiography (in Some Patients)
Abnormal Respiratory Rate, Nos
Abnormal Result
Abnormal Sensation
Abnormal Sleep Pattern
Abnormal Sleep-related Events
Abnormal Sleep-wake Cycles
Abnormal Spike Waves
Abnormal Thyroid Hormone
Abnormal Vertebral Morphology
Abnormal Vocal Intensity
Abnormal Vocalization
Abnormal; Electroencephalogram
Abnormalities Hormones
Abnormality Of Brainstem Morphology
Abnormality Of Metabolism/homeostasis
Abnormality Of Mitochondrial Metabolism
Abnormality Of Ocular Smooth Pursuit
Abnormality Of Temperature Regulation
Abnormality Of The Bladder
Abnormality Of The Cerebellum
Abnormality Of The Dentition
Abnormality Of The Optic Nerve
Abnormality Of Walk Intermittent
Abnormality; Fluid, Cerebrospinal
Abo Incompatibility
About The Same
Above Average Intellect
Above Planned Level
Abrasion Of Arm
Abrasions Multiple
Abscess Nos
Abscesses Recurrent
Absence Of Adaptive Behaviors To Environmental Changes
Absence Of Drug Reaction
Absence Of Interest In Improving Health Behaviors
Absence Of Motivation
Absence Of Pain Sensation
Absence Of Pubertal Development
Absence Of Sensation
Absence Of Stomach Bubble On Fetal Sonography
Absence Seizure, Atypical
Absent Femoral Pulse
Absent Or Reduced Sural Nerve Sensory Responses
Absent Red Reflex Bilaterally
Absent Speech
Absenteeism At Work
Absolute Cd8 Lymphocytes Decreased
Abstinence Syndrome, Neonatal
Abstract Thinking Ability
Abuse Domestic
Abuse Neglect
Abuse Self
Abuse;emotional (by);parent(s)
Abusive Behaviour
Academic Achievement
Academic Grade Level
Academic Or Educational Problem
Academic Performance At Grade Level Or Higher
Academic Progress
Academic Skills Disorder
Acantholytic Changes (in Some Patients)
Accelerated Growth
Acceptance Of Constructive Criticism
Acceptance Of Limitations
Accident Occurred At Recreation Area
Accumulation Of Autofluorescent Material In Neurons
Accurate (qualifier)
Ache Stomach
Aches Leg Pain
Acidemias Methylmalonic
Acidemias, Propionic
Acidosis Metabolic Non Anion Gap
Acidosis, Renal Tubular
Acknowledge Patient's Knowledge Of Medications
Acknowledge The Patient's Spiritual/cultural Background
Acknowledges Ability To Change Behavior
Acne Med Allergy
Acquired Community Pneumonia
Acquired Deformity Of Spine
Acquired Hypothyroidism Nos
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Nos
Acquiring Basic Concepts
Acquiring Language
Acquiring Skills To Sound Out Written Words
Acting Out
Actinic Prurigo
Action And Postural Tremor
Active But Odd Autism
Active Illness
Active Listening
Active Range Of Joint Movement Reduced
Active Subject Participation Status
Activities Involving Computer Keyboarding
Activities Involving Hand Held Interactive Electronic Device
Activities Involving Walking An Animal
Activities Leisure
Activities Of Daily Living (activity)
Activities Trigger A
Activity Intolerance
Activity Seizure
Activity Somewhat Limited
Activity Tolerance
Activity Very Slightly Limited
Activity, American Tackle Football
Activity, Bowling
Activity, Rhythmic Gymnastics
Activity, Spectator At An Event
Activity, Walking An Animal
Actual Adherence
Actual Decreased Spiritual Distress
Actual Effective Memory
Actual Impaired Alertness
Actual Impaired Community Ability To Manage Regime
Actual Impaired Interactive Behavior
Actual Lack Of Symptom Control
Actual Low Initiative
Actual Negative Spontaneous Ventilation
Actual Positive Activity Tolerance
Actual Positive Body Image
Actual Problematic Sexual Behavior
Actual Tendency To Wander
Acute Abdomen
Acute Abdominal Complaint
Acute Alcoholic Intoxication In Alcoholism
Acute Alcoholic Intoxication In Alcoholism, Episodic
Acute Anxiety
Acute Bronchiolitis Due To Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Acute Contagious Conjunctivitis
Acute Dystonia
Acute Esophagitis
Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Bronchitis Nos
Acute Failure Kidney
Acute Inpatient Encounter
Acute Left Otitis Media
Acute Mental Status Changes
Acute Mental/behavioral Health Problem
Acute Pain Control Management
Acute Psychosis
Acute Repetitive Seizure
Acute Respiratory Decompensation
Acute True Yellow Atrophy Of Liver Of Pregnancy
Acute Viral Hepatitis
Acute; Periodontitis
Adaptive Behavior Assessment And Treatment Procedures
Adapts To Developmental Transitions
Adapts To Functional Limitations
Adapts To Life Changes
Added Concurrent Therapy
Addiction, Physical
Addisonian Crisis
Additional Assessment
Additional Behaviour Observation
Additional Concerns
Additional Concerns - Mental
Additional Diagnoses
Additional Dosage Instructions
Additional General Conditions Of Patient
Additional Mental State Observ
Additional Testing Recommended
Additional Therapy
Address The Issue Of Mandatory Attendance
Adenocarcinoma (some)
Adenoids Large
Adequate Hydration
Adh Inappropriate Syndromes
Adhd Checklist
Adhd Diagnostic Rating Scale Interpretation
Adhd Hyperactive Symptoms Mean Score
Adhd Inattentive Symptoms Mean Score
Adhd Inattentive Symptoms Mean Score Difference
Adhd, Predominantly Hyperactive - Impulsive
Adheres To Therapy Schedule
Adhesions Penile
Adhesive Middle Ear Disease, Nos
Adjustment And Management Of Cardiac Pacemaker
Adjustment Disorder With Anxious Mood
Adjustment Disorders, With Depressed Mood
Adjustment Reaction
Adjustment Reaction To Medical Therapy
Adjustment; Life-cycle Transition Problem
Adjusts Medication When Acutely Ill
Administer An Individual Dose
Administer Iv Medication At The Appropriate Rate
Administer Medication
Administer The Medication Dose
Admission By Care Of The Elderly Physician
Admit To This Hospital
Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Test Response Decreased Below Normal
Adt/ack - Change An Outpatient To An Inpatient
Adt/ack - Change Visit Number
Adult Rehabilitation Continuous Assessment
Advance Directive Infomation Pending Evaluation
Advanced Brain Imaging (cta, Ct, Mra Or Mri) Was Ordered
Advanced Maternal Age Gravida
Adverse Event Associated With Metabolic And Laboratory Abnormalities
Advocacy Service Implemented
Afebrile Seizures
Affect (mental Function)
Affect Agitated
Affect Flat
Affect Labile
Affect Restricted
Affect Silly
Affected Males Are Somatic Mosaic For Mutations
Affectionate Behavior
Affective Disorders, Seasonal
Affects Limbs And Trunk
Age Associated Impairment Memory
Age At Menarche
Aggravated Assault
Aggression (in Some Patients)
Aggression (rare)
Aggression Between Animals
Aggression Towards Parent
Aggressive Behavior (2 Patients)
Aggressive Behavior (in Some Patients)
Aggressive Biting
Aggressive Driving Behavior
Aggressive In Relationships
Aggressive Outburst
Aggressive Periodontitis, Localized, Slight
Aggressive Reaction
Aggressive Type Unsocialised Behaviour Disorder
Aggressiveness (family A)
Agitation Extreme
Agitation, Ctcae 3.0
Aids New Onset
Aids Risk Behavior
Aids-related Complex
Airway Disease
Airway Diseases Reactive
Airway Obstruction Upper
Alanine Aminotransferase Increased
Alarm Symptoms Assessed And One Or More Present
Albumin Decreased
Alcohol Abuse, Episodic Drinking Behavior
Alcohol Dependence With Alcohol-induced Mood Disorder
Alcohol Idiosyncratic Intoxication
Alcohol Intake Above Recommended Sensible Limits
Alcohol Or Other Drugs Use
Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Alcohol Withdrawal Seizure Potential
Alcohol-related Liver Disease
Alcohol; Delirium, Withdrawal
Alcohol; Syndrome, Fetal
Alcoholic Intoxication, Chronic
Alertness Decreased
Alexander's Disease
Alkaline Phosphatase Elevated Highly
Alkalosis Metabolic Hypochloremic Hypokalemic
Alkalosis, Nos
All Necessary Data Elements Not Included, Reason Not Given
All Over The Counter Medication Checked
Allan-herndon-dudley Syndrome (ahds)
Allegations, False
Allelic Disorder To Nieman-pick Disease Type B (607616)
Allergic Bee Reaction Stings
Allergic Rhinitis Nos (disorder)
Allergic Rhinitis Perennial
Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
Allergic Symptoms
Allergies Multiple
Allergies, Egg
Allergy Peanut
Allergy Severe
Allergy Symptoms Less Intense In Fall
Allergy Symptoms Occur Seasonally
Allergy To Cow's Milk
Allergy To Dairy Foods
Allergy To Fish
Allergy To Inhaled Corticosteroids
Allergy To Insect Sting Bee
Allergy To Multiple Medications
Allergy To Shellfish
Alopecia Nos
Alopecia, Areata
Aloud Reading
Alpha Amplitude Asymmetry
Alpha Trait Thalassemia
Alpha-thalassemia/mental Retardation Syndrome, Nondeletion Type, X-linked
Alport's Syndrome
Alter Consciousness State
Alteration Awareness Transient
Alteration In Heart Rhythm
Alteration In Mental Status
Alteration In Short-term Memory
Alteration In Sleep Pattern
Alteration In Sleep-wake Cycle
Altered Appetite
Altered Bowel Function
Altered Thought Processes
Alternating Exotropia
Alternative Communication Technique Education
Alternative Medical System
Always Hungry
Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer Disease, Early-onset
Amblyopia Nos
Amenorrhoea Nos
American College Of Physicians (acp) Staging Of Hypertension
Amish Infantile Epilepsy Syndrome
Amnesia; Retrograde
Amniotic Fluid Amount
Amniotic Fluid Erythropoietin Level Increased
Amniotic Fluid Index Decreased
Amniotic Fluid Meconium Stain
Amniotic Fluid Volume Increased
Amoebic Infection Of Other Sites
Amount Of Daily Pureed Fruits Intake
An Mri Showed The Femur Was Abnormal
Anal Irritation
Anal Sphincter Pressure
Anal, Rectal, Perianal And Perirectal Infections
Analysis Of Electronic Device Used In Cardiovascular System
Analysis Of The Arts
Anarthria Speech Disorder
Anemia Aplastic
Anemia Normocytic Multi Factorial
Anemia, Mild
Anemia, Mild Or Moderate
Anemias Chronic Disease
Anesthesiologist's Pre-operative Risk Assessment Eagle's Score
Anesthetic-induced Rhabdomylosis
Aneurysm Of An Abdominal Artery
Aneurysm; Brain
Angelman's Syndromes
Anger Controling
Anger Reaction
Angina Control - Worsening
Angina Pectoris
Angiocardiography Awaited
Angiogram Cerebral Abnormal
Angry Outbursts
Angulation Of The Frontal Horns
Ani; Pruritus
Animal Aggressive Behavior
Animal Escape Behavior
Animal Licking Behavior
Animal Sexual Behavior
Animal Social Behavior
Anisocoria Left Greater Than Right
Anisometropic Amblyopias
Ankle Clonus
Ankle Clonus (in Some)
Ankle Clonus Sustained
Ankle Pain
Ankle Rolls In
Ankle Rolls Out
Ankle Swelling Slowly Worsens
Ankle Trick
Ankles Dorsiflexion Bilateral
Annoyance With Disruptive Effects Of Pain
Annoying Pain
Anomaly Or Syndrome, Jordan's
Anophthalmia And Pulmonary Hypoplasia
Anorectal Anomalies (in Some Patients)
Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-eating Purging Type
Another Schedule
Answers One Question Correctly
Anterior Open Bite (in Some Patients)
Anterior Temporal Lobe Subcortical Cysts
Anthropometric Assessment Each 15 Minutes
Anti Social
Anti-a Sensitization Affecting Care Of Mother
Antibiotic Regimen Prescribed
Antibiotic Topical Allergy
Anticipatory Anxiety, Mild
Antisocial Behaviour
Antisocial Personality Disorders
Antistreptococcal Antibody Titer Elevated
Antley-bixler Syndrome Phenotype
Anxieties, Social
Anxiety (in Some Patients)
Anxiety (normal) About Sick Person In Family
Anxiety About Behavior Or Performance
Anxiety About Vomiting In Public
Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety Caused By Difficulty Breathing
Anxiety Continuously For A Month Or More
Anxiety Dependency Feature
Anxiety Depressive Component
Anxiety Disorder Due To Another Medical Condition
Anxiety Disorder Due To General Medical Condition With Obsessive-compulsive Disorder Symptoms
Anxiety Disorder Due To Known Physiological Condition
Anxiety Disorder Generalized
Anxiety Disorder Of Adolescence, Nos
Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
Anxiety Disorder, Nos
Anxiety Disorder; Alcohol-induced
Anxiety Disorder; Phobic
Anxiety Fear
Anxiety In Infants
Anxiety Level
Anxiety Relieved By Medication
Anxiety Score
Anxiety Separation Disorder
Anxiety State
Anxiety Symptom
Anxiety With Anticipation Of Misfortune
Anxiety With Difficulty Breathing
Anxiety With Excessive Sweating
Anxiety With Frequent Urination Or Diarrhea
Anxiety With Persistent Worry
Anxiety With Tingling In Hands And Feet
Anxiety, 3 Or More Episodes In 3 Weeks
Anxiety, Ctcae 3.0
Anxiety; Condition Not Demonstrated, Problem
Anxiety; Depression, Persistent
Anxiolysis (emotion)
Anxious Affect
Anxious Avoidant Attachment
Anxious State
Any Falls Since Admission Or Prior Assessment
Any Other Drugs
Aod Effects And Consequences
Aod Use For Medicinal Purposes
Aode On Academic Performance
Aodr Structural Brain Change
Aorta; Dilatation
Aorta; Dissection
Aortic (valve) Insufficiency
Aortic Aneurysms
Aortic Disease
Aortic Insufficiency, Mild (rare)
Aortic Stenosis, Mild
Aortic Thickened Valves
Aortic Valve Disorder, Nos
Aortic Valve Stenosis
Apgar Score Low
Aphasia, Global
Apical Heart Rate
Apical Impulse Increase
Aplasia/hypoplasia Of The Cerebral White Matter
Aplasia/hypoplasia Of The Corpus Callosum
Apley Distraction Test Response
Apnea During Seizure Spells
Apnea Hypopnea Index (ahi) Or Respiratory Disturbance Index (rdi) Measured At The Time Of Initial Diagnosis
Apnea, Central (in Some Patients)
Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess, Mild
Appendicular Hypotonia
Appendix Rupture
Appetite Fluctuation
Application Program Issue Associated With Medical Device
Applied Cognitive Score
Applied Cognitive Score Standard Error
Approximately One-third Of Patients Become Seizure-free With Age
Apraxia Of Phonation
Apraxia Verbal
Apraxia, Oral
Arachnoid; Cyst
Arch Trunk Position
Argument (with);friend(s)
Arm Elevation Obliterates Radial Pulse
Arm Flexion
Arm Leg Rash
Arm Lengths
Arm Pain
Armed Forces Medical Exam Case Management Continue
Aromatase Deficiency
Aromatase Excess Syndrome
Arousal, Confusional
Arrange Situations That Encourage Patient's Autonomy
Arrests Within The Last Year
Arrhythmia Cardiac (nos)
Arrhythmia, Sinus
Arteriopathic Disease
Arteriovenous Difference
Arthropathies And Related Disorders
Articulation Difficulties
Articulation Problem
Articulation Speech
Articulation, Unintelligible
Articulatory Defect
Artificial (qualifier Value)
As Loud As Talking
As Much As Desired
Ascites Nos
Ash-leaf Spot
Asparagus, Specific Smell Hypersensitivity
Aspartate Aminotransferase Increase
Asperger's Syndrome In Children
Asperger-like Features
Aspiration Pneumonia, Nos
Aspiration Tracheal
Aspirator Dependence
Assaults Physical
Assess Level Of Current Knowledge.
Assess The Plan Against New Data
Assess The Prescription
Assesses Baseline Respiratory Status
Assessing For Sign Of Discomfort
Assessing Mood
Assessing Preferences
Assessing School Performance
Assessment Need
Assessment Of A Patient
Assessment Of Baseline Neurological Status
Assessment Of Cognitive Functions
Assessment Of Coping Mechanisms
Assessment Of Needs - Review
Assessment Of Past History
Assessment Of Patient Condition Impairment Rating ___%
Assessment Patient
Assessment Using Me And My School Questionnaire
Assessment, Geriatric
Assist The Individual In Discussing His/her Feelings About The Contract
Assisted (qualifier Value)
Assisted Living
Assmann's Focus
Associate Degree: Academic Program
Associated Aetiologic Living Organism
Associated Discomfort
Associated Restlessness
Associated Sign
Associated Symptom
Associated With
Association, Developmental
Associations (word)
Assumption Of New Identity
Assumption Of New Identity In Witness Protection Program
Ast/sgot Level Raised
Asthma (in Some Patients)
Asthma Attack
Asthma Daytime Symptoms
Asthma Effect On Sleep
Asthma Exacerbations
Asthma Longstanding
Asthma Medication Review
Asthma Mild
Asthma Not Disturbing Sleep
Asthma Persistent
Asthma Seasonal
Asthma Severe
Asthma Treatment Compliance Satisfactory
Asthma, Nos
Astigmatism, Nos
Asymmetries, Facial
Asymmetry Of Cerebral Hemispheres
Asymmetry Of Lateral Ventricles
Asymptomatic Or Routine Screening
At Least Every Two Weeks
At Much Less Risk
At Risk For Aspiration
At Risk For Deliberate Self Harm
At Risk For Depressed Mood
At Risk For Impaired Home Maintenance Management
At Risk For Injury
At Risk Of Choking
At Risk Of Confusion
At Risk Of Elopement From Healthcare Setting
At Risk Of Epileptic Fits
At Risk Of Falls
At Risk Of Harming Others
Ataxia In Those Who Survive
Ataxia Nos
Ataxia Worsens In The Dark
Ataxia, Mild
Ataxia, Truncal
Atresia Of Pulmonary Valve, Congenital
Atrial Septal Defect, Small
Atrial Tachycardia, Incessant
Atrial Tachycardias
Atrioventricular Block
Atrioventricular Block, First-degree
Atrophic Hyperpigmented Streaks On Face And Neck
Atrophic Scarring, Severe
Atrophic Skin Over Ears
Atrophies Muscular Spinal
Atrophy Mandible-severe
Atrophy Of Cerebellum
Atrophy Of The Tongue Papillae
Attachment Disorders
Attacked Verbally
Attacks Of Weakness
Attempts Suicide/homicide
Attended A New School
Attends Respiratory Support Group
Attention And Concentration Deficit
Attention Concentration Difficulty
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Inattentive Presentation (restrictive)
Attention Deficits (in Some Patients)
Attention Or Concentration Deficit
Attention Spans
Attention To Direct Verbal Communication
Attention, Nos
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder With Residual State
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive/impulsive Presentation
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Presentation
Attention-seeking Behavior
Attitude And Behavior
Attitude Toward Self
Attitudes Change
Atypical Absence Epilepsy
Atypical Absence, Atonic/tonic, Or Tonic-clonic Seizures
Atypical Anxiety Disorders
Atypical Coronary Artery Disease Symptom
Atypical Lymphocyte Observed
Atypical Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Atypical Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Atypical Polyspike And Wave Discharges
Atypical; Autism
Audiogram Abnormal
Audiological Test Finding
Auditory Memory
Auditory Neuropathy, Autosomal Recessive, 1, Temperature-sensitive
Auditory Processing Disorder, Central
Aura (in Some Instances)
Auriculo-condylar Syndrome
Auscultation - Manual
Autism (in Some Patients)
Autism Or Autistic Features
Autism Or Autistic-like Condition
Autism Spectrum Disorder (asd, 19%)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (in Some Patients)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (less Common)
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism With High Cognitive Abilities
Autism, Mild
Autism, Severe
Autistic Behavior (in Some Patients)
Autistic Behaviour
Autistic Children
Autistic Feature
Autistic Features (in Some Patients)
Autistic Youth
Autistic-like Behavior
Autistic-like Features
Autistic; Disorder
Autoimmune Chronic Hepatitis
Autoimmune Disease (in Some Patients)
Autoimmune Liver Disease
Autoimmune Nervous System Diseases
Autoimmune Neutropenia
Autoimmune Rheumatologic Disease
Autonomic Dysfunction (in Some Patients)
Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance
Autosomal Deletion Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant (milder Phenotype)
Autosomal Dominant Hereditary Disorder
Av Block First Degree By Ecg Finding
Av Block Second Degree By Ecg Finding
Average Intellect
Average Intelligence By Estimate
Averages Heart Rate
Aversion (finding)
Aversion To Particular Food
Avery's Syndrome
Avian Curly Toe Paralysis
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Awakening In Middle Of Night
Awakening, Early
Awareness Of Bladder Function
Awareness Of Possible Environmental Change
Awareness Of Rules And Boundaries
Awareness Of Safety At Work
Awareness Of Self
Axis Deviation Left
Axis I Diagnosis, Nos
Axis Iv Psychosocial And Environmental Problems
Axonal Sensory And Motor Peripheral Neuropathy, Severe
B Lymphocytopenia
Babies Overdue
Babinski Reflex
Back Muscle Spasm
Back Problem
Back Sore
Back Stiff
Back Stiffness Gradually Decreasing Throughout The Day
Back Symptoms
Bacterial Meningitis
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacteriuria Too Numerous To Count
Bad Blood Or Lymph Circulation
Bad Dreams
Bad Mood
Bad Sleep Habits
Balances On One Foot
Balancing - Confidence - Score Change
Bald Area On Scalp (in Some Patients)
Ballistic Movements Of The Arms Or Legs (swipes Or Swats)
Bandage / Dressing Poor Absorption
Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba Syndrome
Baraitser Brett Piesowicz Syndrome
Barber's Pilonidal Sinus
Barium Enema Multiple Polyps Of Cecum
Barium Swallow Test Ordered (gerd)
Barium Swallow: Esophageal Diverticula
Barking Cough
Barriers, Language
Basc-2 Composite Scores
Basc-2 Withdrawal Subtest T-score
Basc-ii Subtests Attention Problems T-score
Basc-ii Subtests Atypicality T-score
Basc-ii Subtests Hyperactivity T-score
Base Deficit (finding)
Base Excess - Standard
Base Narrow
Base Wide
Baseball Game
Baseline Behavioral Assessment
Baseline Diastolic Blood Pressure
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate
Baseline State
Baseline Tachycardia
Basic Cognitive Functions
Basic Learning Problem In Reading
Basic Learning Problem In Writing
Basic Motor Learning Problem
Basilar Artery Thrombosis
Bathing In Very Hot Water
Becker Dystrophy Muscular
Becomes Angry Very Easily
Before Values
Behavior Abnormal
Behavior Accompanying Sex
Behavior Aggressive
Behavior And Emotional Disorder, Mixed
Behavior And Socialization Disturbances
Behavior Combative
Behavior Criminal
Behavior Disorder Disruptive
Behavior Disorders
Behavior Disruptive
Behavior Is Peer Group Influenced
Behavior Models
Behavior Not Exhibited
Behavior Of This Type Occurred Daily
Behavior Plans
Behavior Positively Reinforced
Behavior Present, Not Of Recent Onset
Behavior Problem Checklist Score
Behavior Shaping
Behavior Showing Increased Motor Activity
Behavior Violent Toward Self
Behavior, Adaptive
Behavior, Approach
Behavior, Assaultive
Behavior, Avoidance
Behavior, Novelty-seeking
Behavior, Obsessive
Behavior, Risk
Behavior, Stereotyped
Behavior; Child, Causing Concern
Behavior; Poor Responsiveness
Behavior; Slow
Behavioral / Psychiatric Disorder
Behavioral Change
Behavioral Changes Consistent With An Autistic Disorder
Behavioral Difficulties
Behavioral Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Behavioral Disability
Behavioral Disorder; Adjustment Reaction
Behavioral Disorder; Emotional Disorder
Behavioral Disorder; Organic
Behavioral Disturbances (in Some)
Behavioral Habituation
Behavioral Insomnia Of Childhood
Behavioral Insomnia Of Childhood - Sleep Onset Association Type
Behavioral Instability
Behavioral Outbursts
Behavioral Problems (in Some Patients)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Behavioral Sensitization
Behavioral Symptoms
Behaviorial Habits
Behaviors Child
Behaviors Maladaptive
Behaviors Pain
Behaviors Risk Taking
Behaviors, Addictive
Behaviors, Exploratory
Behaviour Assessment
Behaviour Ignored
Behaviour Negatively Reinforced
Behaviour Obsessive Compulsive
Behaviour To Promote Weight Gain
Behavioural Inattention Test Score
Behavioural Insomnia Of Childhood, Combined Type
Behavioural Problems At School
Behavioural Syndrome Associated With Physiological Disturbance And Physical Factors
Behavioural Tic
Beighton Score
Below Average Intellect
Below Expected Growth Rate
Below Planned Level
Benign Extra-axial Hygroma
Benign Familial Neonatal Epilepsy
Benign Focal Epilepsy, Childhood
Benign Frontal Childhood Epilepsy
Benign Headache Syndromes
Benign Paroxysmal Torticolis Of Infancy
Benign; Murmur
Benzodiazepine Dependence
Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
Bereavement, Loss And Grief
Beriberi, Nos
Best (quality)
Better Eye: Moderate Visual Impairment, Lesser Eye: Moderate Visual Impairment
Bezoar (disorder)
Bf*fa/s Phenotype
Bicarbonate Reserve Decreased
Bilateral Astigmatism
Bilateral Cataracts (disorder)
Bilateral Choroid Plexus Cyst
Bilateral Chronic Serous Otitis
Bilateral Decreased Axial Length
Bilateral Effusions Pleural
Bilateral Glaucoma
Bilateral Gynaecomastia
Bilateral High Frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss Of Ears
Bilateral Homonymous Altitudinal Hemianopia
Bilateral Hyperopia
Bilateral Moderate To Severe Visual Impairment
Bilateral Neurologic Weakness, Lower Extremities
Bilateral Periodic Epileptiform Discharges
Bilateral Pes Planus
Bilateral Schizencephaly
Bilateral Tremor
Biliary Colic
Bilirubin Elevated Chronic
Bilirubin Total Elevated
Binge Disorder Eating
Biologic Product Origin
Biological Risk Factors
Biopsy Procedure Note Written Informed Consent Obtained
Bipolar And Related Disorders
Bipolar Depression
Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression
Bipolar Disorder Psychotic Feature
Bipolar I Disorder
Bipolar I Disorder With Rapid Cycling
Bipolar Psychosis
Bipolar; Disorder, Ii
Birth Complication
Birth Length
Birth Low Very Weight
Birth Plan: Pain Relief Iv Medication
Birth Weight High
Birth Weight Of Patient
Birth; Difficult
Birthing Options
Bishop's Score
Bite Of Left Hand
Bite Of Perineum
Bite Tongue
Bites Cheek
Biting At Flank
Biting Nail
Biting Or Picking At Toenails
Biting Other Person
Biting Own Arm
Biting Own Hand (finding)
Bizarre Behaviors
Bizarre Delusion
Bizarre Personal Appearance
Bizarre Thoughts
Bk Virus Nephropathy
Black And White Thinking
Black Eye, Nos
Black Hair
Blackout - Symptom
Bladder Distension
Bladder Spasm
Blanching Rash
Blank, Staring Face While Sleep Walking
Bleeder Syndrome
Bleeding Episodes
Bleeding Episodes (epistaxis, Menorrhagia, Ecchymosis)
Bleeding Irregular
Bleeding Risk
Bleeding Skin Lesion Of Diaper Area
Bleeding Tendency, Mild
Bleeding Time Normal To Mildly Prolonged
Bleeding, Mild
Bleeds Profusely
Blind Loop Syndrome
Blind Right Eye
Blindness - Both Eyes (disorder)
Blindness Nos
Blindness Of One Eye (disorder)
Blindness, Legal
Blockage Within Medical Device
Blocked Central Line
Blood Alcohol Level - Less Than 20 Mg / 100 Ml
Blood Group A (finding)
Blood Group Ab
Blood In The Duodenal Lumen
Blood In The Papilla Major
Blood In The Urine Color
Blood Increases Pressure
Blood Lithium Level Increased
Blood On Pants
Blood Pressure Absent
Blood Pressure Alteration (finding)
Blood Pressure Measured Using Cuff Of Specified Size
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Blood Pressure; Labile
Blood Progesterone Low
Blood Sugar Level Fluctuation
Blood Supply Aspects
Blood Urea Increased
Blood, Frank
Blue - Answer To Question
Blue Colour
Blue Discoloration Of Teeth
Blue Green Color
Blue Iris (physical Finding)
Blue Line On Gingivae
Blue Lips
Blue Scleras
Bluish Red Color
Blunting Of Affect
Blurring Of The Gray-white Junction (in Type Iib)
Blurry Vision In Right Eye
Blurts Out Answers Before The Question Is Completed
Bmi Not Documented, Documentation The Patient Is Not Eligible For Bmi Calculation
Bodies Image
Body Awareness
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body Language In Children
Body Mass Index 40+ - Severely Obese
Body Mass Index Percentile
Body Positions
Body Weight.max
Bolus Formation
Bone Demineralization, Pathologic
Bone Density Below Reference Range (finding)
Bone Disease, Developmental
Bony Pelvic Pain
Book's Syndrome
Booster Dose Missed
Borderline Abnormal Ecg
Borderline Cognitive Developmental Delay
Borderline Elevated Low-density Lipoprotein
Borderline High
Borderline Intellectual Disability
Borderline Low
Borderline Mental Impairment
Borderline Normal Ecg
Borderline To Large Testes
Borg Breathlessness Score: 0 None At All
Borg Breathlessness Score: 1 Very Slight
Both Demyelinating And Axonal Features
Both Pyriform Sinuses Were Abnormal
Bouncy Gait
Bowed Cords Vocal
Bowel Change Movement
Bowel Function.behavior
Bowel Movement Irregularity
Bowel Short Syndrome
Bowel Sounds
Bowel Sounds Intermittent
Bowels Ischemic
Bowels: Occasional Accident
Bracken Scale Composite Scores
Braden Scale: Sensory Very Limited
Bradycardia (in Some Patients)
Bradycardia Nos
Bradycardic Cardiac Arrest
Bradykinetic Tongue
Brain Development Abnormality
Brain Infarction, Posterior Circulation
Brain Mri Shows Hypoplastic Pituitary
Brca1 Pathogenic Variant
Break-through Bleeding (finding)
Breakdowns Nervous
Breakthrough Pain
Breakthrough Seizure
Breast Discomfort
Breast Feeding, Abnormal
Breast Fullness Prior To Feeding
Breast Mass Calcified
Breast Size Increased
Breastfeeding Painful
Breasts Hot
Breasts Sizes
Breath Deep Difficulty Taking
Breath Gasp
Breath Smell
Breath Sound Stridor Inspiratory
Breath-holding Spells
Breathers Mouth
Breathing Difficulties During Pain Episodes
Breathing Irregular
Breathing Mouth
Breathing Strategies: Deeper Inhalation
Breathing; Tic
Breathy Voice Quality
Breech Position
Breech Presentation With Antenatal Problem
Brief Atonic Seizure
Brief General Examination
Brief Global Executive Composite T-score
Brief Involuntary Movements Of Upper Extremities
Brief Nervous System Examination
Brief Reactive Psychosis Nos
Bright Red Color (finding)
Brisk Reflexes
Bristol Stool Type 2
Broad Based Gait
Broad Forehead
Broca's Aphasia
Broken Skin
Bronchitis, Chronic
Bronchopulmonary; Dysplasia
Bronchospasm Nos
Brucella Abortus Infection
Brugada Syndrome (disorder)
Bruising Over Mastoid
Brunner Syndrome
Bsq (behavioural Screening Questionnaire) Score
Bubble Gum Flavor
Budd-chiari's Syndrome
Bulbar Dysfunction
Bulbous Tip Of Nose
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulky Stools
Bullying Victims
Bumps Into Things
Bun Creatinine Ratio Elevated
Bundle Branch Block Right
Bursting Sensation Quality
Buttock Skin Lesion Vesicular
Buttocks Rash
Buzzing Ears
C-reactive Protein Decreased
C/o - A Headache
C/o - A Rash
C/o Pelvic Pain
Cafe-au-lait Spot Of Chest
Cafe-au-lait Spots On The Abdomen
Calcified (qualifier)
Calcium Total Increased
Calf Muscle Cramps
Callous Character
Caloric Responses Tonic Eye Deviation
Calories Per Day From Current Diet
Calvarial Hyperostosis
Cameron Ulcer
Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa Vara-pericarditis Syndrome
Can Do Very Little
Can Do With A Little Difficulty
Can Do With Much Difficulty
Can Do With Some Difficulty
Can Do Without Any Difficulty
Can Walk With Support (some Patients)
Cancelled Action
Candidiasis Esophagus
Candidiasis Is Usually The First Symptom
Candidiasis, Cutaneous
Candidiasis, Oral
Canine Hepatitides, Infectious
Cannabis Use
Cannabis Use Disorder, Mild
Cannabis; Abuse
Cannot Get An Erection
Cannot Sleep At All
Cannulation Over A Guide-wire
Capacities, Inspiratory
Capacity, Total Lung
Capillary Leaking Syndrome
Capillary Refill Test 3 Seconds Or Longer
Capillary Specimen Collection (procedure)
Carbohydrate; Malabsorption
Cardiac Catheterization Coexistent Conditions
Cardiac Catheterization Infusion Of Ergonovine Produced A Positive Response
Cardiac Catheterization Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Cardiac Catheterization Summary At Discharge: Multiple Procedures On Same Lesio
Cardiac Defect(s)
Cardiac Drug Side Effects
Cardiac Dysfunction
Cardiac Enzyme Measurements Performed During This Admission
Cardiac Events
Cardiac Output, High
Cardiac Pacemaker Sensitivity Problem
Cardiac Screen Assessment
Cardiac Symptoms
Cardiac; Pacemaker, Checking
Cardiomyopathies, Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy In Metabolic Diseases
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, Mild
Cardiomyopathy, Nos
Cardiomyopathy; Postpartum
Cardiopulmonary Arrest, Episodic
Cardiovascular Surgery Result: Angina More Frequent
Cardiovascular Surgery Result: Exercise Tolerance Reduced
Cardiovascular Surgery Result: Fatigue Less Pronounced
Cardiovascular Surgery Result: Fatigue More Pronounced
Cardiovascular Symptom
Cardiovascular; Decompensation
Carditis Meningococcal Nos
Care By Level Of Intensity
Care Continuity Patient
Care Coordinated By Field Nurse
Care Facility Nursing Home Deadline
Care For Medication Side Effects
Care Given By Nurses
Care Hospice
Care Mental Health
Care, Managed
Care, Prenatal
Care; Postpartum, Immediately After Delivery
Caregiver Difficulty Providing Cognitive Learning Experiences
Caregiver Effectiveness Limited By Fatigue
Careless Mistakes
Cares For A Relative
Carotid Artery Angiogram Abnormal
Carotid Pulses Diminished On The Right
Carotid Sinus Massage Initiates Hypertension
Carrow Elicited Language Inventory Score
Cars2-hf Thinking / Cognitive Integration Skills Score
Cars2-hf Total Score
Cars2-st Nonverbal Communication Score
Cars2-st Total Score Raw
Case Management (procedure)
Casual Sexual Relationship
Cataract Of Left Eye
Catatonic Behavior
Catch - Finding Of Sensory Dimension Of Pain
Catch Breath
Caul Over Face
Cause Of Death.underlying
Causes Me A Few Problems
Causes Of Death
Celf-4 Core Language Score
Celf-4 Expressive Language Index Standard Score
Celf-4 Receptive Language Index Standard Score
Celf-4 Working Memory Index
Cellulitis Of Legs
Cellulitis Of Periorbital Region
Cellulitis Preseptal
Cellulitis, Recurrent
Central Apnea Index
Central Facial Nerve Weakness Bilaterally
Central Hearing Loss In The Right Ear
Central Hypotonia
Central Iv Maintenance
Central Lesion Nervous System
Central Nervous System Dysfunction In Newborn
Central Nervous System Infections
Central Sleep Apnea, Primary
Central Sleep Apneas
Central Visual Impairment
Centrotemporal; Eeg Spikes, Epilepsy Of Childhood
Cephalhaematoma Due To Birth Trauma
Cephalopelvic Disproportion, Nos
Cerebellar Disease
Cerebellar Lesion
Cerebellar Signs
Cerebellar Tonsillar Herniation
Cerebellar Volume Loss, Mild
Cerebellar; Infarction
Cerebral Atrophy
Cerebral Atrophy, Mild Diffuse
Cerebral Cortical Volume Loss
Cerebral Frontal Encephalomalacia
Cerebral Frontal Hematoma
Cerebral Infarction Posterior Circulation
Cerebral Palsy, Atonic
Cerebral Palsy, Diplegic, Infantile
Cerebral Pseudoatrophy
Cerebral Salt-wasting Syndrome
Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis
Cerebral Ventriculomegalies
Cerebral White Matter Lesion
Cerebrovascular Accident (in Some Patients)
Cerebrovascular Accident, Acute
Cerebrovascular Accidents
Certain (qualifier Value)
Ceruloplasmin Decreased
Cerumen Impacted
Cervical Abscess
Cervical Culture Strep
Cervical Dilatation Early
Cervical Myelopathy Spondylosis
Cervical Spine Anomalies
Cervix Undilated
Chairfast, Unable To Ambulate And Is Unable To Wheel Self.
Chalazion In The Left Eye
Challenging Behaviour
Change Eyes
Change Hormonal
Change In Behavioral Symptoms
Change In Church Activity
Change In Cognitive Status
Change In Eating Pattern
Change In Emotional State
Change In Energy Level
Change In Facial Features
Change In Financial Status
Change In Food Intake
Change In Handwriting Less Legible
Change In Interest Toward Others
Change In Living Condition
Change In Medication/dose
Change In Relationship
Change In Role Function
Change In Sleeping Habits
Change In Sustained Attention
Change In Urinary Continence
Change In Voice (finding)
Change Mental Status
Change Position
Change, Body Weight
Change; Personality, Secondary (nonspecific)
Change; Skin, Texture
Change; Vascular
Changed Medical Regimen Diagnoses
Changed Thought Patterns
Changes Feeding In Response To Sound
Changes Hearing
Changes In Electrocardiogram
Changes In Sleeping Patterns
Changes Patterns
Changes, Social
Changing Schedule
Chapped Lips
Character Trait
Character Trait Finding Of Emotional Warmth
Character Trait Finding Of Level Of Hostility
Characteristic Of Aggressive Behavior
Characteristic Of Health Seeking Behaviour
Charcot-marie-tooth Disease
Charge Syndrome
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Check Intensity Of Lights Daily
Checking (action)
Checklist Of Communication Competencies Score
Checkup Examination
Checkup For A Mole
Cheek And Lip Biting
Chemical Imbalance
Chemical Sensitivity, Multiple
Chemosensory Jump Behaviour
Chest Circumference (observable Entity)
Chest Discomfort
Chest Expansion Reduced
Chest Movement Equal
Chest Movement Unequal
Chest Pain (non-cardiac)
Chest Pain Frequency Several Times A Week
Chest Pain Lasting Continuously For Several Days
Chest Pain Localizing With Unclear Focus
Chest Pain Occurring Suddenly As New Onset
Chest Surgical / Traumatic Scar Well-healed
Chest Symptom/complaint
Chest; Flat
Chest; Pain
Chewing Clothing
Chief Complaint (finding)
Child Abuse And Neglect
Child Aware Of Patient Diagnosis
Child Behaviour Symptom/complaint
Child Development: 5 Years
Child Guidance Therapy
Child Held On Parent's Lap
Child Neglect Suspected
Child With Temper Tantrum
Child's High-pitched Cry Repeated Episodes
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Childhood Disturbed Behaviour
Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder
Childhood Seizure
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Choice Behavior
Choice Of Medication Education
Choked On
Choking On Liquid
Choking Sensations
Choking, Episodic
Cholangitis, Primary Sclerosing
Cholangitis, Sclerosing
Cholesteatoma Of Both Ears
Cholesterol Absorption Efficiency Decreased
Cholesterol Ldl High Risk
Choose (action)
Chorea, Benign Hereditary
Chorea, Mild (in Some)
Choreic Movements, Episodic
Choreoathetosis, Hypothyroidism, And Neonatal Respiratory Distress
Choroid Plexus Cyst
Chromosome 15q Deletion Syndrome
Chromosome 15q, Trisomy
Chromosome 17q12 Deletion Syndrome
Chromosome 17q21.31 Deletion Syndrome
Chromosome 22q Duplication Syndrome
Chromosome 3q29 Deletion Syndrome
Chromosome 9, Partial Trisomy 9p
Chromosome Xq26.3 Duplication Syndrome
Chronic Ankle Pain
Chronic Anxiety
Chronic Brain Damage
Chronic Colitis
Chronic Constipation With Overflow
Chronic Decreased Endurance
Chronic Difficulty Swallowing
Chronic Disease - Poor Control
Chronic Disease - Treatment Changed
Chronic Disease Infectious
Chronic Disease Liver
Chronic Disease Process Education
Chronic Ear Disease
Chronic Ear Infections
Chronic Emotional Stress From Illness In Family
Chronic Enteritis Of The Mouse Intestinal Tract
Chronic Failure To Thrive
Chronic Gastritis Nos
Chronic Granulomatous Disease, Nos
Chronic Impaired Cognitive Function
Chronic Impaired Motor Function
Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction
Chronic Irritant Otitis Externa
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 2
Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage I
Chronic Lower Leg Pain
Chronic Motor Tic Disorder
Chronic Mouth Breathing
Chronic Mucoid Otitis Media Of Bilateral Middle Ears
Chronic Nasal Congestion
Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease Nos
Chronic Or Frequently Recurrent Abdominal Pain
Chronic Pelvic Pain Without Obvious Pathology
Chronic Post-traumatic Headache
Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency
Chronic Risk Of Acute Myocardial Infarction
Chronic Secretory Otitis Media
Chronic Serous Otitis Media Nos
Chronic Serous Otitis Media, Bilateral
Chronic Serous Otitis Media, Simple Or Unspecified
Chronic Sinusitis - Maxillary Bilateral
Chronic Urticarias
Chronic Vocal Tic Disorder
Chronic; Cough
Chronic; Thyroiditis
Chronics Sinusitis
Ciliary Motility Disorder
Cinefluoroscopy Evaluation Oral Preparatory Stage Inability To Masticate Solids
Cinefluoroscopy Laryngeal Penetration After Swallow
Circadian Rhythm Disorder
Circle Eye Under
Circling Behavior
Circling Gait
Civil Disobedience
Clarify An Incomplete Or Illegible Prescription Order
Clarity Of Thought
Classic Behavior
Classroom Behavior
Clavicle Elevated
Cleans Drug Injection Equipment Finding
Clear Liquid
Clear Speech- Distinct, Intelligible Words
Clearings Throat
Clearly State Expectations For Patient's Behavior
Cleft Lower Lip
Clenched Fist
Clenching Hands
Clenching Of Teeth
Clicks Systolic
Client Involvement In Management Of Their Money
Clinic A Monitoring Deleted
Clinical Act Of Insertion
Clinical Anxiety
Clinical Drug Trial Follow Up Visit
Clinical Evaluation
Clinical Management
Clinical Observation
Clinical Sepsis Symptoms Present
Clinical Significance
Clinical Social Work: Individual Outpatient Counseling
Clinical Study Safety Issue And Lack Of Effectiveness
Clinical Summary Score
Clinical Syndrome
Clinical Trial Participant (history)
Clinically Significant Macular Oedema
Clinician Treating Major Depressive Disorder Did Not Communicate To Clinician Treating Comorbid Condition For Specified Patient Reason (e.g., Patient Is Unable To Communicate The Diagnosis Of A Comorbid Condition; The Patient Is Unwilling To Communicate The Diagnosis Of A Comorbid Condition; Or The Patient Is Unaware Of The Comorbid Condition, Or Any Other Specified Patient Reason)
Clitoris; Hypertrophy
Clonic Epilepsy Tonic
Clonic Jerking
Clonic Movements
Clonic Seizure, Grand Mal
Clonidine Allergy Patch
Clonus Of Left Ankle
Clonus Of Limbs
Closet Gay
Clostridium Difficile Infection Recurrence
Clot In The Stomach
Club Feet, Bilateral
Clubfoot (rare, Family A)
Clue Cells Present
Clumsiness (mild)
Cms General Memory Standard Score
Cms Subtests Faces Delayed Score
Cns Disorders Nos
Co-morbid Conditions
Co-morbid Conditions Assessed (eg, Includes Assessment For Presence Or Absence Of: Malignancy, Liver Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Cerebrovascular Disease, Renal Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Diabetes, Other Co-morbid Conditions) (cap)
Coagulation Disorders, Blood
Coarse (popcorn-like) Calcification
Coarse Breath Sounds
Coarse Facial Features
Coarse Features
Coarse, Low-pitched Voice
Cocaine-induced Anxiety Disorder During Withdrawal
Coffee Consumption Recently Increased
Coffee Grounds Vomiting
Coffin-siris Syndrome
Cognition - Other
Cognition Disorders
Cognition, Learning, And Memory
Cognitive Complexity
Cognitive Decline (in Some Patients)
Cognitive Decline In Adulthood
Cognitive Decline, Rapid
Cognitive Deficit In Attention
Cognitive Delay
Cognitive Delay, Mild (1 Patient)
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Developmental Delay
Cognitive Developmental Disorders
Cognitive Flexibility
Cognitive Function Observations
Cognitive Function, Variable
Cognitive Function: Distractibility
Cognitive Functions
Cognitive Functions Current Level
Cognitive Functions Current Level Average
Cognitive Functions Decreased From Previous Evaluation
Cognitive Generalization
Cognitive Impairment Caused By Developmental Disability
Cognitive Impairment Due To Multiple Sclerosis
Cognitive Impairment, Mild To Moderate
Cognitive Impairment, Mild To Severe
Cognitive Intervention
Cognitive Learning
Cognitive Limitations
Cognitive Problems
Cognitive Regression
Cognitive Regression, Mild
Cognitive Safety Issue
Cognitive Side Effects Of Cancer Therapy
Cognitive Style
Cogwheel Rigidity
Cogwheel Rigidity (in Some Patients)
Cold Hands Feet
Cold Sore(s);mouth
Cold Symptoms
Cole Disease
Colic Abdominal
Colitis Ulcerative
Colitis; Allergic
Collaborates In Determining Treatment
Collaborative Problem-solving
Collapsing Pulse
Collection Of Donor Stem Cells For Transplantation
Collective Behavior
Coloboma Of Optic Disc
Colonic Inertia
Colonoscopy Not Completed Due To Incomplete Cleanout
Color Blindness
Color Vision Change
Color Vision Deficits (in Some Patients)
Colour Of Hair - Finding
Colton-null Phenotype
Columella, Short
Coma Drug Induced
Coma Scale, Best Verbal Response, Incomprehensible Words
Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill Failure
Combined Type Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Combining Words Into Phrases
Comfort Measures
Comments On Own Thoughts
Common Cold
Common Immunodeficiency Variable
Communicable Disease, Reemerging
Communicate With Simple, Direct, Descriptive Statements
Communicating Feelings
Communicating With - Receiving - Formal Sign Language Messages
Communication Behavior
Communication Delay
Communication Disorder, Childhood
Communication Disorder, Developmental
Communication Enhancement
Communication Impairment
Communication Impairment In Development Of Spoken Language
Communication Impairment No Verbal Language
Communication Issues
Communication Or Transmission Problem
Communication Skills Questionnaire Score
Communication With Community Resources:behavior
Communication, Other Specified
Communication, Speech And Language Finding
Communication: Expressive
Communication: Receptive
Communications, Nonverbal
Communicative Limitation
Community Development
Community Environment
Community Issues Articulated In Media
Community Programs Division Of Developmental Disabilities
Community Programs Early Intervention
Community Resources Education, Guidance And Counselling
Community Resources Medical Care
Community Risk Assessment
Community Risk Control: Chronic Disease
Compensation As A Defense Mechanism
Complaining Of Tired All The Time
Complaints; Intestine
Complement Deficiency
Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect Balanced
Complete Blockage Device
Complete Physical Examination
Complete Right Bundle Branch Block
Complete Trisomy 18 Syndrome
Complete Trisomy 8 Syndrome
Complete Trisomy 9 Syndrome
Completed Eighth Grade
Completed Fifth Grade
Completed First Grade
Completed Fourth Grade
Completed Second Grade
Completed Seventh Grade
Completed Third Grade
Completing The Daily Routine
Completion Of Linear Growth
Complex Care Needs
Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Complex Febrile Seizure
Complex Interpersonal Interactions
Complex Mannerism - Stereotype
Complex Mannerisms - Behavior
Complex Motor Behavior Such As Sleep Walking
Complex Partial Seizure Of Frontal Lobe
Complex Partial Seizure Of Temporal Lobe
Complex Partial Seizures Increased
Complex Tic
Complex/high Tech Level Care
Complexion Changes
Compliance Behaviour
Compliance Issues Discussed With Patient
Compliance With Footwear
Compliant (qualifier Value)
Complications; Rubella, Neurological (manifestation)
Components, Missing
Compound Heterozygous
Comprehension Impairment
Comprehension Language
Comprehensive Health Care
Comprehensive Medical Evaluation Visit
Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Evaluation
Comprehensive Treatment Program
Compression; Trachea
Compulsion To Act On Thoughts
Compulsive Behavior In Adolescence
Compulsive Eating
Compulsive Handwashing
Compulsive Purposeless Behavior
Computed Tomography Of Chest: Post-surgical Change Of Thoracic Arteries
Computed Tomography Of Head: Opacification Of Mastoid
Computed Tomography Of Head: Opacification Of Mastoid Obscuring Air Cells
Computer Operating System Problem
Computer Problem
Concave Nails (4th-5th Fingers And Toes)
Concentrating Difficulties
Concept Formation
Concept Status - Proposed
Concern About Appearance
Concern About Family Member(s)
Concern About The Appearance Of The Nail(s)
Concern About Tolerating The Pain
Concerned About Own Drug Use
Concerned Mood
Conclusion Of Operation Estimated Intraoperative Blood Loss
Concrete Thinking
Concussion; Syndrome
Condition Affecting The Foot
Conditioning (psychology)
Conditions Pre Existing
Conditions With Significant Muscle Hypotonia
Conduct Disorder
Conduction Disorders Of Heart
Conductive Hearing Loss, Bilateral
Conductive Hearing Loss, External Ear
Confidentiality Breach
Conflict Interpersonal
Conflict, Marital
Conflict, Psychology
Confusion Episode
Confusion Nos
Confusion Steadily Worsening
Confusional Migraine
Congenital Aortic Valve Insufficiency
Congenital Cataract, Bilateral
Congenital Central Hypoventilation
Congenital Disorders Of Glycosylation
Congenital Hip Problem
Congenital Mesh Qualifier
Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
Congenital Sucrase-isomaltase Deficiency
Congenital Ventricular Tachycardia
Congenital; Hypothyroidism
Congestion Of Nasal Sinus
Congestion Pelvic Syndrome
Congestive Heart Failure (in Some Patients)
Conjugate Deviation To Left
Conjunctivitis Nos
Conjunctivitis Viral Nos
Connective Disease Mixed Tissue
Connective Tissue Hereditary Disorder
Connective Tissues--diseases
Consanguinity (genetic Finding)
Consciousness, Clear
Consistency Stool
Consistent And Comparable Level Of Care Given Across All Settings
Consolidation Lungs
Constant (qualifier)
Constant Hunger
Constant Movement
Constantly Clearing The Throat
Constantly Crying
Constantly Crying Baby
Constantly Wiping The Nose
Constipation (in Some Patients)
Constipation Alternates With Diarrhoea
Constipation Nos
Constipation, Chronic
Constitutional Delay Of Growth And Puberty
Consultation With Neurologist
Consumption Of Food With High Level Of Specific Substance
Consumption Of Goods
Consumption Of Pickled Herring
Contacts Eye
Contacts With Similar Symptoms
Contagiosum Molluscum
Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome
Continence Independent
Continence Reassessment
Continent (qualifier Value)
Continuity Of Care Problem
Continuous Axillary Murmur Sounds Like Washing Machine
Continuous Behavioral Assessment
Continuous Leakage Of Urine
Continuous Physical Assessment
Continuous Spike-waves During Slow-wave Sleep
Contraceptive Options
Contractures (elbows, Wrists, Knees, Ankles)
Contraindications Aspect
Control (emotional)
Control Impulse
Control Of Urinary Continence
Control Of Violent Content In The Media
Controlled Medications
Controls Anxiety Response
Controls Bladder In Daytime
Controls Bowel In Daytime
Controls Restlessness
Contusion On The Right Side
Conversation Content
Conversation Content Inappropriate
Convulsion, Non-epileptic
Convulsions In Newborn
Convulsions Preceded By Unusual Smell
Convulsions Triggering Uncontrollable Laughter
Convulsions; Dissociative
Convulsions; Febrile
Convulsive Epilepsies, Generalized
Convulsive Seizures
Cooks For Himself Or Herself
Coordination Abnormal Nos
Coordination, Visual Motor
Copies A Circle
Copies A Cross
Coping Skill
Coping Support
Copper Increased
Cor Pulmonale Nos
Cord Around Neck With Compression, Complicating Labor And Delivery, Unspecified As To Episode Of Care Or Not Applicable
Cord Nuchal
Cords Prolapsed
Cornelia De Langes Syndrome
Coronal Craniosynostosis
Coronary Artery Vasospasm
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary Intervention Conclusions Successful
Coronavirus Infections
Corporeal Dissociation
Corrected Prolonged Qt Interval By Ecg Finding
Cortical And Subcortical Hyperintensities
Cortical Blindness
Cortical Malformation
Cortical Tubers
Cortical Visual Impairment (in Some Patients)
Cortisol Decreased
Cortisol Increased
Cosmetic Concerns About Prominent Ears
Cosmetic Concerns About Weak Chin
Cough Causing Awakening From Sleep
Cough Impulse Impaired
Cough Persistent
Cough Weak
Cough With Repeated Spells Every Few Minutes
Cough, Nos
Cough, Productive
Counselling For Eating Disorder
Counselling/health Education (regime/therapy)
Cpt-ii Overall Omissions T-score
Cracked Lips/dry Mouth
Cracked Nipple In Pregnancy, The Puerperium Or Lactation With Antenatal Complication
Cracking Sensation Felt In Neck
Cramping Pain In Hands
Cramps Foot
Cranial Nerve Deficits
Cranioectodermal Dysplasia 1
Craniofacial Dysostosis
Craving For Non-food Item
Craving For Particular Food
Crazy Relative
Create A Management Plan
Crest Syndrome
Crew Resource Management, Healthcare
Cri-du-chat Syndrome
Crichton Vocabulary Scale Score
Cries Easily
Cries In Response To Sound
Crisis Intervention Services
Crisis Therapy Assessment
Crisis; State
Crm - Patient Has Gone Off A Clinical Trial
Crohns Disease
Crouching Gait
Croupy Cough
Crow's Feet
Crusts Around Nose And Mouth
Crying Behavior
Crying For No Reason
Crying Jag
Crying Or Tearfulness
Crying Out
Crying Spells
Crying Steadily, Screams Or Sobs, Frequent Complaints
Crying Uncontrollable
Csu - Patient Completes A Phase Of The Clinical Trial
Ct Image Artifact
Ct Scan Of Cervical Cord: Syrinx
Ct Scan Of Thoracic Cord: Syrinx
Ctopp-2 Rapid Symbolic Naming (rsncs) Percentile
Cuff-manual Palpated Only
Culdocentesis Blood
Culdocentesis Stool
Cultural, Custom, Religious
Culture Positive
Cupid's Bow Absent
Curious Character
Curlings Ulcers
Curly Hair (finding)
Current Diet Vitamin Deficient
Current Difficulty In School With A Language
Current Difficulty With School Subjects
Current Level Of Function
Current Medications
Current Need For Futuro Wrist Brace
Current Need For Serial Casting
Current Some Day Smoker
Current Toileting Program Or Trial
Currently Deployed
Currently Deployed Flying High-performance Aircraft
Currently Excelling In Foreign Language In School
Currently Home-schooled
Currently In Fifth Grade
Currently In First Grade
Currently In First Year Of Postgraduate Studies
Currently In Fourth Grade
Currently In Private School
Currently In School Frequently Changing Schools
Currently In School Having Difficulty With Transition
Currently In School Public
Currently In Second Grade
Currently In Seventh Grade
Currently In Sixth Grade
Currently In Tenth Grade (history)
Curtain Across Vision
Curvature Of Spine
Curve, Learning
Cutting Behavior
Cutting Own Nails
Cutting Self
Cyanosis Of Oral Mucosa
Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (disorder)
Cyclothymic Disorder With Anxious Distress
Cyst Of The Spinal Arachnoid
Cyst; Bone, Aneurysmal
Cyst; Brain
Cyst; Meibomian
Cystic Changes In The Kidney
Cystic Fibrosis Nos
Cystic Fibrosis, Pulmonary
Cystic Lesion
Cystitis Infective
Cystitis; Interstitial
Cysts May Disappear On Their Own (10%)
Cysts Pituitary
Cytomegalovirus Congenital Infection
D Intakes Vitamin
D-kefs Tower Test Total Achievement Score
Daily Life Rehabilitation (& Aids - Daily Life Use)
Daily Seizures
Dandy - Walker Syndrome
Dangerous Behavior
Dangerousness Assessment Property Damage Risk
Dark Brown Hair
Dark Circles Under Eyes
Das-ii Composite Score Nonverbal Reasoning
Date And Time The Dressing
Date Of Gastrostomy Feeding Tube Removal
Date Of Last Eye Examination
Date Of Last Seizure
Date Of Nasogastric Feeding Tube Insertion
Daylight Sign Of The Toes
Days Received The Following Medication
Daytime Sleepiness
De Pointe Torsades
Dead - Death Without Witness
Dead On Arrival At Hospital (finding)
Deafness (nos)
Deafness Unilateral
Deafness, Low Frequency
Death, Unexpected
Decrease In Coordination
Decrease In Cuddling
Decrease In Fine Motor Skills
Decrease In Food Intake
Decrease In Gross Motor Skills
Decrease In Mutual Support
Decrease In Problem-solving Ability
Decrease In Quality Of Life
Decrease In Response To Stimuli
Decrease In Seizure Frequency In Middle Age
Decrease In Size Since Previous Mammogram
Decrease In Urinary Frequency
Decrease Limit Setting As Patient Behavior Approximates The Desired Behaviors
Decrease Of Fine Motor Speed
Decreased Activity Level
Decreased Amount Of Elastin
Decreased Apical Impulse
Decreased Arm Swing
Decreased Attention
Decreased Attention Span
Decreased Blinking
Decreased Body Mass Index
Decreased Bowel Sounds
Decreased Capillary Resistance
Decreased Cognition
Decreased Concentration
Decreased Environmental Stimuli
Decreased Eye Contact
Decreased Facial Expressions
Decreased Fine Motor Coordination
Decreased Frequency Of Defecation (finding)
Decreased Grip Strength
Decreased Haem-haem Interaction
Decreased Hand Grip Strength
Decreased Hdl Cholesterol Concentration
Decreased Incisal Display On Smiling
Decreased Interest In Vocational Activities
Decreased Iq (some Patients)
Decreased Ldl Cholesterol Concentration
Decreased Libido
Decreased Memory B Cells (in Some Patients)
Decreased Mental Alertness
Decreased Muscle Bulk
Decreased Nerve Conduction Velocities
Decreased Nonverbal Iq
Decreased Pain Sensitivity
Decreased Palmar Creases
Decreased Rapid Automatized Naming (ran) Speed
Decreased Reading Comprehension
Decreased Reticulocyte Count
Decreased School Achievement
Decreased Serum C3 (atypical Hus)
Decreased Size, Nos
Decreased Sodium
Decreased Speech
Decreased Stool Calibre
Decreased Testosterone (in Some Patients)
Decreased Urine Output
Decreased Visual Field Sensitivity (in Some Patients)
Decreased Weight
Decreased White Matter
Decreased White Matter Volume
Decreases Environmental Stimuli When Anxious
Deep Breathing
Deep Tendon Reflexes Absent
Deep Vein Thrombosis Of Lower Limb
Deep Voice
Defaecation Straining
Defects In Fine Motor Skills
Defensive Behavior
Defiant Disorder, Oppositional
Deficiencies Immunoglobulin
Deficiencies Micronutrient
Deficiencies Of Nonverbal Communication Skills
Deficiencies, Protein C
Deficiency Mineral
Deficiency Of Butyryl-coa Dehydrogenase
Deficiency Of Folic Acid
Deficiency Of Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Deficiency Syndrome, Immunologic
Deficiency Syndromes, Antibody
Deficiency Thiamine
Deficiency, Vitamin
Deficiency; Alpha-1-antitrypsin
Deficient Knowledge
Deficient Knowledge Of Behaviour Change Process
Deficit Behavior
Deficit Disorders, Attention
Deficit In Basic Reading
Deficit In Expressive Language
Deficit In Phonologic Short-term Memory
Deficits Sensory
Deficits, Neurologic
Degeneration; Hepatolenticular
Degeneration;subacute Combined
Degenerative Disorder
Degenerative Polyarthritis
Deglutition Disorders
Dehiscence Of Laceration
Dehydration &or Fluid Maintenance Trigger
Delay Language
Delay Myelination
Delay, Speech
Delayed Ability To Walk
Delayed Central Sensory Evoked Potentials
Delayed Cognitive Development (in Some Patients)
Delayed Cognitive Development/learning Disabilities (93%)
Delayed Delivery Of Second Of Multiple Births
Delayed Development (in Some)
Delayed Developmental Milestones
Delayed Developmental Milestones Fine Motor
Delayed Developmental Milestones Language
Delayed Developmental Milestones Language Late Talker
Delayed Developmental Milestones Motor Skills
Delayed Developmental Milestones Social
Delayed Developmental Speech Milestones
Delayed Discharge - Social Services
Delayed Fine Motor Development
Delayed Growth Development
Delayed Milestone In Childhood
Delayed Motor Development, Mild
Delayed Motor Milestones (in Some)
Delayed Myelination (patient A)
Delayed Myelination, Mild
Delayed Onset Of Sleep
Delayed Pre-verbal Development
Delayed Psychomotor Development, Moderate To Severe
Delayed Puberty Nec
Delayed Sleep-phase Syndromes
Delayed Speech (in Some Patients)
Delayed Speech And Language Development
Delayed Toilet Training
Delays Language Receptive
Deletions Occur De Novo
Delinquent Behavior
Delirium Due To A General Medical Condition
Delirium Nos
Delivered By Low Forceps Delivery
Delivery By Cesarean Section Primary Elective
Delivery By Emergency Caesarean Section
Delusion Of Unworthiness
Demanding Behaviour
Dementia Severity Classified, Mild (dem)
Dementia Subacute
Dementia, With Aggressive Behavior
Demonstrated Behavior Eccentric Odd Speech
Demonstrated Behavior Head Turning
Demonstrated Behavior Mannerisms Pulling Out Hair
Demonstrated Behavior Multiple Patterns
Demonstrated Behavior Picking
Demonstrated Behavior Stereotypy (automatic Behavior)
Demonstrated Behavior Stereotypy Clapping
Demonstrated Behavior Stereotypy Odd Body Postures
Demonstrated Behavior Stereotypy Odd Hand Movements
Demonstrated Behavior Stereotypy Toe-walking
Demonstrates Decreased Level Of Effort
Denial Of Any Significant Medical History
Dental Caries, Nos
Dental Caries, Severe
Dental Problem Multiple
Dentin Sensitivity
Dentition Poor
Dependence On Supplemental Oxygen (treatment)
Dependence Substances
Dependence, Heroin
Dependent On Others
Depressed Mood With Postpartum Onset
Depressed, But Unlike Previous Grieving For A Death Or Loss
Depression Accompanied By Eating Less
Depression Accompanied By Persistent Worry
Depression And Suicide
Depression Clinical
Depression Features Psychotic
Depression In Adolescence
Depression More In Evening
Depression Preceded By High Activity Level
Depression Score
Depression Suicidal
Depression Worse In Morning
Depression; Severe
Depressive Conduct Disorder
Depressive Disorders, Treatment-resistant
Depressive Position Relationship
Depressive Symptoms
Deprivation Amblyopia Of Left Eye
Deprivation Amblyopia, Right Eye
Deprivation, Sleep
Derangement Of Joint
Dermatitis Contact
Describes A Recent Experience
Describes Long-term Plan
Describes Precipitating Seizure Factors
Destruction (action)
Destructive Behavior
Destructive Behavior Toward Others
Destructive Behaviour Toward Property
Detachment Of Retina Of Right Eye
Detailed Recall Of Dream
Details Telephone In The Home
Deteriorated-receives More Support
Deteriorating Vision
Deterioration In School Performance
Deterioration Of Lung Function
Determination, Blood Pressure
Determine The Motive, Reason, Or Underlying Dynamics For The Behaviors
Detrusor Hyperactivity With Impaired Bladder Contractility
Develop A Behavior Change Program
Developing A Treatment Plan
Development Of Home Medication Compliance Regimen
Development; Delayed, Intellectual (specific)
Development; Test
Developmental (qualifier Value)
Developmental Academic Disability
Developmental Arithmetic Disorder
Developmental Articulation Disorder
Developmental Coordination Disorders
Developmental Crisis Experienced By Support Person
Developmental Delay (& [learning] Or [specific])
Developmental Delay (disorder)
Developmental Delay (in Some)
Developmental Delay (mild-severe)
Developmental Delay Apparent In Infancy
Developmental Delay In Feeding
Developmental Delay In Receptive-expressive Language
Developmental Delay In Social Skills
Developmental Delay Or Regression
Developmental Delay Prevention Activities, Dependent Child Of Client, Per 15 Minutes
Developmental Delay, Global
Developmental Delay, Mild
Developmental Delay, Mild (in Some Patients)
Developmental Delay, Mild To Moderate
Developmental Delay, Progressive
Developmental Delay, Significant
Developmental Deterioration (in Some Patients)
Developmental Differences
Developmental Disorder Of Speech And Language, Unspecified
Developmental Disorder; Language, Expressive
Developmental Disorder; Motor Coordination Or Function
Developmental Expressive Writing Disorder
Developmental Language Comprehension Impairment
Developmental Reading Disorders
Developmental Regression
Developmental Regression (family A)
Developmental Regression (in Some Patients)
Developmental Regression After Seizure Onset
Developmental Regression In Infancy
Developmental Regression, Severe
Developmental Symptoms
Developmental Syntactic Impairment
Developmentally Impaired
Developmentally Inappropriate Interests
Developments, Language
Develops An Action Plan
Develops Close Friendships
Develops Effective Strategies To Reduce Sexually Transmitted Disease Exposure
Deviated Nasal Septum
Deviation Of Maxilla, Slight (rare)
Device Ambient Noise Problem
Device Damaged By Another Device
Device Handling Problem
Device Imprecision
Device Slipped
Device Use Issue
Diabetes Diagnosed Newly
Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes Medication Review
Diabetes Mellitus Develops In Adolescence
Diabetes Mellitus Due To Underlying Condition With Neurological Complications
Diabetes Mellitus Nos
Diabetes Mellitus Poorly Controlled
Diabetes Mellitus, Non Insulin Dependent
Diabetes With Ketoacidosis, Type Ii Or Unspecified Type, Uncontrolled
Diabetes, Gestational
Diabetes-deafness Syndrome Maternally Transmitted (disorder)
Diabetic Nephropathies
Diabetic Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemia
Diabetic Teaching
Diagnosis Psychiatric
Diaper Candidiasis
Diarrhea (in Some Patients)
Diarrhea Chronic
Diarrhea, Intermittent
Diarrheal Illness Within Last 2 Wks, Hx
Diarrhoea Nos
Did Not Receive Therapy Or Drug For
Diet Bland
Diet Unbalanced
Diet Vegan
Diet, Gluten Free
Dietary Fiber Intake
Dietary Habits
Dietary Indiscretion
Dietary Regime Management
Difficult (qualifier Value)
Difficult To Manage Behavior
Difficult; Spelling, With Reading Disorder
Difficulties In Fine Movement Of The Hands
Difficulties Walking
Difficulties With Fine Motor Skills And Coordination
Difficulties With Light Adaptation
Difficulty Accessing Support
Difficulty Adhering To Rules And Boundaries
Difficulty Articulating Words
Difficulty Awakening In The Morning
Difficulty Balancing
Difficulty Bending To Reach Feet
Difficulty Blinking On Both Sides
Difficulty Blinking On Right Side
Difficulty Breathing Changes With Position
Difficulty Brushing Teeth
Difficulty Catching
Difficulty Chewing
Difficulty Cleaning Food Preparation Area
Difficulty Closing Eye
Difficulty Communicating
Difficulty Communicating Feelings
Difficulty Communicating In Different Places
Difficulty Communicating Needs And Wishes
Difficulty Communicating Thoughts
Difficulty Completing Required Tasks
Difficulty Complying With Treatment
Difficulty Comprehending Communication
Difficulty Comprehending Concept Of Danger
Difficulty Comprehending Language
Difficulty Comprehending Written Material
Difficulty Constructing Things
Difficulty Controlling Aggression
Difficulty Controlling Anger
Difficulty Controlling Behaviour
Difficulty Controlling Emotions
Difficulty Controlling Posture
Difficulty Coping With Postpartum Changes
Difficulty Crossing The Road
Difficulty Depressing Soft Palate
Difficulty Differentiating Colors
Difficulty Directing Attention
Difficulty Doing Ironing
Difficulty Dressing
Difficulty Driving A Car
Difficulty Eat Certain Food
Difficulty Eating
Difficulty Elevating Soft Palate
Difficulty Engaging In A Hobby
Difficulty Expectorating
Difficulty Expressing Formulated Concepts
Difficulty Expressing Intimacy
Difficulty Expressing Self
Difficulty Feeding
Difficulty Feeding Self
Difficulty Feeding Solid Foods
Difficulty Filling Bath
Difficulty Finding Desired Words
Difficulty Following Instructions
Difficulty Following Recipe
Difficulty Forming Sentences
Difficulty Getting Going In Morning
Difficulty Getting In Bath
Difficulty Getting Into Shower
Difficulty Getting Off Toilet
Difficulty Getting Out Of Shower
Difficulty Getting Up After Drinking
Difficulty Greeting
Difficulty Gripping
Difficulty Hearing In Noise
Difficulty Hearing Speech In Large Group Settings
Difficulty Hearing With Background Noise
Difficulty Hitting
Difficulty Holding Drinks
Difficulty Identifying Colors
Difficulty Imitating Forms Of Communication
Difficulty Imitating Gesture
Difficulty Imitating Vocalisation
Difficulty In Ability To Defaecate
Difficulty In Daily Functioning
Difficulty In Establishing Contact With Others
Difficulty In Opening Mouth
Difficulty In Planning
Difficulty In Selective Attending
Difficulty In Stopping Walking
Difficulty In Thinking Independently
Difficulty In Toe Walking
Difficulty In Use Of Facial Expressions
Difficulty Inferring Meaning
Difficulty Initiating Conversation
Difficulty Initiating Spontaneous Play
Difficulty Interpreting Or Responding To Verbal/nonverbal Communication
Difficulty Joining In Conversation
Difficulty Learning
Difficulty Level (test)
Difficulty Maintaining A Position
Difficulty Maintaining A Standing Position
Difficulty Maintaining Adequate Housing
Difficulty Maintaining Conversation
Difficulty Maintaining Employment
Difficulty Maintaining Relationships
Difficulty Maintaining Sleep State
Difficulty Maintaining Standard Of Personal Hygiene
Difficulty Maintaining Weight Loss
Difficulty Making Conversation
Difficulty Making Decisions
Difficulty Making Speech Sounds
Difficulty Managing Medication
Difficulty Managing Menstrual Hygiene
Difficulty Managing Stress
Difficulty Managing Time
Difficulty Manipulating Objects
Difficulty Moving
Difficulty Moving Hand
Difficulty Moving Within A Position
Difficulty Negotiating Obstacles
Difficulty Obtaining Food
Difficulty Of Action
Difficulty Organizing A Journey
Difficulty Organizing Information
Difficulty Organizing Tasks
Difficulty Overcoming Separateness
Difficulty Passing Urine
Difficulty Performing Breast-feeding
Difficulty Performing Copying Activities
Difficulty Performing Creative Activity
Difficulty Performing Do-it-yourself Activities
Difficulty Performing Drawing Activities
Difficulty Performing Hand Functions
Difficulty Performing Logical Sequencing
Difficulty Performing Normal Routines
Difficulty Performing Oral Motor Functions
Difficulty Performing Required Tasks
Difficulty Picking Up Objects
Difficulty Placing For Articulation
Difficulty Playing
Difficulty Preventing Undesirable Behavior
Difficulty Processing Information
Difficulty Processing Information At Normal Speed
Difficulty Producing Appropriate Voice Volume
Difficulty Producing Voice
Difficulty Projecting Bolus Of Food Into Pharynx
Difficulty Providing Cognitive Learning Experiences And Activities
Difficulty Providing Physical Care/safety
Difficulty Putting On Prosthesis
Difficulty Reading
Difficulty Reading English
Difficulty Responding To Communication By Others
Difficulty Rolling Over
Difficulty Rolling Over In Bed
Difficulty Running Or Inability To Run
Difficulty Seeing In Bright Light
Difficulty Seeing Small Print
Difficulty Self Monitoring Disease
Difficulty Setting Meal Table
Difficulty Showering Self
Difficulty Sitting Up
Difficulty Sleeping
Difficulty Solving Problems
Difficulty Speaking
Difficulty Spitting
Difficulty Standing Up
Difficulty Staying On Tasks
Difficulty Sucking
Difficulty Swallowing During Pharyngeal Phase
Difficulty Swallowing Hard Dry Foods
Difficulty Swallowing Liquids More Than Solids
Difficulty Swallowing Mixed Texture Foods
Difficulty Swallowing Solids
Difficulty Swallowing Thin Liquids
Difficulty Swallowing Very Hot Or Cold Foods
Difficulty Taking Turns In Conversation
Difficulty Talking
Difficulty Telling The Time
Difficulty Thinking
Difficulty Throwing
Difficulty Turning
Difficulty Turning On Mains Electricity Supply
Difficulty Tying Shoe Laces
Difficulty Understanding Community Service Provider Role
Difficulty Understanding More Than Three Word Instructions
Difficulty Understanding Native Language
Difficulty Understanding Own Emotions
Difficulty Understanding Roles/regulations Of Service Providers
Difficulty Understanding Single Word Instructions
Difficulty Understanding Speech
Difficulty Understanding Two Word Instructions
Difficulty Understanding Verbal Language
Difficulty Using Blended Sounds
Difficulty Using Body Language
Difficulty Using Contact Lenses
Difficulty Using Cooking Utensils
Difficulty Using Correct Manner Of Articulation
Difficulty Using Decision Making Strategies
Difficulty Using Different Forms Of Conversation
Difficulty Using Escalator
Difficulty Using Financial Account
Difficulty Using Language
Difficulty Using Mathematical Symbols
Difficulty Using Non-verbal Communication
Difficulty Using Palmar Grip
Difficulty Using Pragmatics In Communication
Difficulty Using Public Transport
Difficulty Using Scissor Grip
Difficulty Using Self-expression
Difficulty Using The Elements Of Language
Difficulty Using Toilet
Difficulty Using Verbal Reason
Difficulty Using Words
Difficulty Verbalizing
Difficulty Waiting Turn
Difficulty Walking On Heels
Difficulty Walking Up Stairs
Difficulty Washing Own Hair
Difficulty Washing Self
Difficulty Weaning
Difficulty Weight-bearing
Difficulty Winding Up Watch
Difficulty With Abstract Arithmetic Processes
Difficulty With Auditory Comprehension
Difficulty With Buttons/zippers
Difficulty With Contact Lenses
Difficulty With Family In-laws
Difficulty With Fine Manipulative Tasks
Difficulty With Hand Grip
Difficulty With Life-cycle Transition
Difficulty With Money Management
Difficulty With Sequential Math Steps
Difficulty With Sexual Behavior
Difficulty With Spoken Grammar
Difficulty With Tasks That Require Sustained Cognitive Effort
Difficulty With Toileting Activities
Difficulty With Writing And Drawing
Difficulty Wringing Out A Cloth
Difficulty/inability To Chew/swallow/digest
Diffuse Abdominal Tenderness
Diffuse Background Slowing In Interictal Period Seen On Eeg
Diffuse Cerebellar Atrophy
Diffuse Encephalopathy
Diffuse Hyperintense Signal Abnormalities In The White Matter (in Children)
Diffuse Hypotonia
Diffuse Lewy Bodies Throughout The Brain (cortical And Subcortical Regions)
Diffuse Paroxysmal Discharges
Diffuse Slowing Of Background
Diffuse White Matter Dysmyelination
Dilatation Of The Lateral And Third Ventricles
Dilatation; Rectum
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dilated Macular Exam Performed, Including Documentation Of The Presence Or Absence Of Macular Thickening Or Hemorrhage And The Level Of Macular Degeneration Severity (ec)
Dilated Ventricles (finding)
Dilation Of Lateral Ventricles
Diminished Ability To Learn
Diminished Separation Anxiety
Diminished Sweating
Diplegia, Nos
Diplopia Far Vision Chronic
Direct Re-visualization Of Tube In Place
Disabilities, Developmental
Disability - Slight
Disability Intellectual
Disability Learning To Spell
Disability Severe
Disaccharidase; Deficiency
Discharge By General Pathologist
Discharge Medications
Discharge Medications Reconciled With The Current Medication List In Outpatient Medical Record (coa) (ger)
Discharge Plan Conference Subject Outpatient Referral
Discharge Readiness: Independent Living
Discharge Weight (___)grams
Discharges Mid Temporal Rhythmic
Discomfort Epigastric
Discomfort In Social Situations
Discomfort Neck
Discrepancy (finding)
Discrepancy Between Verbal And Nonverbal Abilities
Discuss Age-appropriate Behavior Management Strategies
Discuss Evaluation Results Privately
Discuss The Treatment Plan
Discussed Concerns About Dental Hygiene
Discussed Concerns About Depression
Discussed Concerns About Increasing Independence
Discussed Concerns About Nightmares
Discussed Concerns About Preparation For New Sibling
Discussed Concerns About Separation Anxiety
Discussed Concerns About Stranger Anxiety
Discussed Concerns About Temper Tantrums
Discussed Growth Spurt
Discussed Interactive Games
Discussed Maintaining Healthy Weight
Discussed Picture Books
Discussed Poor Precaution Awareness
Discussed Push / Pull Toys
Discussed Sleeping Position
Disease Condition Determination, Fairly Well Controlled
Disease Glycogen I Storage Type
Disease Legg-calve-perthes
Disease Of Immune System, Nos
Disease Of Mucous Membrane
Disease Suspected
Disease, Autoimmune
Disease, Gaucher's
Disease, Hirschsprung's
Disease, Nos
Disease, Polycystic Kidney
Disease, Virus
Disease;peripheral Vascular
Diseases Drugs Inducing Liver
Diseases Graves
Diseases Leighs
Diseases Of The Ear And Mastoid Process (h60-h95)
Diseases Of The Lung
Diseases Prion
Diseases Tay Sachs
Diseases, Communicable
Diseases, Endocrine System
Diseases, Hereditary
Diseases, Hyaline Membrane
Diseases, Infectious Skin
Diseases, Spinal
Disinhibited Behaviour
Disintegrative Psychosis, Current Or Active State
Disorder Cerebrovascular
Disorder Characterized By Fever
Disorder Dysphoric Premenstrual
Disorder Intervertebral Disc
Disorder Mental
Disorder Of Carnitine Metabolism, Unspecified
Disorder Of Cerebral Cortex
Disorder Of Mitochondrial Metabolism
Disorder Of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complexes
Disorder Of Nervous System Due To West Nile Virus
Disorder Of Porphyrin Metabolism, Nos
Disorder Of Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue
Disorder Of Small Intestine
Disorder Of Speech And Language Development
Disorder Of The Genitourinary System
Disorder Oppositional
Disorder Paranoid Personality
Disorder Primary Sleep
Disorder Social
Disorder Speech Language
Disorder, Compulsive Personality
Disorder, Depressive
Disorder, Language Development
Disorder, Migraine
Disorder, Specific Language
Disorder; Identity, Dissociative
Disorder; Impulse
Disorder; Intermittent Explosive
Disorder; Manic
Disorder; Mild Cognitive
Disorder; Mixed, Anxiety And Depressive
Disorder; Mixed, Language, Receptive And Expressive
Disorder; Pervasive
Disorder; Psychotic
Disordered Thinking
Disorders Feeding
Disorders Language
Disorders Phonological
Disorders, Attention Deficit-hyperactivity
Disorders, Borderline Personality
Disorders, Cyclothymic
Disorganised Thinking
Disorganized Infant Response To Environment
Disorganized Slow Background Activity Seen On Eeg
Disorganized Speech
Disorientation Fluctuates
Disorientation Steadily Worsening
Disorientation, Nos
Dispensing Medication Management
Display Difficult To Read
Display Interest In The Patient
Displays Of Aggression
Disregard For Client's Needs
Disrupted Sleep
Disruption In Caregiver Routines
Disruption Of Routine
Disruption Of The M-line
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Disruptive Vocalisation
Disruptive, Impulse-control, And Conduct Disorder
Dissatisfaction/difficulty With Responsibilities
Dissecans, Osteochondritis
Dissection Of Vertebral Artery
Dissocial Character
Dissociated Vertical Deviations
Dissociative State
Distal Amyotrophy
Distal Paresis Weaker Than Proximal
Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy
Distention Gastric
Distinguishes Fantasy From Reality
Distress About Separation From Faith Community
Distress About The Deceased Person
Distress Syndrome; Respiratory, Adult
Distress Vocalization
Distressed By Loud Noise
Distressed Respiratory
Disturbance In Affect (finding)
Disturbance In Family Dynamics
Disturbance In Mood
Disturbance Of Anxiety And Fearfulness In Childhood And Adolescence
Disturbance Of Attention
Disturbances Metabolic
Disturbances, Voice
Divided Attention
Divorced State
Dizziness Chronic
Document Current Or Previously Utilized Resources
Document Response To Analgesic And Any Untoward Effects
Document Weight Weekly
Documentation That Prophylactic Antibiotics Were Given Within 4 Hours Prior To Surgical Incision Or Intraoperatively
Does Accept Base Of Support
Does Articulate Clearly
Does Blow Own Nose
Does Communicate Intentions
Does Communicate With Different People
Does Crouch
Does Direct Attention (finding)
Does Drink From A Bottle (finding)
Does Drink From A Feeder Cup
Does Drive A Car
Does Eat Certain Food
Does Feed Self
Does Find Words
Does Finger Feed
Does Flush Toilet
Does Get Out Of A Chair
Does Greet
Does Hit (finding)
Does Initiate Words
Does Kick Legs
Does Make A Fist
Does Not Enjoy Having Sex
Does Open And Close Mouth
Does Organize A Journey
Does Participate In Leisure Activities
Does Produce Appropriate Pitch
Does Produce Appropriate Voice Volume
Does Pull
Does Ride A Motorbike
Does Screw On A Lid
Does Shuffle (finding)
Does Skip
Does Squat (finding)
Does Suckle
Does Swallow Saliva
Does Throw
Does Throw Objects
Does Turn (finding)
Does Turn Head (finding)
Does Turn Taps On
Does Use Respiratory Support For Speech
Does Use Spoon To Feed Self
Does Walk Heel To Toe
Does Walk On The Flat
Does Walk Up Step
Does Wring Out A Cloth
Doll's Head Reflex
Dominant Alpha Activity
Dominant Theta Activity
Donor Organ Tissue Preparation Issue
Donovanosis - Non-genital Lesion
Doorbell Sign
Dopa-responsive Dystonia
Dose Adjustment
Double Incontinence
Downing Syndrome
Downward Slanting Palpebral Fissures
Dragging Leg (finding)
Drain In The Papilla Major
Drainage Of An Abscess - Consent Type
Dramatic Improvement With Proper Treatment
Drastic Upset
Draws A Circle
Dream, Day
Dream-like State
Dresses Self (child Development)
Drinking; Excessive
Drinks At Other People's Homes
Drinks With Work Colleagues
Driven Mad
Driving Behavior
Drooling (in Some Patients)
Drooping Left Eyelid
Dropped Beat Pulse
Dropped Head Syndrome
Dropped Out Of School
Drug - Alcohol Problem
Drug Administration Rate Too Slow
Drug Administration, Inhalation
Drug Declined By Patient
Drug Discontinued - Patient Fear/risk
Drug Dose Titration Not Performed
Drug Induced Behavior
Drug Ineffective During Ongoing Dose Titration
Drug Monitors
Drug Overdose - Suicide
Drug Prescription (procedure)
Drug Regimen Review
Drug Related Visual Impairment
Drug Screen False Positive
Drug Trafficking
Drug Withdrawal Syndrome, Nos
Drug-induced Extrapyramidal Side Effects
Drug-induced Gastrointestinal Disturbance
Drug-induced Hyperprolactinemia
Drug-related Behavioral Problem
Drug-specific Antibodies
Drugs Not Issued
Dry Cough
Dry Mucous Membranes
Dryness (characteristic)
Dual Diagnosis Psychiatry
Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry Scan
Duane Syndrome Retraction
Duodenitis Nos
Duration Of Formal Education
Duration Of Seizure
Dwarfism Pituitary
Dying Patient
Dynamic Extension Test Response (observable Entity)
Dynamics, Family
Dysarthria (in Some Patients)
Dysarthria (mild)
Dysarthria (most Common Presenting Symptom)
Dysarthrias, Guttural
Dysarthrias, Spastic
Dysarthric Speech Or Dysfluency (in Some Patients)
Dysfunction Sexual
Dysfunction Syndrome, Hypothalamic
Dysfunction, Erectile
Dysfunction; Cerebral
Dysfunctional Behaviors, Psychology
Dysfunctional Grieving
Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response
Dysfunctions, Neurologic
Dysfunctions, Symphysis Pubis
Dyskinesia (in Some Patients)
Dyskinesia, Tardive
Dyskinesias, Oral
Dysmetria (in Some Patients)
Dysmetria, Mild
Dysmetrias, Cerebellar
Dysmorphic Facial Features Are Subtle
Dysmorphic Facial Features, Mild (in Some Patients)
Dysmorphic Facies
Dysmorphic Features (in Some Patients)
Dysostoses, Mandibulofacial
Dysphagia, Esophageal
Dysphonia Of Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome
Dysphonia, Spastic
Dysphoria - Irritable Impatient
Dyspnea Nos
Dyspnea With Exertion
Dysthymic Disorders
Dystonia (in Some Patients)
Dystonia 18 (disorder)
Dystonia Disorder
Dystonia, Progressive
Dystonic Foot Posturing
Dystonic Posturing
Dystonic Posturing (in Some Patients)
Dystonic Posturing Of The Hands
Dystonic Reaction Acute
Dystonic Reactions
Dystrophia Unguium
Dystrophies, Myotonic
Dystrophy (muscular)
Dysuria Chronic
Ear External Infections
Ear Infection Recurrent
Ear; Discharge
Earache In Left Ear
Earache, Right Ear
Early Childhood Developmental Disability
Early Congenital Syphilis With Symptoms
Early Death In The First Few Weeks Of Life
Early Foetal Heart Deceleration
Early Heel Rise During Swing Phase Of Gait
Early Onset Schizophrenia
Early Rejection Of Transplanted Liver
Early Retirement
Early-onset Obesity
Early-onset Seizures
Early-onset Severe Obesity
Easily Distracted
Easily Fatigued
Easily Frustrated
Easily Upset
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status Worsened
Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitides
Easy Bleeding
Easy Bruising (in Some Patients)
Easy Fatigue
Easy Temperament
Eating A Meal
Eating Behaviour And Appetite
Eating Disorder Symptom
Eating Disorders In Adolescence
Eating Large Mouthfuls Of Food
Eating Out Of Iron Pots
Eating Problems
Eating Routine
Eats In Restaurants
Eccentric Behaviour
Ecchymosis Of Skin
Ecchymosis On The Abdomen: Ruq
Ecg Abnormalities Non-specific
Ecg Nonspecific St-t Change
Echocardiogram For Post Pericardiocentesis Follow-up
Echocardiography: Ostium Secundum Defect Of Atrial Septum
Echocardiography: Pulmonary Valve A-dip
Echocardiography: Right Ventricle Trabeculation Prominent
Echocardiography: Thickening Of Anterior Leaflet Of Mitral Valve
Echogenic Kidneys
Economic And Housing Issues
Economic Problem
Ectopic Junctional Tachycardia
Ectopic Ureter
Eculizumab, Poor Response To
Eczema (in Some Patients)
Eczema Asteatotic
Eczema Chronic
Eczema, Nos
Eczema, Severe
Edema Reoccurs With Infections
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Declined
Education Risk Assessment: Completes School Work
Education Risk Assessment: Reading And Doing Math At Grade Level
Education, Early Intervention
Eeg Artefact - Patient Movement
Eeg Central Sharp Waves
Eeg Findings
Eeg Parietal Sharp Waves
Eeg Pattern Of Uncertain Significance
Eeg Shows 3-4-hz Spike Waves
Eeg Shows Centrotemporal Spike-wave Discharges
Eeg Shows Epileptiform Activity
Eeg Shows Generalized Polyspike And Wave Discharges (4-6 Hz)
Eeg Shows Rolandic Sharp Waves And Spikes
Eeg Shows Spike And Wave Or Polyspike And Wave Discharges
Eeg Shows Suppression With Ictal Burst Activities
Eeg With Focal Sharp Slow Waves
Eeg With Frontal Sharp Slow Waves
Eeg With Frontal Sharp Waves
Eeg With Generalized Polyspikes
Eeg With Occipital Sharp Slow Waves
Eeg With Occipital Sharp Waves
Eeg With Spike-wave Complexes
Eeg With Temporal Sharp Slow Waves
Eeg With Temporal Sharp Waves
Effective Communication
Effective Use Of Conflict Management Strategies
Effects Of An Artificial Limb
Effects Of; Unwanted
Effects, Cohort
Efficacy Lack
Efficacy Of All Medication Checked
Effusion (l) Knee
Ego-dystonic Homosexuality
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers-danlos Syndrome, Type 3 (disorder)
Ejection Murmurs Systolic
Ekg Change New
Ekg: T Wave Abnormal
Elbow Flexion
Elective Hospital Admission With Complete Pre-admission Workup
Electrocardiogram Abnormal
Electrocardiogram Poor R-wave Progression
Electrocardiogram Qt Borderline Prolonged
Electrocardiogram Unchanged Compared To Prior Study
Electrocardiogram: Inverted T Waves In Lead Iii
Electrocardiogram: Inverted T Waves In Lead V3r
Electroencephalogram Asleep Generalized Slow Waves High Amplitude
Electroencephalogram Asleep Generalized Slow Waves Moderate Amplitude
Electroencephalogram Awake Beta Activities Bifrontal Distribution
Electroencephalogram Awake Beta Activities Excessively Fast
Electroencephalogram Awake Generalized Slow Activities Bifrontal Distribution
Electroencephalogram Awake Generalized Slow Activities Bioccipital Distribution
Electroencephalogram Awake Generalized Slow Activities Bitemporal Distribution
Electroencephalogram Awake Generalized Slow Activities Theta
Electroencephalogram Central Sharp Waves Bilaterally
Electroencephalogram Drowsy Beta Activity Increased
Electroencephalogram Frontal Rhythmic Slowing On Left
Electroencephalogram Frontal Rhythmic Slowing On Right
Electroencephalogram Frontal Sharp Waves Bilaterally
Electroencephalogram Frontal Spikes
Electroencephalogram Frontal Spikes Bilaterally
Electroencephalogram Frontal Spikes On Left
Electroencephalogram Frontal Spikes On Right
Electroencephalogram Generalized Rhythmic Slowing
Electroencephalogram Generalized Sharp Waves
Electroencephalogram Generalized Spike And Slow Waves
Electroencephalogram Intermittent Rhythmic Slowing
Electroencephalogram Occipital Spikes
Electroencephalogram Polyspike And Wave Pattern
Electroencephalogram Rhythmic Slowing
Electroencephalogram Sharp Waves Bilaterally
Electroencephalogram Slowing
Electroencephalogram Slowing Of Theta Waves (4-7 Hz)
Electroencephalogram Spike Activity
Electroencephalogram Spike And Slow Wave Activity Of Frontal Region
Electroencephalogram Temporal Sharp Waves On Right
Electroencephalogram Temporal Spikes On Left
Electroencephalographic Variant Pattern 1 (disorder)
Electrolytes Normal
Elevated Androgen Metabolite Excretion Level
Elevated Baseline 17-hydroxypregnenolone Levels
Elevated Blood Glucose Level
Elevated Blood Pressure Measurement
Elevated Body Mass Index
Elevated C-reactive Protein
Elevated Creatinine Kinase
Elevated Fasting Glucose
Elevated Hba1c Glycated Hemoglobin
Elevated Heart Rate
Elevated Lactate Level
Elevated Prepubertal Levels Of Testosterone
Elevated Pulse/respirations/blood Pressure
Elevated Random Blood Glucose Level
Elevated Sweat Chloride (some)
Elevated Systolic Blood Pressure
Elevated Testosterone
Elevated Transaminases (in Two Sisters)
Elevation Of Both Systolic And Diastolic Blood Pressures
Eligible Clinician Attests To Documenting In The Medical Record The Patient Is Not Eligible For A Current List Of Medications Being Obtained, Updated, Or Reviewed By The Eligible Clinician
Emanuel Syndrome
Emergence Delirium
Emergencies Psychiatric
Emg: Neuropathic Changes
Emotional Adjustment
Emotional Crisis
Emotional Dysfunction
Emotional Impulsivity
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Lability (in Some)
Emotional Learning
Emotional Maturity
Emotional Needs
Emotional Outbursts
Emotional Problem
Emotional Problems Or Concerns
Emotional Regulation
Emotional Response
Emotional Self-management
Emotional Stability Behavior
Emotional State
Emotional Support
Emotional Support By Nurse
Emotional Support From Primary Care Provider
Emotional Support From Significant Other
Emotional Support From Social Worker
Emotional Support From Therapist
Emotional Support Management
Emotional Sweating Affecting Palms And Soles
Emotional Upset
Emotional Withdrawal
Emotional: [problem] Or [upset]
Emotional; Disorder, Childhood, With Anxiety And Fearfulness
Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, Impulsive Type
Emphasis On Remaining Strengths
Empiric Treatment
Employment, Precarious
Empty Calorie Servings
Empyema, Subdural
En(a-) Phenotype
Enamel Defect
Encephalitides, Anti-n-methyl-d-aspartate Receptor
Encephalitis, Nos
Encephalopathy, Disorder Of The Brain
Encephalopathy, Nos
Encopresis (finding)
Encopresis Without Constipation And Without Overflow Incontinence
Encounter Due To Dependence On Supplemental Oxygen
Encounter Due To Dependence On Wheelchair
Encounter Due To High-risk Sexual Behavior
Encounter Due To In Vitro Fertilization
Encounter Due To Lack Of Adequate Sleep
Encounter Due To Mental And Behavioral Problems
Encounter Due To Need For Continuous Supervision
Encounter Due To Other Behavioral Problems
Encounter Due To Other Specified Antenatal Screening
Encounter Due To Problem Related To Primary Support Group, Unspecified
Encounter Due To Prophylactic Surgery, Unspecified
Encounter Due To Ritual Circumcision In Snomedct
Encounter Due To Screening For Thyroid Disorder
Encounter Due To Sensory Problem Of Head
Encounter Due To Trypanosomiasis Screening
Encounter Due To Unspecified General Medical Examination
Encounter For Fitting And Adjustment Of Gastric Lap Band
Encounter For Hearing Examination Following Failed Hearing Screening
Encounter For Issue Of Other Medical Certificate
Encounter For Issue Of Repeat Prescription
Encounter For Therapeutic Drug Level Monitoring
Encourage The Patient To Evaluate Own Behavior
End Stage Renal Failure Untreated By Renal Replacement Therapy
End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Concentration
End-tidal Co2 Increased
Endometriosis Nos
Endometriosis, Cul-de-sac
Enema Administration Assessment
Energy Level
Engage In Lots Of New Things
Engaged To Be Married
Engages In Creative Play
Enjoy My Work More
Enlarged Cerebral Perivascular Spaces
Enlarged Fourth Ventricle, Mild
Enlarged Kidneys
Enlarged Lateral And Third Ventricles
Enlarged Posterior Horns Of The Lateral Ventricles
Enlarged Ventricles (in Some)
Enlargement Of Tonsils Or Adenoids
Ensure Accurate Timing With Testing That Requires Prescribed Times
Ensuring Appropriate Pharmacotherapy
Ent Examination
Ent Surgical Result Airway Quality Of Sleep Worsened
Ent Surgical Result Ear Vertigo Worsened
Ent Surgical Result Nose Headache Improved
Ent Surgical Result Oral Intake
Ent Surgical Result Speech Worsened
Ent Surgical Result Sutures Intact
Enteritis Due To Other Viruses
Enteritis, Ctcae
Enterocolitis, Neutropenic
Enuresis Chronic
Enuresis Nos
Environmental Change
Environmental Illness
Environmental Issues
Environmental Triggers - Cold And Wet Exposure
Eosinophilia, Mild
Eosinophilia, Nos
Eosinophilic Enteropathy
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
Eosinophilic Inflammation
Eosinophilic Ulcer Of Esophagus
Epilepsia Partialis Continua
Epilepsies, Atonic
Epilepsies, Drug Resistant
Epilepsies, Reflex
Epilepsy Absence
Epilepsy Care Arrangement
Epilepsy Characterised By Intractable Complex Partial Seizures
Epilepsy Frontal Lobe
Epilepsy Severity
Epilepsy Undetermined Whether Focal Or Generalized
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized
Epilepsy, Multifocal, Intractable
Epilepsy, Myoclonic Astatic
Epilepsy, Nocturnal Frontal Lobe, Type 4
Epilepsy, Unspecified, Treatment Resistant
Epilepsy; Cysticercosis (manifestation)
Epilepsy; Localization-related, Symptomatic, Complex Partial Seizures
Epileptic Drop Attack
Epileptic Encephalopathy
Epileptic Seizures Related To Sleep Deprivation
Epilepticus; Status, Focal Motor
Epiphora On Both Sides
Episode, Syncopal
Episodes Tend To Decrease With Age
Episodes Triggered By Fasting, Illness, Fever
Episodes Typically Occur Several Times A Week
Episodic Absence-like Spells
Episodic Change Change In Color Of Skin To White
Episodic Diarrhea
Episodic Fatigue
Episodic Hypertension
Episodic Mood Disorder
Episodic Myoclonic Spasms
Epithelial Basement Membrane Dystrophy
Equilibration Disorder
Equipment Monitoring (regime/therapy)
Erect Standing Posture
Erection Inability Maintain
Erection Prolonged
Erratic Character
Erythema At Injection Site
Erythema, Blisters, Pustules (cyclical, Explosive Episodes)
Erythema, Mild To Moderate (in Some Patients)
Erythema; Infectiosum
Erythematous Maceration Intertriginous Area
Erythrocytosis Due To Tissue Hypoxemia
Erythropapular Rash On Trunk
Escape (mental Process)
Escape Reaction
Esophageal Diverticula Mid Esophagus
Esophageal Reflux (in Some Patients)
Esophagitis, Peptic
Esophagus Blood
Esotropia With Accommodative Compensation
Esotropia, Monocular, With A Pattern
Essential Hypertension Nos
Establish A Security System
Establish An Appropriate Regimen
Establish Incentive And Reward Systems
Establish The Purpose For The Interaction
Establishes Personal Boundaries
Estimated Date Of Confinement (edc) Based On Ultrasound
Etiology, Primary
Euthyroid Sick Syndromes
Evaluable Disease
Evaluate Effectiveness Of The Instruction
Evaluate The Patient's Decision-making Ability
Evaluates Cardiac Status
Evaluates Endocrine Status
Evaluates Neurological Status
Evaluates Respiratory Status
Evaluating Health Information
Evaluating Progress With Personal Care
Evaluation (procedure)
Evaluation And Management Of Inpatient
Evaluation Finding
Evaluation For Use And/or Fitting Of Voice Prosthetic Device To Supplement Oral Speech
Evaluation Of Hearing Rehabilitation
Evaluation Of Patient Utilization Of An Ippb Device
Evaluation Of Stool Specimen
Evaluation; Development State Child
Every (qualifier)
Exacerbation Acute
Exacerbation Of Severe Persistent Asthma
Exaggerated Cupid's Bow
Exaggerated Emotions
Examination Findings
Examination For Administrative Purposes, Unspecified
Examination Of Cranial Nerves
Examination Of Heart
Examination Of Participant In Clinical Trial
Examination Of Potential Donor Of Organ And Tissue
Examination; Medical
Examinations, Oral
Excellent (qualifier Value)
Exceptionally Large Baby (disorder)
Excess Behavior
Excess, Convergence
Excessive Activity
Excessive Beta Glucan Intake
Excessive Body Weight Gain
Excessive Bruising And Scarring After Injuries And Scratching
Excessive Chewing/mouthing Behaviors
Excessive Crying Infant
Excessive Crying Without Feeling Sadness
Excessive Daily Intake Of Juice
Excessive Day And Night-time Sleepiness
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness - Normal Night Sleep
Excessive Daytime Somnolence
Excessive Dietary Caloric Intake
Excessive Drooling
Excessive Energy
Excessive Exercise (finding)
Excessive Eye Blinking
Excessive Gas Initiating Factors
Excessive Giggling
Excessive Hair On The Face
Excessive Hair On The Upper Lip
Excessive Head Shaking
Excessive Interrupting Of Others
Excessive Lacrimation (in Some Patients)
Excessive Laughing
Excessive Oral Intake
Excessive Pronation Of Both Feet
Excessive Seeking Of Reassurance
Excessive Somnolence Disorders
Excessive Talking
Excessive Weight Loss In Newborn
Excessive Worry
Excessive; Appetite
Excessive;weight (bmi>30)
Excessive;weight Loss
Excoriate Acne
Excruciating Lower Back Pain
Executive Cognitive Functions
Executive Dysfunction
Exercise Above Recommended Level
Exercise-induced Asthma
Exhibits Logical Thought Processes
Exhibits Organized Thought Processes
Exhibits Sensitivity To Others
Exogenous Factors
Exophthalmos Nos
Exotropia, Nos
Expected Change In Symptoms
Experience (practice)
Expiratory Wheeze
Explanation Of Plan: Medication
Explicit Memory
Explore Patient's Previous Achievements
Explosive Behavior
Explosive Diarrhoea
Explosive Speech
Exposure To High Level Of Environmental Noise
Exposure To High Level Of Environmental Noise At Work
Exposure To Lead
Exposure To Noise (non-occupational)
Exposure To Person With Similar Complaints
Exposure To Person With Similar Rash
Exposure To Upper Respiratory Infection
Exposure Toxin
Express Emotion
Expresses Desire To Enhance Attachment Behavior
Expresses Discomfort/pain
Expresses Frustrations
Expresses Increasingly Complex Thoughts
Expresses Sense Of Self-control
Expressionless Face
Expressive Language Delay
Expressive Language Impairment
Extensive Metabolizer
Extensor Plantar Responses (less Common)
External Gastric Fistula
Extinction, Psychological
Extra Dose
Extra-axial Cerebrospinal Fluid Accumulation
Extracurricular Activity
Extrapyramidal And Involuntary Movement And Restlessness Adverse Event
Extrapyramidal Disorders
Extrasensory Perceptions
Extreme Difficulty
Extreme Phenotypic Variability
Extreme; Immaturity
Extremely Emotionally Deprived
Extremely Happy
Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant
Extremities Lower Rash
Extremity Muscle Atrophy, Lower
Extremity Muscle Rigidity
Extremity Paresis Upper
Extremity Vasomotor Impairment
Extrinsic Rewards
Eye And Vision Examination Normal
Eye Anomalies, Variable
Eye Biopsy Atypical Lymphoid Hyperplasia
Eye Biopsy Hemangioma
Eye Biopsy Isolated Neurofibroma
Eye Disorders
Eye Dryness
Eye Impairments
Eye Irritation
Eye Lazy
Eye Movements Anticipate Rolling Ball
Eye Rolling
Eye Scratch
Eye Turn In Response To Sound
Eye Twitching
Eye Weak
Eye Widening In Response To Sound
Eyes Rubbing
Eyes Tics
Eyes Wide Open
F Syndrome (102510) Has Many Overlapping Features
F8 Pathogenic Variant Intron 22-a Inversion
Fabrys Disease
Face Rubbing
Face Turns To The Left
Facial Asymmetry, Mild
Facial Dysmorphism (in Some Patients)
Facial Dysmorphism, Mild
Facial Expressions
Facial Grimace
Facial Hemangioma
Facial Hyperostosis
Facial Paralyses
Facial Paresis
Facial Rash
Facial Scratching
Facial Swelling (finding)
Facial Tic Disorder
Facial Twitch
Facial Weakness (in Some)
Facilitate Defining The Issues
Facilitate Spiritual Support, As Appropriate
Factor B Fast-slow Polymorphism
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Factors Exacerbating Headache
Factors Risk Genetic
Faecal Fluid Leakage
Faecal Impaction
Faeces In Rectum
Faeces Palpable In Bowel
Failure Of Eruption Of Primary Teeth
Failure To Thrive
Failure, Academic
Failure, Congestive Heart
Failure; Fetal Head To Enter Pelvic Brim
Fair (qualifier)
Fairly Often
Fall From Playground Equipment
Fall Nos
Fall On Steps Of Escalator
Fall Prevention Behavior
Falling Asleep In Past 7d
Falls Frequent
Familial Aplasia Of The Vermis
Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome 3
Familial Occurrence Is Rare
Familial Partial Lipodystrophy, Type 2
Family Behaviour
Family History Of Autism
Family History Of Chronic Medical Disorder
Family History Of Hereditary Disease
Family History Of Psychiatric Condition
Family Member Was Seriously Injured
Family Separation
Family Tension
Fanconi Anemias
Fasciculation Of The Eyelid
Fasciculations, Tongue
Fasting Blood Glucose Increased
Fasting Hyperglycemia
Fatigue Syndrome
Fatigue, Ctcae 3.0
Fatigue, Mental
Fear (mental Process)
Fear Of Dying From Medical Condition
Fear Of Having A Fit
Fear Of Loss Of Control Of Emotions
Fear Of Oncoming Retirement
Fear Of Prolonged Dying Process
Fear Of Separation
Fear Of The Dark
Fear Of Thunderstorms
Fear Public Speaking
Fear That Personal Behavior Caused Illness
Febrile Convulsions, Familial, 2 (disorder)
Febrile Convulsions, Familial, 4
Febrile Seizure, Simple
Febrile Seizures In Infancy
Fecal Incontinence With Fecal Urgency
Fechtner Syndrome (disorder)
Feedback - Evaluative Response Process
Feeding Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Feeding Difficulties (patient A)
Feeding Difficulties In Early Infancy
Feeding Difficulties In Infancy
Feeding Difficulties, Including Aspiration, Ameliorate With Age
Feeding Environment Distraction Management
Feeding Formula Check
Feeding Intolerance
Feeding Patients
Feeding Problem In Adulthood
Feeding Problems (infancy)
Feeding Problems Necessitating Tube Feeding (in Some Patients)
Feeding Refusal, Especially Aversion To Protein
Feeding Schedules
Feeding Techniques: Frequent Burping
Feeding Techniques: Nipple Selection
Feeding Tolerance
Feeding; Mismanagement
Feeding; Slow
Feel Depressed Or Irritable
Feel Hungry
Feel Medication Is Becoming Less Effective
Feel Nervous, Tense, Restless Or Irritable
Feel Sick
Feel Warm
Feeling A Failure
Feeling Anxious/nervous/tense
Feeling Bad Emotionally
Feeling Calm
Feeling Different From Others
Feeling Dizzy
Feeling Emotional
Feeling Emotionally Hurt
Feeling Emotionally Rejected
Feeling Jittery
Feeling Like Screaming
Feeling Nervous From Invasion Of Personal Space
Feeling Of Despair
Feeling Of Discomfort
Feeling Of Dread
Feeling Of Inadequacy
Feeling Of Intense Apprehension
Feeling Of Panic
Feeling Of Residual Stool
Feeling Restless
Feeling Suicidal (finding)
Feeling Tense Or Muscle Tension
Feeling Upset
Feeling Weird
Feelings Of Bugs Crawling Under Skin
Feet Burning
Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome
Fell Off A Cliff
Felt Like A Zombie
Felt Worried
Ferritin Increased
Ferritin Level Low
Fetal Defect Genetic
Fetal Disengagement
Fetal Growth Retardation, Nos
Fetal Head Circumference By Transvaginal Ultrasound
Fetal Heart Rate Decreased
Fever Continuous
Fever High (finding)
Fever Is Often The Presenting Symptom
Fever, Episodic, Severe
Fever, Intermittent, Recurrent (in Some)
Fever, Recurrent
Fever; Unknown Origin
Fevers Grade Low
Fevers Periodic
Few Gastric Spots
Few Ovarian Simple Cysts
Few Spontaneous Movements
Fh: Depression
Fh: Multiple Sclerosis
Fibrillation, Atrial
Fidgety Or Restless
Figure Ground Perception
Fillings In Multiple Teeth
Financial Resources For Assistance
Find Physical
Finding Of Ability To Hear Loud Voice
Finding Of Body Control
Finding Of Change In Glove Size
Finding Of Creatine Kinase Level
Finding Of Creatinine Level
Finding Of Direction Of Cervix
Finding Of Gross Movement Of Limb
Finding Of Insufficient Fluid Intake
Finding Of Interaction With Others
Finding Of Limb Structure
Finding Of Muscle Tone
Finding Of Pitch Of Voice
Finding Related To Attentiveness
Finding Relating To Aggressive Behavior
Finding Relating To Laughing
Finding Relating To Non-verbal Communication
Fine Motor Delay
Fine Motor Impairment
Fine Motor Skills Delayed
Fine Motor Task Disruption
Fine Motor/coordination Problems (12%)
Finger Chewing
Finger Joint-range Movement
Finger Rom Decreased
Finger Rub Not Heard
Finger Twitching
Firesetting Behaviors
Fireworks Phobia
Firm Pressure Touch
First Assessment Since The Most Recent Admission &or Reentry
First Generalized Onset Seizure
First Trimester Bleeding
Fissure Anal
Fissure Rectal
Fit Frequency
Fitness Program Referral No Charge
Fitzpatrick Skin Type I
Fixed Beliefs Contradicted By Reality Shared With Others
Flail Arm
Flail Motion
Flank Pain Crossing Midline
Flank Pain Lessened By Urinating
Flapping Movements Of Arms
Flat Occiput
Flattened Nasolabial Folds
Flattened T Wave (finding)
Flatus Excessive
Flexed Posture
Flexibilities, Waxy
Flexion Contracture Of Left Knee
Flexion Contractures Of Upper And Lower Extremities
Flinging Movement
Flinging Movement Of Arm
Flinging Movement Of Leg
Floppy Infant Syndrome
Fluctuating Hearing Loss
Fluctuating Mood Symptoms
Fluid Behavior
Fluid Collection Around Transplanted Kidney
Fluid In Both Middle Ears
Fluid Intake Reduced
Fluid Intake Volume
Fluid Level Behind Tympanic Membrane
Fluid Of Left Middle Ear
Fluoxetine Therapy May Be Effective
Flushes/goes Red
Foaming At Mouth
Focal Continuous Eeg Abnormality
Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Focal Discharges
Focal Dyscognitive Seizures
Focal Eeg Pattern
Focal Neurologic Deficit
Focal Onset Alzheimer's Disease
Focal Scarring
Focal Seizure
Focal Sharp Waves
Focal Spikes
Focal T2 Hyperintense Brainstem Lesion
Focal Task-specific Dystonia
Focus On Maintaining Health Behaviors
Focus On Past Function
Focused Attention, Function
Foetal Activity Change
Foetal Exposure To Alcohol
Foetal Heart Acceleration
Foetal Heart Deceleration
Folliculitis Nos
Follow Up Status
Follow-up Cardiac Assessment
Follow-up Contact Work Supervisor
Follow-up Neurological Assessment
Follow-up Thyroid Assessment
Follow-up With Pre-visit Lab Work
Following Clinical Pathway Protocol
Follows Exercise Plan
Follows Medication Regimen
Food Acceptance
Food Allergies (in Some Patients)
Food Allergy Or Intolerance
Food Allergy To Multiple Food
Food Aversion
Food Fads
Food In The Stomach
Food Intolerance (history)
Food Intolerance Of An Adult
Food Malabsorption And Intolerance Syndromes (excl Sugar Intolerance)
Food Preferences In Children
Food Selections
Food Sticks On Swallowing
Food-protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
Foot And Mouth Disease; Hand-
Foot Discomfort
Foot Numbness
Foot Stiffness
Foot Tapping
Foot Weakness
Foots Problem
Footwear Too Loose
Forehead Papule
Foreign Body Sensation
Forgetting Words
Form Muscle
Formal Complaint About Medical Care
Foster Care, Therapeutic, Child; Per Diem
Foul-smelling Drainage From Abdominal Drain
Fraction Of Inspired Oxygen
Fragile Syndrome X
Fragile X Carrier
Frank Hematuria
Freckled Skin (in Some Less Dark-skinned Individuals)
Free Thyroxine Concentration Decreased Below Normal
Free Thyroxine Concentration Increased Above Normal
Free-floating Anxiety
Frequency Of Behavior Problems
Frequency Of Bowel Action
Frequent Accidents
Frequent Blinking
Frequent Changes Of School
Frequent Freezing. Occasionally Falls From Freezing
Frequent Headache
Frequent Heartburn
Frequent Hospitalization
Frequent Illness
Frequent Night Waking
Frequent Passing Of Stools
Frequent Snacking
Frequent Sore Throats
Frequent Thoughts Of Death
Frequent Vomiting
Frequently Knocking Things Over
Fresh (qualifier Value)
Fresh Gas.air Flow
Friendly Personality
Frontal And Occipital Prominence
Frontal Bossing (rare)
Frontal Headaches
Frontal Intermittent Rhythmic Delta Activity
Frontal Lobe And Executive Function Deficit
Frontal Lobe Dysfunction
Frontal Prominence
Frontal Sinus Pain
Frontier Extended Stay Clinic Demonstration; For A Patient Stay In A Clinic Approved For The Cms Demonstration Project; The Following Measures Should Be Present: The Stay Must Be Equal To Or Greater Than 4 Hours; Weather Or Other Conditions Must Prevent Transfer Or The Case Falls Into A Category Of Monitoring And Observation Cases That Are Permitted By The Rules Of The Demonstration; There Is A Maximum Frontier Extended Stay Clinic (fesc) Visit Of 48 Hours, Except In The Case When Weather Or Other Conditions Prevent Transfer; Payment Is Made On Each Period Up To 4 Hours, After The First 4 Hours
Frothy Saliva
Fruit Intake
Frustration About Inability To Perform Previous Activities
Frustration Tolerance Decreased
Fsh Increased
Fucosidase Deficiency Diseases
Full Blood Count Increased
Full Blood Count Normal
Full Nervous System Examination
Full Spectrum
Full-time Employment (finding)
Function Level
Function, Executive
Functional Abnormality Of The Bladder
Functional Abnormality Of The Middle Ear
Functional Asplenia
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Functional Capacity Evaluation Score
Functional Constipation
Functional Gastrointestinal Complaint
Functional Independence Measure For Communication
Functional Independence Measure For Problem Solving
Functional Independence Measure For Social Interaction
Functional Independence Measure Total Score
Functional Limitations In Capacity For Independent Living
Functional Limitations In Expressive And Receptive Language
Functional Movement Disorder
Functionally Independent
Funduscopic Examination Normal
Funny Turn (finding)
Further Opinion Sought
Fusion Of The Cerebellar Hemispheres
Fusion Of The Left And Right Thalami
Fuzzy Head
Gain Problems Weight
Gain Weight; Failure
Gained Weight
Gait Abnormalities
Gait Change
Gait Imbalance
Gait, Broadened
Gait, Charcot's
Gait, Drop Foot
Gait, Unsteady
Gallop Rhythm
Gamma-glutamyltransferase Increased
Garbles Words
Gastric Ulcer, Nos
Gastritis Viral Nos
Gastritis; Eosinophilic
Gastroenteritis - Viral + Nos
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux In Early Infancy
Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms
Gastroesophageal Reflux, Severe
Gastrointestinal Allergy
Gastrointestinal And Abdominal Pains (excl Oral And Throat)
Gastrointestinal And Renal Risk Factors Assessed For Patients On Prescribed Or Otc Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (nsaid) (oa)
Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Gastrointestinal Dysmotility
Gastrointestinal Inflammation (in Some Patients)
Gastrointestinal Irritation
Gastrointestinal Malfunction Arising From Mental Factor
Gastrointestinal Pain Nos
Gastrointestinal Problem
Gastrointestinal Stenosis
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Gastrointestinal Symptoms (in Some Patients)
Gastrointestinal Test Finding
Gastrointestinal Tract Drug Side Effect
Gastrostomy Present
Gaucher Disease, Type 3 (disorder)
Gaze Paretic Nystagmus
Gaze Preference
Gds Level 2 - Very Mild Cognitive Decline
Gds Level 4 - Moderate Cognitive Decline
Gelastic Epilepsy
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Identities
General Adaptation Syndrome, Behavioural Process
General Difficulty In Moving
General Interpersonal Interactions
General Mental State
General Problem
General Symptom
General Tasks And Demands
General Unsteadiness
Generalised Atypical Spike Wave
Generalised Epileptiform Discharges
Generalised Intermittent Theta Activity
Generalised Macular Rash
Generalised Slow Spike Wave (less Than Three Per Second)
Generalised Three Per Second Spike Wave
Generalization (response)
Generalizations, Psychological
Generalized Dry Skin
Generalized Epilepsies
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus
Generalized Epilepsy, Intractable
Generalized Episodic Eeg Abnormality
Generalized Hypotonia (in Some Patients)
Generalized Seizure Disorder, Nonconvulsive
Generalized Seizures, Recurrent
Generalized Skin Crust Including Palms
Generalized Slowing
Generalized Spike Wave Discharges
Generalized Stiffening
Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures With Focal Onset
Generalized; Anxiety
Generational Differences
Genetic Assessment
Genetic Brain Disorders
Genetic Evaluation Case Management
Genetic Variant Clinical Significance
Genital Rash
Genitalia Tanner Stage 2
Genitourinary Pain Nos
Genotype-phenotype Association
Genu; Varum
Geriatric Annual Health Check
Geroderma Osteodysplastica
Gerstmann Syndrome, Developmental
Gestational Weight Gain
Gets Food Onto The Utensil
Getting Angry When Talked To About Drinking
Getting Dressed
Getting Lost
Giacheti Syndrome
Giant Cell; Arteritis
Giddy Mood
Gilles De La Tourette's Syndrome
Gingival Recessions
Gingivitis Necrotizing Ulcerative
Give Positive Feedback By Praising Desired Toileting Behavior
Give Way
Glasgow Coma Scale Finding
Glasgow Coma Score.verbal
Glaucoma; Secondary
Glaucomatous Atrophy Of Optic Disc
Global Developmental Delay, Mild
Global Developmental Delay, Moderate
Global Hypotonia
Global Muscle Weakness
Global Systolic Dysfunction
Globally Delayed Development
Glucocorticoid Resistance, Mild
Glucose Increased
Glucose Low
Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase; Deficiency With Anemia
Glut1 Deficiency Syndrome
Glutaric Aciduria Type 1
Gluten Sensitivity
Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ii
Glycogen Storage Disease Type V
Glycogen Storage Disease, Type Ix
Glycogen Storage; Disease
Glycosylated Haemoglobin Increased
Goal Weight In Pounds
Goldenhar's Syndrome
Gonadotropic Fsh Decreased
Gonadotropin Level Borderline
Goniodysgenesis Iris Ciliary Body Abnormal
Gonorrhea, Nos
Good Seizure Control With Medication
Gout Associated Problems
Grade 1 Weight Gain, Ctcae
Grade 3 Seizure, Ctcae
Grade 3 Weight Loss, Ctcae
Grade Level
Gradual Onset Of Worsening Vision
Granuloma Skin
Graphomotor Aphasias
Grasping - Difficulty
Grasps And Mouths Objects
Gratification, Delayed
Gravidarum Hyperemesis
Gravity High Specific Urine
Greater Loss Of High Frequencies
Grey Platelet Syndromes
Grimacing Nos
Gross (qualifier Value)
Gross Motor Delay (in Some Patients)
Gross Motor Delay, Mild
Gross Motor Development Delay
Gross Motor Impairment
Gross Movement Of Body And Limbs
Group A Streptococcal Infections
Growing Pains
Growth And Development.behavior
Growth Arrest Lines
Growth Failure
Growth Of Darker, Thicker, Curled Pubic Hair
Growth Parameters
Growth Rate Increase
Growth Velocity
Growth; Lack Of
Growth; Pain, Children
Grunting (observable Entity)
Grunting While Breathing
Guided Intervention
Guillain Barré Syndrome
H/o: 1 Miscarriage
H/o: 2 Miscarriages
H/o: Heart Disorder
H/o: High Risk Medication
H/o: Normal Delivery
H/o: Significant Knee Disorder
H/o: Surgery Nos
Habits Typical Day
Habits, Sleep
Habitually Suppresses Urge To Defecate
Habituation, Drug
Had A Fit
Haematuria Nos
Haemodynamic Monitoring
Haemolytic Disorder
Haemorrhagic Disease Of The Newborn
Haemosiderin Stain
Haggard Appearance
Hair Color Change (finding)
Hair Highlights
Hair Unkempt
Hair-an Syndrome
Hallervorden-spatz Syndrome
Hallucination Visual Auditory
Hallucination, Verbal Auditory
Hallucination; Auditory
Hallucination; Visual
Hallucinations Nos
Hand Dominance - Throwing A Ball
Hand Flapping (physical Finding)
Hand Posturing
Hand Preference Left
Hand Tremor (in Some Patients)
Handicapped Mental
Handicapping Condition
Handling And/or Conveyance Of Specimen For Transfer From The Patient In Other Than A Physician's Office To A Laboratory (distance May Be Indicated)
Handoff, Patient
Hands Clumsy Or Awkward
Hands Cold
Hands Dirty
Hands Tremor
Hang Nail
Hanging Self
Happy Personality
Hard Stool
Hard Work
Harm-avoidance Behavior
Harmful Oral Hygeine Habit
Harmful Thoughts
Harmonic Scalpel Mode
Harris's Migrainous Neuralgia
Harrison's Sulcus
Harsh Cry
Harsh Voice Quality
Has A Prison Record
Has A Red Eye
Has A Sore Throat
Has A Tic
Has An Itchy Eye
Has Cpap At Home
Has Difficulty Doing (qualifier Value)
Has Imaginary Friend
Has Slight Difficulty Doing
Has Symptom Every Few Minutes
Has The Symptom Hourly
Hashimoto Encephalitis
Hashimotos Disease
Haspeslagh Fryns Muelenaere Syndrome
Have An Increase In Appetite
Have Child Who Is Misbehaving Take Breaks Or Time Outs
Having Tantrums
Hay Fever
Head And Eye Gaze Deviation
Head And Headache Pain Adverse Event
Head And Shoulder Movement
Head Bobbing
Head Ct Scan Csf Space, Hyperdense
Head Engaged
Head Hit
Head Lag In The Newborn
Head Mri Abnormal
Head Posture Symptom (symptom)
Head Rotation Side To Side
Head Shape
Head Small
Head Tilting
Head Tremor (in Some Patients)
Head Turned To Left
Head Turned To Right
Head-rolling Movements
Headache Associated With Nausea
Headache Associated With Vomiting
Headache Dull
Headache Exacerbated By Certain Smells
Headache Migraine Variant
Headache Neurological
Headache Nos
Headache Preceded By Difficulty Speaking
Headache Preceded By Vertigo
Headache Present Upon Awakening
Headache Recurring In The Late Afternoon Every Day
Headache Temporal
Headache Tension
Headache Which Waxes And Wanes
Headaches, Bilateral
Headaches, Severe (in Some Patients)
Healing Ability Poor
Health And Behavior Assessment
Health Assessment Prior To Exposure
Health Behaviors
Health Care
Health Care Associated Complication
Health Concerns
Health Evaluation
Health History Mental Taking
Health Maintenance
Health Professional Support
Health Promotion Behaviour
Health Seeking Behaviour Alteration
Health Service, Outpatient
Health Services For The Aged
Health, Mental
Health-related Behaviour
Healthy People Program
Hearing Abnormality
Hearing Aid Currently Being Worn
Hearing Assessment
Hearing Difficulty
Hearing Impairment
Hearing Impairment (in Some Patients)
Hearing Loss (sensorineural, Mixed, And Conductive)
Hearing Loss Chronic
Hearing Loss In Left Ear
Hearing Loss Left Side Only
Hearing Loss New Onset
Hearing Loss, Conductive
Hearing Loss, Mild
Hearing Loss, Partial
Hearing Loss, Sensorineural, Mild
Hearing Loss, Sensorineural, Mild To Moderate
Hearing Loss, Sensorineural, Profound Bilateral
Hearing Screen Follow-up Status
Hearing Sensitive
Hears Voices Laughing At Self
Heart Beats Irregular
Heart Condition
Heart Disease Nos
Heart Disease, Rheumatic
Heart Failure 4y Risk
Heart Failures
Heart Irregular Rhythm
Heart Murmur Of Acquired Disease
Heart Murmur Pitch, High
Heart Problems
Heart Rate Increased, Within Normal Range
Heart Rate Is Very Fast
Heart Rate^resting
Heart Sound S3 New
Heart Sounds S2 Wide Splitting
Heavy (weight) (qualifier Value)
Heavy Episode Of Vaginal Bleeding
Heavy Work Around The House
Heavy-metal-induced Nephropathy
Heel Cord Contractures
Heel Cord Tightness
Heel-toe Gait
Height / Growth Measure
Heightened Olfactory Perception
Heightened Sensitivity To External Stimuli
Heightened Startle Reflex
Hellp Syndrome
Helping Behavior In Old Age
Hematemesis In Large Amounts
Hematocrit Decreased, Mild Or Moderate
Hematocrit Decreased, Severe
Hematological Disease
Hemianopsia Homonymous Right
Hemiatrophies, Facial
Hemidesmosomes May Be Disrupted
Hemifacial Spasms
Hemiparesis (left)
Hemiparetic Gait
Hemiplegia On Left
Hemiplegia Spastic
Hemoglobin Andrew-minneapolis Phenotype
Hemoglobin C Trait
Hemolyzed (qualifier)
Hemophilia B, Nos
Hemophilia, Nos
Hemophilia; A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B, Chronic
Hepatitis Chronic Active
Hepatitis, Idiosyncratic Drug-induced
Hepatosplenomegaly Nos
Hereditary Factor V Deficiency
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance Syndrome
Hereditary Sensory-motor Neuropathy, Nos
Hernia; Diaphragmatic
Heroin Abuse
Herpes Zoster Disease
Heterochromia Iridis
Heterogeneous Echotexture
Heterozygous Prothrombin G20210a Mutation
Hiatal Hernia
Hiding Behavior
High Degree Of Threat
High Demands Of Job Schedule
High Forehead (in One Family)
High Frequency Seizures
High Impact Activity Prohibited
High Intensity
High Intrafamilial And Interfamilial Variability
High Level Of Neuroticism
High Narrow Palate
High Pain Threshold
High Pain Tolerance
High Pitch Voice
High Pitched Bowel Sounds
High Risk Drug Side Effect
High Very
High-amplitude Paroxysmal Fast Activity
High-arched Palate (family A)
High-frequency Hearing Loss
High-functioning Autism
High; Expressed Emotional Level Within Family
Higher-level Cognitive Functions
Highly Irritable
Highly Sensitive
Highly Variable Clinical Phenotype
Hip And Knee Flexion
Hip Dysplasia, Bilateral
Hip Joint Pain Increased By Moving Leg Back While Standing
Hippocampal Sclerosis
Hirschprung's Disease
Hirsutism Of Arms And Legs
Hirsutism, Nos
His Bundle Recording Ah Interval
Hisp-last, No Check Maid
History Of - Food Allergy
History Of - Psychiatric Disorder Nos
History Of Assault
History Of Being A Social Drinker
History Of Being Under Stress
History Of Difficult Intubation
History Of Fall Into Hole
History Of Fall Through Ceiling
History Of Lack Of Social Support
History Of Non-accidental Trauma
History Of Previous Repeat Delivery By Cesarean Section
History Of Seasonal Allergies
History Of Trauma Due To Collapse Of Bridge
History Of Trisomy 21
History Taking, Limited
History Taking, Nos
History/symptom Nos
History; Abuse, Substance
Hitting Self
Hiv Risk Factor Multiple
Hiv Test Pending
Hiv Test Positive Recently Diagnosed
Hoarding Behavior
Home Care Entry Status Start Of Care Further Visits Planned
Home Care Visit For Psychiatric Care
Home Environment Assessment
Home Intervention
Home Nursing Care
Home Placement
Home Visit For Respiratory Therapy Care (eg, Bronchodilator, Oxygen Therapy, Respiratory Assessment, Apnea Evaluation)
Home With Elevator
Homicidal And Suicidal Ideations
Homicidal Behavior
Homicidal Thoughts
Homocysteine, Total Plasma, Elevated
Homocystinuria Due To Deficiency Of N(5,10)-methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Activity
Homosexuality, Nos
Homozygous Lqt1 Mutation
Honorably Discharged From Military Service
Hopkins Syndrome
Hops And Jumps On One Foot
Horizontal Dissociated Gaze Palsy
Hormone Deficiency
Hormone Level Abnormal
Horn Has Been Removed
Horseback Riding
Hospital Admission, Elective
Hospital Admission, Nos
Hospital Admission, Short-term
Hospital Based Home Care Services
Hospital Patient (finding)
Hospitalization Multiple
Hospitalization Recent
Housing Has Central Forced Air Heating
Housing Has Public Well
Human Bite Mark
Human Factors: Inattention
Hunger, Nos
Huntingtons Disease
Hurler Scheie Syndrome
Hurting Pain
Hydration Status
Hydrocephalus Ex-vacuos
Hydrocephalus Nos
Hydrocephalus, Severe
Hydronephrosis Nos
Hydronephrosis, Bilateral
Hyperactive Behavior, Mild
Hyperactive Behaviour
Hyperactive Bowel Sounds
Hyperactivity (in Some Patients)
Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type
Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type
Hyperactivity Level
Hyperactivity; Attention Deficit
Hyperammonemia, Nos
Hypercapnia, Nos
Hypercholesterolemia Result
Hyperdynamic Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Hyperexcitability Behavior
Hyperextensible Joints, Especially Elbows And Knees
Hyperextensible Thumb
Hyperextension Of The Neck
Hyperfocused On Activities
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma
Hyperinsulinism, Nos
Hyperkinesis Of Childhood With Developmental Delay
Hyperlipidemia Nos
Hypermelanotic Macule
Hypermobile Joints
Hypermobility Syndromes
Hypermotor Behavior
Hypernasal Voice
Hypernatremic Dehydration
Hyperopic Astigmatism
Hyperostosis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal
Hyperphagic Appetite By Assessment
Hyperreactivity, Bronchial
Hyperreflexia In The Lower Extremities
Hypersensitive To Stimuli
Hypersensitivities, Nut
Hypersensitivity Cutaneous
Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Drug
Hypersensitivity To A Discourtesy
Hypersensitivity To Sound
Hypersensitivity, Wheat
Hypersexuality State
Hypersomnia Related To Another Mental Condition
Hypertension Rebound
Hypertension, Mild
Hypertension; Borderline
Hypertension; Intracranial
Hypertensive Disease, Nos
Hypertensive Episodes
Hyperthyroidism With Hashimoto Disease
Hypertonias, Muscle
Hypertrichosis, Nos
Hypertrophies, Right Ventricular
Hypervitaminosis; D
Hypnagogic Hallucination
Hypnic Headache
Hypocalcemic Seizure
Hypochloremia (disorder)
Hypocortisolism Secondary To Another Disorder
Hypofunction, Adrenal Gland
Hypoglycemia, Fasting
Hypoglycemia, Hypoketotic
Hypoglycemia, Nos
Hypogonadism Primary
Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism
Hyponatremia, Nos
Hypopigmentation Disorders
Hypopigmented Skin Lesions
Hypoplasia, Optic Nerve
Hypoplastic Brainstem With Loss Of Demarcation At The Pontomedullary Junction
Hyposensitivity To Pain (less Common)
Hypotension Nos
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis Dysfunction
Hypothermia, Natural
Hypothyroidism Following Radioiodine Therapy
Hypothyroidism Nos
Hypothyroidism Secondary
Hypothyroidism, Central
Hypothyroidism; Subclinical
Hypotonia, Generalized
Hypotonia, Mild
Hypotonia, Muscle
Hypotonia, Truncal And Appendicular
Hypoxic-ischaemic Encephalopathy
Hysteria Nos
Hysteroscopy Intrauterine Device
I Am Surprised At The Things I Do While In A Great Mood
I Didn't Drink
I Fantasize About Hurting Other People
I Forget Things Easily
I Have A Hard Time Waiting Patiently For Things I Want
I Hurt Myself By Cutting, Burning, Strangling, Headbanging Etc. In Last W
I Usually Understand My Homework Assignments
I Woke Up At Night Scared In Past 7d
I'm Afraid Of Far Fewer Things Than Most People
Ice Cold Sensation
Ice Skating (recreational Activity)
Ice-pick Acne Scar
Ictal Eeg Shows Diffuse Slow Delta And Theta Activity
Icterus Gravis Neonatorum
Icterus, Nos
Identifies Feelings That Lead To Impulsive Actions
Identifies Harmful Impulsive Behaviors
Identifies Multiple Coping Strategies
Identifies Significant Current Events
Identifies Significant Other
Identifies With Same-sex Peer Group
Identify Concerns About Health Status
Identify Known Triggers And Usual Reaction
Identify Specific Problems With Visits, If Any
Identify The Patient's Problem In Behavioral Terms
Identify With Family Members The Patient's Coping Difficulties
Identifying Goals
Idiopathic Partial Epilepsy
Idiopathic Short Stature
Idiopathic; Thrombocytopenia
Idiosyncratic Language
Idiosyncratic Language Perseverative
Idiosyncratic Language Self-stimulatory Vocalizations
Idiot Savant
Iga Nephropathy Associated With Liver Disease
Ige Responsiveness, Atopic
Ileal Stenosis
Ileum; Inflammation, Terminal
Illegible Handwriting
Illness (finding)
Illness (physical)
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Illness Anxiety Disorder, Care-avoidant Type
Illness: Cannot Describe Symptoms
Illogical Thinking
Imagery, Eidetic
Imaging Of Brain Abnormal
Imaging Shows Noncalcified Subependymal Periventricular Heterotopic Nodules Of Gray Matter
Imitative Behaviors
Immature Behaviour
Immature Cerebral Sulcation (in Some Patients)
Immaturity (emotional)
Imminent Abortion
Immune Reconstitution Syndrome
Immunodeficiencies, Severe Combined
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable, 10
Immunodeficiency; Combined
Immunodeficiency; Humoral
Immunoglobulin A Decreased
Immunoglobulin A Deficiency (disorder)
Impact Molar
Impact Of Information On Behavior
Impacted Cerumen, Bilateral
Impacted Cerumen, Right Ear
Impacted Teeth
Impaction Intestine Nos
Impacts On Learning Values
Impaired Ability To Learn New Material
Impaired Ability To Self-feed In An Acceptable Manner
Impaired Adaptation
Impaired Aod Use Control
Impaired Attentional And Executive Function
Impaired Balance And Coordination
Impaired Body Position Sense
Impaired Cellular Responses To Certain Cytokine Pathways
Impaired Central Vision
Impaired Cognition
Impaired Executive Function (in Some Patients)
Impaired Exercise Tolerance
Impaired Fasting Glycaemia
Impaired Functioning
Impaired Heel-to-shin Movement
Impaired Impulse Control
Impaired Insight
Impaired Long-term Verbal Memory
Impaired Manual Dexterity
Impaired Motor Control, Mild
Impaired Motor Coordination
Impaired Platelet Aggregation
Impaired Self-care
Impaired Social Reciprocity
Impaired Standing
Impaired T-cell Proliferation To Certain Stimuli
Impaired Temperature Regulation
Impaired Tissue Integrity
Impaired Use Of Nonverbal Behaviors
Impairment In Imitation Of Actions Or Play
Impairment Level Not Further Specified
Impairment Of Attention
Impairment Of Balance
Impairment Of Gross And Fine Motor Coordination
Impairment Of Registration
Impairments Psychosocial
Impairments Speech
Impairs Judgement
Impetigo Nos
Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator Evaluation Last Insertion Date
Implantation Cyst Of Iris
Implementation Of Planned Interventions
Implementing Parenteral Feeding
Improved-receives Fewer Supports, Needs Less Restrictive Level Of Care
Impulsive Act
Impulsive Aggression
Impulsive Behavior
Impulsive Behavior Resulting In Being In Physical Danger
Impulsive Behavior Resulting In Careless Errors Or Omissions
Impulsive Character (finding)
Impulsive Initiation Of Fights
In Debt
In-toeing Gait
Inability To Communicate
Inability To Control Buoyancy
Inability To Express A Wide Range Of Feelings
Inability To Feel Pain
Inability To Initiate Goal-directed Behavior
Inability To Initiate Purposeful Behavior
Inability To Read
Inability To Relax
Inability To Remain Seated
Inability To Resist Compulsive Behaviors
Inability To Stay On Task
Inability To Use Facial Expressions
Inadequate (qualifier)
Inadequate Belonging
Inadequate Treatment Plan
Inadequate/inconsistent Exercise Routine
Inappropriate Affect
Inappropriate Aggressive Behavior
Inappropriate Anger Expression
Inappropriate Behavior
Inappropriate Developmental Expectations
Inappropriate Device Programming
Inappropriate Guilt
Inappropriate Insulin Secretion (in Some Patients)
Inappropriate Laughing, Joking, Or Punning
Inappropriate Laughter
Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
Inappropriate Speech
Inappropriate Use Of Language In Communication
Inappropriate Verbal Response
Inappropriate Word Usage
Inappropriate Words
Inarticulate Speech Delayed Gross Motor Skills
Inattentive To Urge To Defecate
Incapable Of Substantial Gainful Activity
Incidental Findings
Incidental Learning
Incoherent Thinking
Incomplete Atrioventricular Block With Atrioventricular Response
Incomplete Atrioventricular Block, Mobitz Type I
Incomplete Passage Of Stool
Incomplete Penetance Of Some Features
Incomplete Penetrance
Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block
Inconsistent Behavior
Inconsistent Carbohydrate Intake
Inconsistent Result Voice Test
Inconsolable Crying
Incontinence Nos
Incontinence; Fecal
Incorrect Labeling And/or Instructions For Use
Increase In Accidents
Increase In Alertness
Increase In Anger
Increase In Anger Behavior
Increase In Focus On Breathing
Increase In Physical Symptoms
Increase In Size Since Previous Mammogram
Increase In Stress Level
Increase In Verbalization Of Needs
Increased Activity Period
Increased Agitation
Increased Amounts Of Keratohyalin
Increased Amylase
Increased Appetite (finding)
Increased Bilirubin Level (finding)
Increased Blood Alanine
Increased Blood Lead Level
Increased Brain Lactate
Increased Cardiac Stroke Volume
Increased Cellular Sensitivity To Uv Light
Increased Cholesterol
Increased Circulating Total Ige Level
Increased Creatine Kinase Level
Increased Diastolic Arterial Pressure
Increased Echogenicity
Increased Energy
Increased Falls
Increased Fatigue
Increased Flair Signal Intensity In Frontal Lobe
Increased Flair Signal Intensity In Internal Capsule
Increased Flair Signal Intensity In Periventricular Region
Increased Fractures (in Some Patients)
Increased Frequency In The Finnish Population
Increased Frequency Of Defecation
Increased Gastric Hco>3<^-^ Secretion
Increased Hair Growth (finding)
Increased Head Circumference
Increased Height Velocity (+6.1 Sd)
Increased Heme-heme Interaction
Increased His-ventricular Conduction Time
Increased Il6, Episodic
Increased Iron Deposition In The Basal Ganglia
Increased Joint Laxity, Mild
Increased Lead
Increased Lead Levels
Increased Libido
Increased Lipid
Increased Liver Function Tests
Increased Lymphocyte Count
Increased Markings
Increased Mg
Increased Motivation
Increased Muscle Tone At Birth
Increased Muscle Tone, Lower Limbs
Increased Nasal-potential Difference (some)
Increased Nausea And Vomiting
Increased Number Of Platelets
Increased Oxygen Demand
Increased Physical Activity Levels
Increased Prolactin Level
Increased Range Elbow Movement
Increased Red Cell Mass
Increased Risk For Cancer
Increased School Absence
Increased Sensitivity To Heat
Increased Serum Creatine Phosphokinase
Increased Serum Lactate, Mild
Increased Size (finding)
Increased Small Bowel Motility
Increased Steroid Activity
Increased Stiffness Of Facial Muscles
Increased Stress
Increased Susceptibility Increased
Increased Swallow Effort
Increased Tendency For Infection
Increased Tendency To Bruise
Increased Testosterone
Increased Thyroxine Level
Increased Transaminases
Increased Vascular Resistance
Increased Work Of Breathing
Increases Fluid Intake
Increasing Breathlessness
Increasing Exercise Wheeze
Indeterminate; Leprosy
Indifference To Feelings Of Others
Indirect Relationship (known Via Someone Else)
Individual Adjustment
Indoor Soccer
Induration Of Preauricular Area Of Ear
Ineffective Problem Solving
Ineffective Protection
Infant Flexes Limbs, Clenches Fists, And Screams
Infant Weight Twin A
Infant's Cry At Birth Spontaneous
Infant's Diet Includes Increased Fruits And Juices
Infantile Autism, Current Or Active State
Infantile Gastroesophageal Reflux
Infantile Muscular Hypotonia
Infantilism Nos
Infarctions, Splenic
Infected Ingrown Toenail
Infection By Site
Infection By Trichomonas
Infection By Trypanosoma Gambiense
Infection By Wuchereria Bancrofti
Infection Caused By Helicobacter Pylori
Infection In An Immunocompromized Host
Infection Of Bilateral Ears
Infection Status
Infection Underlying
Infection, Cytomegalovirus
Infection, Ear
Infection, Soft Tissue
Infection; Tooth
Infections Neonatal
Infections Toes
Infections, Clostridium Difficile
Infectious Disease Prevention / Control
Infectious Lung Disorders
Infective Endocarditis
Inferior Vermis Hypoplasia
Infestation By Gasterophilus Intestinalis
Inflammation Of Mucosa Of Intestine
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Infiltrate
Inflated Self-opinion
Inflexible Adherence To Routines Or Rituals
Influenza A
Influenza A With Encephalopathy
Influenza Due To Influenza A Virus Subtype H1n1
Influenza, Nos
Informal Relationships With Peers
Information Gathering
Information Processing Speed
Information Provided To Manage Medication
Infrequent Heartburn
Infrequent Urination
Ingrown Nails
Inguinal Mass
Inguinal Pain
Inherited Genetic Conditions
Inherited Mucociliary Clearance Defect
Inherited Parakeratosis In Cattle
Inhibited Behaviour
Initial Insomnia
Initial Programmed Pacemaker Lower Rate Limit
Initial Psychiatric Assessment
Initial Screen
Initiating Social Interactions
Injury Caused By Explosion Of Artillery Shell
Injury Caused By Explosion Of Bomb
Injury Frequent
Innate And Learned Behavior
Insensitivity, Congenital Pain
Insignificant Disease By Ecg Finding
Insomnia Due To Frequent Interruptions
Insomnia Late
Insomnia With Sleep Apnoea
Insomnia, Chronic
Insomnia, Refractory
Inspection (procedure)
Instituted Ongoing Monitoring Program
Instructions - Self-help Group Codependency Support (treatment)
Instructions - Weight Watchers (treatment)
Insufficiency, Placental
Insufficiency; Convergence
Insufficient Interest In Learning
Insufficient Participation In Treatment
Insufficient Sleep Syndrome
Insulin Resistant Diabetes (mellitus)
Insurance Claims Processing
Intake Iron
Intellectual Ability
Intellectual Delay
Intellectual Developmental Disorder With Autism And Speech Delay
Intellectual Disability (in All Patients)
Intellectual Disability (in Some Patients)
Intellectual Disability (intellectual Developmental Disorder), Mild
Intellectual Disability (intellectual Developmental Disorder), Moderate
Intellectual Disability (intellectual Developmental Disorder), Severe
Intellectual Disability (mental Retardation In Federal Regulation)
Intellectual Disability, Mild To Severe
Intellectual Disability, Mild-to-moderate
Intellectual Disability, Moderate To Severe
Intelligence Quantitative Trait Locus 1
Intelligence Quotient High
Intelligence Reduced
Intelligence, Nos
Intelligibility In Context Scale Score
Intense Emotion
Intensive Care
Interacts Positively With Child
Interacts With Parent
Interacts With Peers
Intercurrent Infection
Interest Narrowness
Interferential Current Rate
Interhemispheric Cysts
Interictal Eeg Shows 3-4 Hz General Spike-wave Complexes
Interictal Epileptiform Activity
Interim Stress Electrocardiogram Pacemaker Pacing Too Slowly
Interim Stress Electrocardiogram Sinus Rhythm
Intermittent Abdominal Swelling
Intermittent Anxiety
Intermittent Asthma
Intermittent Breathing
Intermittent Capture
Intermittent Constipation Pattern
Intermittent Convergent Squint
Intermittent Cough
Intermittent Difficulty Opening Eye
Intermittent Diplopia
Intermittent Divergent Squint
Intermittent Drugs Used More
Intermittent Esotropia Of Bilateral Eyes
Intermittent Exacerbations
Intermittent Exotropia, Alternating
Intermittent Explosive Outburst
Intermittent Headaches
Intermittent Monocular Exotropia, Left Eye
Intermittent Pain
Intermittent Painful Muscle Spasms
Intermittent Periodic Complexes
Intermittent Second Degree Atrioventricular Block
Intermittent Urinary Incontinence
Intermittent Vomiting
Intermittent, Transient Episodes Of Worsening Of Ataxia
Intermittent; Exophthalmos
Internet Medical Services-primary Physician
Interpersonal Relationship Problems
Interpersonal Relationship Problems With Lover
Interrupted Gait
Interval Prolonged Qt
Intervention And Management Services Covered By Gi
Intervention Regimes
Interventional Services Clinical Social Work
Interventions Nursing
Intestinal Disorder Infectious Disease
Intestinal Obstructions
Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction
Intestinal Volvulus
Intestine Dilatation Toxic Severe
Intestine Problems Small
Intolerance Lactose
Intolerance; Carbohydrate
Intolerance; Protein
Intra-operative Elastic Wrapping Applied
Intra-operative Ultrasound Unit Serial Number (#___)
Intracranial Bleeding (in Some Patients)
Intracranial Cysts
Intractable Absence Seizures
Intractable Simple Partial Epilepsy
Intramuscular Injection For Birth Control
Intravenous Pyelogram Post-voiding Residual
Intraventricular Conduction Defect, Nos
Intraventricular Hemorrhage Grade I
Intraventricular Hemorrhage Grade Ii
Intraventricular Hemorrhage Unspecified Grade
Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Grade 2, Of Newborn
Introduce New Person To Staff Members
Intrusive Thoughts
Intubation Endotracheal Airway Protection
Intubation Endotracheal Prolonged
Invades Others' Personal Space
Invasive Medical Procedure
Involuntary Body Movements
Involuntary Facial Movement
Involuntary Rhythmic Myoclonic Movements ('tremor'), Upper Extremities
Involuntary Vocalisation
Involve Patient In Planning His/her Own Treatment, As Appropriate
Iodide Oxidation Defect
Iq Level Below 20-25
Iq Low
Iron Accumulation In Brain
Iron Deficiency
Iron Deficiency Anemia Secondary To Chronic Blood Loss
Iron Prescription Current
Iron-refractory Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Iron; Deficiency, Anemia
Irregular Contour
Irregular Eye Movements
Irregular Spike And Slow Waves
Irritability And Anger
Irritable Affect
Irritable Aggressive Behavior
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (in Some Patients)
Irritant Behavior
Irritant Dermatitides
Irritation - Emotion
Irritation Of Ear
Irritation Of The Throat, Nos
Isaac Syndrome
Iscev Standard Protocol Used
Ischemic Change
Ischemic; Colitis
Isolated Seizures
Isolation From Peers
Issue Of Medical Certificates
Issues Disability
Issues, Gender
Itch; Baker's, Irritant
Itching After Warm Bath Or Shower
Itching Of Legs
Iv Dextrose
Jakob-creutzfeldt Disease
Jampel Schwartz Syndrome
Jaundice (in Some)
Jaundice, Intermittent (in Some Patients)
Jaundice, Neonatal (in Some Patients)
Jaw Joint Popping Sound
Jealous Delusion
Jejunostomy Bag Empty
Jerking Movements
Jerky Head Movements
Jerky Movements In Infancy
Jervell Lange-nielsen Syndrome
Job Below Skill Level
Job Change Requiring Substantial Additional Skills
Joint Hyperlaxity
Joint Laxity, Generalized
Joint Problem
Joint Stiffness (in Some Patients)
Joint Swelling Of Hand Causing Tenseness
Joint; Deformity
Judgement, Nos
Jumping Rope (activity)
Kallmann's Syndrome
Kaufman's Syndrome
Kayser-fleischer; Ring
Kbg Syndrome
Keeping Up With The News
Keloid Formation
Kenny-caffey Syndrome
Keratoconjunctivitides, Infectious
Ketoacidosis Diabetic New Onset
Ketotic Hypoglycaemia
Kicks A Ball
Kidney Damage
Kidney Diseases
Kidney Insufficiency, Chronic
Kidney Problem
Kidney; Low Lying
Kindergarten Completion
Klippel-feil Syndrome Nos
Knee Discomfort
Knee Joint Pain Improved By Wearing A Brace
Knee Suddenly Buckled
Knowledge Deficit Of Disease Process
Knowledge Level: Contraception
Knowledge: Medication
Knows The Complaints Procedure
Kyphosis Associated With Other Conditions
Kyphotic Pelvis
Lab Abnormality
Lab Abnormality Admission
Lab Abnormality Multiple
Lab Error False Positive
Lab Findings Surveillance
Lab Value Abnormal Admission
Label As Such
Label Items In Environment To Promote Recognition
Labor Recheck
Laboratory Test Order Entry Task
Lack Of Awareness (finding)
Lack Of Blink Reflex (in Some Patients)
Lack Of Close Friend
Lack Of Common Sense About Danger
Lack Of Communication
Lack Of Confidence
Lack Of Emotional Response
Lack Of Exercise (finding)
Lack Of Expected Effectiveness
Lack Of Eye Contact
Lack Of Family Support
Lack Of Ingesta
Lack Of Insight
Lack Of Insight Into Disease
Lack Of Judgement
Lack Of Peer Relationships
Lack Of Progress
Lack Of Pupillary Dilation In The Dark
Lack Of Social Support From Community
Lack Of Space In House
Lack Of Speech Development
Lack Of Spontaneous Movement
Lack Of Spontaneous Play
Lack Of Spontaneous Speech
Lack Of Verbal Communication
Lack Of; Attention
Lack Of; Financial Resources
Lack Of; Gain Weight
Lack Of; Responsiveness, Behavior
Lacks Appropriate Stimulation/cognitive Experiences
Lactase Deficiency (disorder)
Lactic Acidosis
Lactose Intolerance In Children Without Lactase Deficiency
Lactose-free Diet (finding)
Lacy Skin Rash
Langer Giedion Syndrome
Language / Communication
Language Acquisition Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Language Barrier English Understanding Limited
Language Development Limited To A Few Words
Language Proficiency
Language Read
Language Spoken
Language Therapy Receptive Understand Conversational Speech
Language-related Cognitive Disorder
Languages, Body
Large Auricle
Large Body Habitus Artifact
Large For Gestational Age
Large Hard Drusen (in Some Patients)
Large Head (disorder)
Large Nose
Large Sella Turcica (rare)
Large Tonsils (finding)
Large-for-dates With Antenatal Problem
Larva Migrans
Laryngeal Stridor (in Some Patients)
Laryngitis Nos
Laser Suite Retina Treatment Pan-ablated
Laser Suite Retina Treatment Walled Off Retinal Detachment
Lashing Out At Other Person
Last Hypoglycemia Attack
Lately I Looked Forward With Enjoyment To Upcoming Events
Latency Of Speech Response
Laxities, Joint
Leakage Of Stool With Digital Stimulation
Leaky Heart Valve
Learning And Developmental Delay (in Some Patients)
Learning And Language Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Learning Assessment
Learning Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Learning Difficulties (less Common)
Learning Difficulties In Affected Females
Learning Disabilities (in Some)
Learning Disability
Learning Disability, Mild
Learning Disorder, Specific
Learning Problems
Learning Skills
Learning Through Pretend Play
Learning To Read
Learning, Social
Learning; Lack Of (specific)
Learnings, Verbal
Leber's Congenital Amaurosis
Left Amblyopia
Left Arm Weakness
Left Corner Of Mouth Droops
Left Foot Stiffness
Left Handed (finding)
Left Home
Left Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction
Left Shifted White Blood Cells
Left Ventricular Mass
Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
Left-beating Horizontal Nystagmus Induced By Head Shaking
Left-sided Facial Pain
Left-sided Liver (rare)
Left-sided Temporal Headache
Leg Asymmetry
Leg Discomfort
Leg Length Discrepancy (in Some Patients)
Legal Insurance Problem
Legal Problem With Separation
Legally Blind (usa Definition) In The Left Eye
Legs Feel Restless
Legs Feel Restless Mainly At Night
Legs Shorter Than Arms
Legs Stiff
Leiden Factor V Deficiency
Leisure Behavior
Length Inequality, Leg
Length Of Laceration Of Left Ear
Lennox Gastaut Syndrome
Lennox-gastaut Syndrome, Refractory
Leptin Deficiency Or Dysfunction
Lesch - Nyhan Syndrome
Lesion Of Brain
Lesion Of Right Axillary Vault
Lesions On Back
Lesions On Face
Lesions On Left Temple
Lesions Whose Location Is Changing
Less Assertive Than Usual; More Passive
Less Often
Leukaemoid Reaction Of The Newborn
Leukocytes Decreased, Slight
Leukocytes Increased, Slight
Leukodystrophies, Metachromatic
Leukoencephalopathies, Progressive Multifocal
Leukoencephalopathy On Ct And Mri
Leukomalacia, Periventricular
Level Achieved
Level Of Activity Assessed (nma-no Measure Associated)
Level Of Agitation
Level Of Interest
Levels (qualifier Value)
Levels Stress
Lewy Bodies Throughout The Brain
Liability, Legal
Lice In Hair
Life Expectancy Of An Individual
Life Skills
Life Style
Life Threatening Severity
Light (qualifier)
Light Sleeping
Light Stimulation
Lighter Skin Color
Like Ice
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophies
Limb Restraint
Limitation Of Joint Movement
Limited Ability To Think Abstractly
Limited Ambulation Weightbearing As Tolerated
Limited Decision-making Experience
Limited Enunciation
Limited Expressive Language
Limited Eye Movements
Limited Facial Expression
Limited Food Acceptance
Limited Leftward Eye Movement
Limited Memory, Attention, Language
Limited Mobility On Exam
Limited Neck Flexion
Limited Or No Interactions With Peers Given Social Opportunity
Limited Reasoning Ability
Limited Rightward Eye Movement
Limited Social Interactions
Limited Spoken Vocabulary
Limited Transfer Capability
Limited Verbal Comprehension
Limping Worse In Morning
Line 2
Line 3
Line Draw
Lip Licking
Lip Protrusion
Lip Retraction, Upper
Lip Smacking
Lip Ulcer (disorder)
Lipid Panel Results Documented And Reviewed (must Include Total Cholesterol, Hdl-c, Triglycerides And Calculated Ldl-c) (cad)
Lipids Abnormal
Lisch Nodule
Listening Comprehension
Lithium Level Elevated
Lithium Level Low
Little Disease
Little Spontaneous Breath
Livedo Reticularis, Nos
Liver Disease Nos
Liver Dysfunction, Mild
Liver Enzyme Elevated
Liver Enzymes Abnormal
Liver Function Tests Abnormal (finding)
Liver Problems
Liver, Fatty
Lives In A Residential Home
Lives In Supported Home
Living Arrangement Tenuous
Living Rough
Loading Technique
Local Throat Irritation
Localised Eruption Of Skin
Localised Scleroderma
Localised Weakness
Localized Skin Rash Under Breast
Localized Swelling Of Right Scrotum
Long Atonic Seizure
Long Care Term
Long Qt Syndrome, Nos
Long Qtc Interval, Intermittent
Long, Tubular Nose
Long-term Memories
Loose Associations
Loose Stool
Looser Or Softer Consistency Of Stool
Lordosis, Nos
Losing Memory In Mornings
Loss (of);speech
Loss Motivation
Loss Of Ambulation
Loss Of Appetite (finding)
Loss Of Developmental Milestones
Loss Of Fine Motor Skills
Loss Of Friend
Loss Of Function Of A Body Part
Loss Of Interest
Loss Of Job
Loss Of Language Ability
Loss Of Patency Of Side Branch
Loss Of Postural Tone
Loss Of Purkinje Cells
Loss Of Purposeful Hand Movements
Loss Of Skin Markings
Loss Of White Matter
Loss Sleep
Loss, Bilateral Hearing
Loss; Hearing, Sensorineural Disorder
Loud Cry
Loud First Heart Sound
Loud Snoring
Loud Thoughts
Louder Than Talking
Loudness Of Heart Sounds
Low 25-oh-vitamin D Level
Low Alkaline Phosphatase
Low Amplitude Eeg Tracing
Low Birth Weight Status
Low Caloric Intake
Low Csf 5-methyltetrahydrofolate
Low Ferritin
Low Fluid Intake, Chronic
Low Free-t4 Levels
Low Frequency Background Activity
Low Fructose Diet (finding)
Low Frustration Tolerance
Low Graded
Low Hanging Columella
Low Hemoglobin
Low Igg
Low Intellectual Ability
Low Intracranial Pressure
Low Iron
Low Maternal Weight Gain
Low Nk Cells
Low Or Absent Thyrotropin (tsh)
Low Output State
Low Pain Threshold
Low Protein Level
Low Risk Of Harm To Self
Low Serum Ferritin
Low Serum Vitamin A Levels
Low Sugar Diet
Low Tolerance Of Pain
Low Triglycerides
Low Vision
Low-amplitude High-frequency Kinetic Tremor Of Hands (rare)
Low-calorie Diet
Low-impact Fractures (in Some Patients)
Low-lying Cerebellar Tonsils
Low-strung Clothesline
Low;self Esteem
Lower Abdomen Hair Score
Lower Extremity Cramp
Lower Extremity Hyperactivity
Lower Extremity Scarring
Lowered Convulsive Threshold
Lulu Phenotype
Lumbar Scoliosis
Lump Grew In Spite Of Thyroid Hormones
Lump Head
Lung Compliance, Increased
Lung Disease Underlying Other Condition
Lung Function Mildly Obstructed
Lung Lll Pneumonia
Lung Scan V/q Mismatch
Lupus Vulgaris
Lupus; Erythematosus, Systemic
Lymphadenitis Cervical
Lymphadenopathy, Nos
Lysosomal Storage Disease
Macrocephaly Autism Syndrome
Macular Cherry-red Spots (in Some Patients)
Made Anxiety Worse
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Abdomen: Fibrotic Changes Of Liver
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Abdomen: Mass Of Lower Pole Of Kidney
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Abdomen: Mass Of Upper Pole Of Kidney
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Brain Abnormal (finding)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Brain: T1-weighted (ir) Cerebellar Atrophy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Brain: T2-weighted Se Hyperintense Signal
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Lumbar Spine: Cystic Mass Of L2 Vertebra
Main Presenting Symptom
Main Treatment Phase
Mainly Eyesight
Maintain A Consistent Routine
Maintain Symptom Diary
Maintaining A Safe Environment
Maintaining Social Interactions
Maintains Attention
Maintains Concentration
Maintains Connectedness In Relationships
Maintains Focus
Maintains Good Eye Contact
Maintains Healthy Weight Gain Pattern
Maintains Predictable Pattern Of Stool Evacuation
Major Change
Major Depressive Disorder, Increased Recurrence Of Depressive Episodes In, Susceptibility To
Major Depressive Disorder, Moderate (mdd)
Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode With Catatonic Features
Make A Routine Eligibility Assessment (no Problems)
Makes Appropriate Environmental Modifications
Makes Circular And Horizontal Strokes With Crayon
Malabsorption (patient A)
Malabsorption; Syndrome
Maladaptive Behavior Associated With Physical Illness
Maladaptive Health Behaviors Affecting Physical Condition
Maladaptive Stress Response
Male Adolescent Aberrant Sex Behaviour
Male Courtship Behaviour, Tapping To Detect Pheromone
Male Courtship Behaviour, Veined Wing Extension
Male Pattern Alopecia
Male Pubertal Voice Change
Males More Frequently Have Severe Lesions
Malignant Hyperpyrexia Due To Anesthesia
Malignant Syndrome Nos
Mallampati Class Iv
Mallory-weiss Syndrome
Malnutrition Chronic
Malnutrition; Mild
Malnutrition; Moderate
Malnutrition; Severe
Malodorous Urine
Manage Operations
Manageable Behaviour
Managed Care Plans (medical Care)
Management Medication
Management Of Anxiety
Management Of Impulse Control
Management Self
Managing Aggressive Behavior
Managing One's Own Behaviour
Mania With Mood-congruent Psychotic Symptoms
Manic Behavior
Manic Episode
Manic Episode Without Psychotic Symptoms
Manic Symptoms
Manic-depressive Psychosis, Depressed Type Without Psychotic Symptoms
Manifest Vertical Squint, Eye Up
Manifestations, Neurologic
Manufacturing Process Problem Identified
Many Seizures A Day
Maple Syrup Urine Disease, Intermittent
Maple-syrup-urine; Disease
Marfan Syndrome
Marginal Ridge Height Discrepancy
Marital/relationship Conflict
Marked Change In Behavior
Marked Hypoalphalipoproteinemia (in Some Patients)
Marked Mood Shift
Marked Rigidity
Markedly Decreased Ejection Fraction
Markedly Diminished Pleasure
Markedly Increased Dietary Intake
Markedly Limited
Markers, Biochemical
Marriage, Life Event
Martial Art
Mass Lesion Of Parietal Lobe
Mass Of Back
Mass Of Body Structure
Mast Cell Activation Disorder
Mastery Learning
Mastitis-metritis-agalactia Syndrome
Mastoiditis With Related Conditions
Material Integrity Problem
Maternal Autoimmune Disease
Maternal Concern
Maternal Fever
Maternal History Of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Maternal Hypertension
Maternal Illness
Maternal Medical Problem Nos
Maternal Stress
Maternal Untreated Varicella Infection
Maternal: [concern] Or [anxiety]
Maternal; Congenital Heart Disease, Affecting Fetus
Maximal (qualifier Value)
Maximum Heart Rate
Mcv Low
Me And My School Questionnaire Behavioural Difficulties Score
Mean Bp Decreased
Mean Score
Measurement 2
Measurement 4
Measurement Of Cognitive Linguistic Ability Score
Measuring Height
Measuring Radial Pulse
Meconium; Peritonitis
Med, Psych, And/or Drug/alcohol - Consent Type
Med3 Issued To Patient
Medical Device Break
Medical Device Mechanical Issue
Medical Encounter For Allergen Desensitization
Medical Evaluation, Independent
Medical History
Medical History Unknown
Medical Home
Medical Identification Bracelet Present
Medical Insurance Coverage (history)
Medical Outpatient
Medical Practice Management Services
Medical Practice Managements
Medical Product Stability
Medical Reason
Medical Screening
Medical Services Received In The Last 2mo
Medical Status Altered
Medical-influenza-like Illness/ Upper Respiratory Infection
Medically Necessary Service Or Supply
Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Medication 2
Medication After Taste
Medication Commenced
Medication Course Changed
Medication Decreased
Medication Dosage Tapering
Medication Dose Decreased
Medication Dose Increased
Medication Dose Too High
Medication Dose Too Low
Medication Increased
Medication Nonadherence
Medication Not Effective
Medication Regimen Behaviour Finding
Medication Response
Medication Sensitivity Multiple
Medication Taken At Lower Dose Than Recommended
Medication Too Hard To Chew
Medication Usage Suggestion
Medication-induced Postural Tremor
Mediterranean; Fever, Familial
Members Share Thoughts, Feelings, Interests, Concerns
Membrane Rupture
Memory Difficulties
Memory Lapse
Memory Recall
Memory, Episodic
Memory, Nos
Memory; Loss
Mendelian Disorders
Meningitis Chemical
Meningitis Viral Nos
Meningitis, Aseptic
Menopause Symptoms Present
Menstrual Bleeding Lasts More Than 7 Days
Menstrual Spotting
Menstruation Irregular/frequent
Menstruation; Failure At Puberty
Mental And Behavioral Disorders Due To Use Of Other Stimulants Including Caffeine, Harmful Use
Mental And Behavioral Problems With Learning In Icd9cm
Mental And Behavioural Disorders Due To Use Of Sedatives Or Hypnotics, Withdrawal State
Mental Association
Mental Concentration
Mental Condition
Mental Deteriorations
Mental Function Of Sequencing Complex Movements
Mental Health - Other
Mental Health Act Examination Nos
Mental Health Addiction Programmes - Full Day : Day Care
Mental Health Addiction Programs - Daily Intensive
Mental Health Illness Rates
Mental Health Problem
Mental Impairment, Mild To Moderate
Mental Orientations
Mental Processes
Mental Retardation (average Iq 56)
Mental Retardation (profound)
Mental Retardation, Mild (in Some)
Mental Retardation, Nos
Mental State, Nos
Mental Status Altered Acute
Mental Status Altered Confusional State
Mental Status Altered Fluctuating
Mental Status Altered Responsiveness Decreased
Mental Status Assessed (cap) (em)
Mental Tolerance
Mental, Behavioral And Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Mental; Depression
Mentally Abusive Behaviour
Mentally Dull
Merrf Syndrome
Merrf/melas Overlap Syndrome
Mesial Temporal Sclerosis
Metabolic Acidosis (in Some Patients)
Metabolic Acidosis, Normal Anion Gap (nag), Nos
Metabolic Alkaloses
Metabolic Disease, Nos
Metabolic Disease; Cataract (manifestation)
Metabolic Hair Color Change
Metabolic Myopathies
Metabolic Picture Complex
Methionine Malabsorption Syndrome
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Mutation
Mg Reduced
Microcephaly, Mild
Microcephaly, Short Stature, And Polymicrogyria With Seizures
Microdeletion Syndromes
Microtubule Disorganization In Some Cilia
Microvillus Inclusion Disease
Micturition Frequency Increased
Mid-chest Pain On Swallowing
Mid-parental Height
Midback Pain Worsens With Coughing Or Sneezing
Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction
Middle Insomnia
Midface Retrusion
Midline Defects
Midline Lip Defect, Subtle (in Some Patients)
Migraine Variants
Migrating Clonic Jerks (in Some Patients)
Mild (low Grade)
Mild Adverse Event
Mild Allergy Severity
Mild Anxiety
Mild Aortic Dilatation (rare)
Mild Cardiac Valve Stenosis
Mild Conductive Hearing Impairment
Mild Dehydration
Mild Depression
Mild Depressive Episode
Mild Developmental Articulation Disorder
Mild Disorder
Mild Distal Sensory Deficits
Mild Distal Sensory Impairment (in Some)
Mild Dysmorphic Features
Mild Dysmorphism
Mild Eczema
Mild Elevation Of Transaminases
Mild Elevation Of Triglycerides
Mild Expressive Language Delay
Mild Flaring Of Iliac Wings
Mild Frontal Bossing
Mild Gynecomastia (in Some Patients)
Mild Hearing Impairment (13%)
Mild Hereditary Factor Viii Deficiency Disease
Mild Hydronephrosis
Mild Hypertelorism
Mild Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
Mild Insufficient Nutrition
Mild Intellectual Disability, Iq 50-70
Mild Intermittent Asthma Nos
Mild Loss Of Neurons In The Cerebellum
Mild Memory Loss
Mild Mental Decline
Mild Mental Retardation
Mild Metabolic Acidosis
Mild Mitral Insufficiency (in Family A)
Mild Moderate
Mild Mood Disorder
Mild Myopia
Mild Neurosensory Hearing Impairment
Mild Obstructive Lung Disease
Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea (apnea Hypopnea Index (ahi) Or Respiratory Disturbance Index (rdi) Of Less Than 15)
Mild Oesophageal Dysplasia
Mild Or Unspecified Pre-eclampsia, Unspecified As To Episode Of Care Or Not Applicable
Mild Persistent Asthma Nos
Mild Phenotype
Mild Receptive Language Delay
Mild Restricted Muscular Dystrophy
Mild Scoliosis
Mild Slowing And/or Reduction In Amplitude
Mild Temporal Optic Nerve Pallor
Mild Thoracic Scoliosis
Mild Thrombocytopenia
Mild To Moderate Hearing Loss
Mild To Moderate Learning Difficulties
Mild Transient Tachypnoea Of Newborn
Mild Weakness
Mildly Abnormal Behavior
Mildly Abnormal Cone Function On Erg (rare)
Mildly Abnormal Ejection Fraction
Mildly Curved Limbs (varus)
Mildly Decreased Serum Creatinine
Mildly Dysmorphic Facies
Mildly Elevated Creatine Kinase
Mildly Elevated Glucose
Mildly Enlarged Ventricles
Mildly Short Of Breath
Milestone: Calms Self
Milestone: Can Ride Tricycle
Milestone: Can Sing A Song
Milestone: Combines Two Different Words
Milestone: Fixes On Faces
Milestone: Follows 2-step Commands
Milestone: Friendly Or Hostile/aggressive Behavior
Milestone: Has A Social Smile
Milestone: Imitates A Vertical Line
Milestone: Imitates Simple Daily Tasks
Milestone: Immature Pencil Grasp
Milestone: Listens To A Story
Milestone: Makes Vowel Sounds
Milestone: Names An Animal In A Picture
Milestone: Neat Pincer Grasp
Milestone: Plays Peek-a-boo
Milestone: Rakes Small Objects
Milestone: Rolls A Ball Back To Examiner
Milestone: Says Mama Or Dada Specifically
Milestone: Stacks 3-4 Blocks
Milestone: Stacks Two Blocks
Milestone: Uses 2-3 Word Sentences
Milestone: Uses A Spoon
Milestone: Uses Words To Communicate
Milestone: Visually Explores Surroundings
Milestone: Walks Holding Onto Furniture
Milestone: Waves Bye-bye
Milestones Assessment
Miliaria Rubra
Milk Allergies
Milk Protein Allergy
Milk Soy Protein Intolerance
Miller-dieker Syndrome
Minimal Activity
Minimal Atrophy Of The Mandible
Minimal Brain Dysfunction
Minimal Difficulty When Not In Quiet Setting
Minimal Eye Contact
Minimal Hair Growth
Minimal Maxillary Ridge Support For Denture
Minimal Therapeutic Response
Minimal To Absent Speech
Minimally Delayed And Depressed Scotopic Responses
Minor (value)
Miosis (disorder)
Misinterpreted Protocol
Missed Childhood Immunisations
Missed Dose
Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency
Mitochondrial Cytopathy
Mitochondrial Diseases
Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies
Mitochondrial Encephalopathy
Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis And Stroke-like Episodes (melas Syndrome)
Mitochondrial Genetic Susceptibility
Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome
Mitral And Aortic Incompetence
Mitral Regurgitation, Mild
Mitral Regurgitation, Mild To Moderate
Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Mixed Axonal And Demyelinating Neuropathy
Mixed Bipolar I Disorder
Mixed Conductive And Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Bilateral
Mixed Disturbance Of Conduct And Emotion Nos
Mixed Obsessional Thoughts And Acts
Mixed Ocular Disease Or Syndrome
Mixed Specific Developmental Disorders
Mixed; Epileptic
Moaning And Crying
Mob All Med - Fee Paid
Mobility Deficit Therapy
Moderate (severity Modifier)
Moderate Activity
Moderate Anxiety
Moderate Cognitive Impairment
Moderate Conductive Hearing Impairment
Moderate Difficulty
Moderate Expressive Language Delay
Moderate Hereditary Factor Viii Deficiency Disease
Moderate Intellectual Disabilities
Moderate Level Oestrogen Effect Present
Moderate Or Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (apnea Hypopnea Index (ahi) Or Respiratory Disturbance Index (rdi) Of 15 Or Greater)
Moderate Persistent Asthma
Moderate Receptive Language Delay
Moderate Response
Moderate To Severe
Moderate Visual Impairment
Moderate; Bothersome To Patient
Moderately Elevated Ige
Moderately Impaired-decisions Poor; Cues/supervision Required
Modified Dukes Stage A
Modified Independence - Some Difficulty In New Situations Only
Modified Pull-ups
Mohr-tranebjærg Syndrome
Mole Changes
Molecular Abnormality
Molecular Major Response
Molestation Sexual
Monitor Daily Weight
Monitor Drug Database
Monitor Newborn's Heart Rate
Monitor Newborn's Weight
Monitor Patient Vital Signs
Monitor The Oxygen Liter Flow
Monitor The Patient's Emotional State
Monitor The Patient's Response To The Medication
Monitoring Height
Monitoring Physiological Parameters
Monitoring Using An Exit Alarm
Monitors Behavioral Manifestations Of Anxiety
Monitors Intensity Of Anxiety
Monitors Intensity Of Depression
Monitors Intensity Of Fear
Monitors Supplemental Caregiver
Monitors Symptom Onset
Monocular Exotropia Of Left Eye
Monoparesis - Leg
Monosodium Glutamate Sensitivity
Monotone Speech
Mood (psychological Function)
Mood Alteration, Ctcae
Mood Anxious
Mood Changes-problems Or Irritability
Mood Depressed
Mood Disorder Nos
Mood Disorder Of Manic Type
Mood Disorder; Medical Condition
Mood Dysphoric
Mood Frustrated
Mood Instability
Mood Irritable
Mood Is Higher, More Optimistic
Mood Self-contemptuous
Mood Swing
Mood Symptoms
Morbilliform Rash
More Easily Distracted
More Effective Medication Therapy Available
More Energetic And More Active
More Frequent In Females
More Irritable Than Usual
More Than One Thing
More Witty Than Usual
Morning Headache
Mornings Sickness
Mosquito Bite -- Finding
Most Common Inherited Bleeding Disorder
Most Common Mutation Is Leu276ile (606596.0004)
Most Of Time
Most Recent Assessment Of Adequacy Of Volume Management Documented
Most Recent Inpatient Discharge Date
Most Recent Systolic Blood Pressure < 140 Mmhg
Most Recent Treponemal Test Type
Most Significant
Mother Currently Breast-feeding
Mother Is Ill
Motivation, Nos
Motor And Intellectual Disability, Severe
Motor And Vocal Tics
Motor Clumsiness
Motor Delay
Motor Dyspraxia
Motor Function Of Tongue
Motor Impairment More Significant Than Sensory Impairment
Motor Incoordination
Motor Level Spinal Weakness
Motor Neuropathy More Prominent Than Sensory Neuropathy
Motor Or Vocal Tic Disorder, Chronic
Motor Regression
Motor Restlessness
Motor Retardation
Motor Skill Disorder
Motor Speech
Motor Speech Disorder
Motor Stereotypy
Motor Symptom
Mouth Movements
Movement Abnormality Of The Tongue
Movement Disorder Nos
Movement Disorders (in Some Patients)
Movement Muscle
Movement Of Abdomen
Movement Of Head On Eye Movement
Movements Involuntary (nos)
Movements Worsened By Anxiety
Moyamoya; Disease
Mri Of Pituitary Fossa: Partial Empty Sella Turcica
Mri Scan Abnormal
Mrsa - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection
Much Worse
Mucopolysaccharidosis Ii
Mucosal Thickening
Multi Disciplinary Teams
Multidisciplinary Team Falls Assessment
Multifocal Discharges
Multifocal Epileptiform Discharges
Multifocal Epileptiform Discharges On Diffuse Slow Background
Multifocal Polyspike And Slow-wave Discharges
Multifocal Spike And Wave Activity
Multifocal Spike Waves
Multifocal Spikes
Multiple Acyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Multiple Bilateral Renal Angiomyolipoma
Multiple Cafe-au-lait Spots
Multiple Cardiovascular Effects
Multiple Chronic Conditions
Multiple Dental Caries
Multiple Deprivation Of Child
Multiple Disability
Multiple Disability Visual Impairment
Multiple Lumps
Multiple Mitochondrial Dna Deletions
Multiple Ovarian Simple Cysts
Multiple Palmar Creases
Multiple Pathologies
Multiple Scabs
Multiple Seizures Daily At Onset
Multiple Seizures Types
Multiple Sensory Disability
Multiple Small Bowel Atresias
Multiple Somatic Complaints
Multiple Symptomatology
Multiple Types Of Iv Antibiotic Administration
Multiple Upper Respiratory Infections
Multiple-domain Risk And Protective Factors
Multiple; Infection
Multiples Sclerosis
Multisensory Dizziness
Multisystem Disorder A-b
Multisystem_nos Problem
Murder Nos
Murmur Left Lower Sternal Border Systolic Low-pitched
Murmur Left Upper Sternal Border Systolic Grade Vi
Murmur Left Upper Sternal Border Systolic Harsh
Murmur Left Upper Sternal Border Systolic Transmitted Along Left Sternal Border
Murmur Right Upper Sternal Border Systolic Crescendo-decrescendo
Murmur, Innocent
Murmur; Heart
Murmurs, Systolic
Muscle Cramping
Muscle Endurance
Muscle Enzyme Increased
Muscle Spasm Lower Back
Muscle Spasms Triggered By Minimal Stimulation
Muscle Spasticity
Muscle Tightness In Back Of Thigh
Muscle Tightness On Inside Of Thigh
Muscle Twitch
Muscle Weakness Generalized
Muscle Weakness, Distal More Than Proximal
Muscle Weakness, Severe
Muscle; Fatigue
Muscles Proximal Weakness
Muscular Dystrophies, Facioscapulohumeral
Muscular Hypotonia Of The Trunk
Muscular Stiffness
Musculoskeletal Stiffness Generalized
Musculoskeletal System Physical Examination
Mushy Stool
Mutism Selective
My Chest Trouble Interferes With My Work Or Made Me Change My Work
My Child Prefers To Play Alone In The Past 7d
My Medication Interferes With My Life A Lot
My Schoolwork Is Exciting
My Teachers Care About Me
Myasthenia; Gravis
Mydriasis, Nos
Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial Infarction Acute
Myocardial Infarction Low Suspicion
Myocardial Ischemias
Myoclonic Absence Epilepsy, Refractory
Myoclonic Cerebellar Dyssynergia
Myoclonic Epilepsies
Myoclonic Seizure, Refractory
Myoclonic Seizures, Frequent, Long-lasting (many Hours)
Myoclonus, Benign Neonatal Sleep
Myoclonus, Cortical, Multifocal
Myofibril Destruction (in Some Patients)
Myoglobinuria, Acute Recurrent, Autosomal Recessive
Myokymia, Interictal
Myopathic Facies
Myopathy Nos
Myopathy, Mild
Myopia, Moderate To High
Myopia, Progressive
Myopic Astigmatism
Myxoid Transformation, Mitral Valve
Nail Hypoplasia (some)
Nail Picking
Nakajo Syndrome
Name Misspelling
Narcotic Bowel Syndromes
Narrow Ear Canals
Narrow Face
Narrow Nose
Nasal Congestion (finding)
Nasal Discharge From Right Nostril
Nasal Discharge Recurs Frequently
Nasal Drainage
Nasal Flaring
Nasal Passage Blockage Changes With The Seasons
Nasal Pruritus
Nasal Quality To Speech
Nasal Regurgitation
Nasal Tip, Pinched
Nasal Tone To Voice
Nasopharyngeal Reflux
Nausea And Vomiting Control Behavior
Nausea And Vomiting Status
Nausea Nos
Nausea With Vomiting
Neck Pain Increased By Eating
Neck Pain Increased By Turning Head
Necrobiosis Lipoidica
Necrolysis, Toxic Epidermal
Necrotic Lesion
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Need For Immunization Against Unspecified Infectious Disease
Needles Phobia
Needs An Advocate
Negative Attitude
Negative Thoughts
Negatively (concerned, Annoyed, Irritated, Critical)
Neglect Of Right Side Of Body
Neglected Child Finding
Neglected Parents
Neighborhood/workplace Safety - Other
Neonatal Epileptic Encephalopathy (nee)
Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal Meningitis
Neonatal Onset
Neonatal; Hypocalcemia
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Nos
Nephrolithiasis Nos
Nepsy-ii Subtests Phonological Processing Scaled Score
Nerve Conduction Studies Overall Decrease In Velocity
Nervosa; Anorexia
Nervous Problems System
Nervous System Disorder
Neuro & Emotional & Behavioral Status
Neurobehavioral Status Exam (clinical Assessment Of Thinking, Reasoning And Judgment, [eg, Acquired Knowledge, Attention, Language, Memory, Planning And Problem Solving, And Visual Spatial Abilities]), By Physician Or Other Qualified Health Care Professional, Both Face-to-face Time With The Patient And Time Interpreting Test Results And Preparing The Report; First Hour
Neurodegeneration Due To Cerebral Folate Transport Deficiency
Neurodegeneration In The Cerebellum
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation (nbia)
Neurodegeneration With Brain Iron Accumulation 5
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Delay
Neurodevelopmental Disorder Nos
Neurodevelopmental Impairment (early-onset Form)
Neurogenic Arthropathies
Neurologic (qualifier Value)
Neurologic Change
Neurologic Deficit New
Neurologic Deterioration, Progressive
Neurologic Features Occur In Adulthood
Neurologic Gait Disorder
Neurologic Involvement (in Some Patients)
Neurologic Regression
Neurologic Regression After Prolonged Episodes
Neurologic Regression Following Seizure Onset
Neurologic Sequelae
Neurologic Sign Symptom Complex
Neurologic Symptom
Neurological Defect
Neurological Drug Side Effects
Neurological Soft Signs
Neurological Status
Neurological Status: Cranial Function
Neurological Ventriculitis
Neurological Weakness Of The Right Or Left Side
Neuromuscular Disease
Neuromuscular Junction Diseases
Neuromuscular Tone Slightly Decreased
Neuromuscular Weakness
Neuromuscular; Scoliosis
Neuromyelitis Optica
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Adult
Neuronal Heterotopia
Neuronal Intestinal Pseudoobstruction
Neuronal Loss In The Dentate Nuclei
Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathy, Hereditary Sensory, Atypical
Neuropsych Problem
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, Absent (dem)
Neuropsychiatric Syndrome
Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Neutral Fluid Balance
Neutropenia Nos
Neutropenia, Mild
Never Smoked Any Substance
Never Woken With This Problem
New Information
New Medication Added
New Myocardial Ischaemia Compared To Prior Study
New Onset
New Onset Seizure
New Or Worsening Symptom
New Regional Wall Motion Abnormality By Non-invasive Imaging Technique
New Religious Movement
New Sexual Contact
New Therapy
Newborn Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Newborn Weight Check
Newly Diagnosed
Night Cough Absent
Night Sweats
Night Terrors
Nightmares, Rem-sleep Type
Nighttime Awakening
Nighttime Coughing
Nigricans, Acanthosis
Nih Stroke Scale Baseline
Nitidus; Lichen
No Adolescent Growth Spurt
No Anti-cancer Treatment - Significant Co-morbidity
No Apparent Problem
No Assistance Needed In This Area
No Difficulty At All
No Energy To Fight Back
No Feeling Or Sensation In Toes
No Formal Education
No Injuries Apparent
No Interest In Food
No Longer Drives A Car
No Mtdna Depletion
No Neurodevelopmental Condition Detected On Examination
No Other Appropriate Choice
No Response - Disease Response
No Seizures On Treatment
No Significant Drug Interactions
No Significant Medical History
No Significant Social History
No Smokers In The Household
No Spontaneous Puberty (in Some Patients)
No Status Change
No Treatment Required For
Nocturnal And Diurnal Enuresis
Nocturnal Awakening
Nocturnal Dyspnoea
Nocturnal Eating Drinking Syndrome
Nocturnal Myoclonus
Nocturnal Psychotic Delusions
Nocturnal Restlessness (finding)
Nocturnal Seizure
Nocturnal Seizures (in Some Patients)
Nocturnal Tongue Biting And Bleeding
Nodular (qualifier Value)
Nodule Along Peripheral Artery
Noise Phobia
Noisy Respiration
Non-compliance Of Drug Therapy
Non-compliant Behaviour
Non-contrastive Sound System
Non-convulsive Status Epilepticus
Non-enhancing Lesion
Non-epileptic Myoclonus
Non-face-to-face Evaluation And Management Services
Non-fasting Specimen
Non-febrile Seizures Later
Non-infectious Pneumonias
Non-migrainous Vascular Headache
Non-organic Sleep Disorder
Non-proteinuric Hypertension Of Pregnancy
Non-purposeful Arm Movements, Choreoathetoid-like
Non-reflux Ulcer Of Esophagus
Non-rhythmic Abnormal Eye Movement, Nos
Non-specific Intraventricular Conduction Delay
Non-toxic Uninodular Goitre
Non-urgent Psychiatric Admission
Non-verbal Auditory Hallucinations
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Nonbilious Vomiting
Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
None Of The Above
None Of The Above Behaviors Demonstrated
Nonepileptic Seizure
Nonfunctioning; Gallbladder
Nonketotic Hypoglycemia
Nonpsychotic Mental Disorder, Unspecified
Nonrheumatic Pulmonary Valve Regurgitation
Nonspecific Distress Cry
Nonspecific Myopathy
Nonstimulating Lifestyle
Nonverbal (in Some Patients)
Nonverbal Ability
Nonverbal Communication In Infants
Nonverbal Learning
Nonverbal Learning Disorder
Nonverbal Meaning
Noonan Syndrome
Noonan-like/multiple Giant Cell Lesion Syndrome (disorder)
Normal Csf Neurotransmitters
Normal Development Between Episodes
Normal Ferritin
Normal Fine Motor Activity
Normal Igg, Iga, Igm, Ige Levels
Normal Interictal Eeg
Normal Left Ventricular Systolic Function
Normal Movement Of All Extremities
Normal Neonatal Course
Normal Platelet Aggregation Studies
Normal Serum Igfbp3 Levels
Normal Size Cardiac Chamber
Normal Sleep-onset Time (normal Time Of Falling Asleep)
Normal Systolic Arterial Pressure
Normal Variation In Size
Normal; Delivery
Nose Discharge, Foul Smelling
Nose Irritation
Nose Rubbing
Nose Symptoms
Nose; Pain
Nostrils Anteverted
Not All Tumors Evaluated
Not Aware Of Danger From Strangers
Not Easily Wakened From Sleep Walking
Not Getting Enough Sleep
Not Quite So Much
Not Ready For Toilet Training
Not Receiving Education
Not Significantly Limited
Notable Event
Notable Friendly Behavior
Novel Influenza A
Novel Influenza A: Respiratory Infection (acute) (upper)
Noxious Environmental Stimuli
Nuclear Grade Iii Or Iv
Number Of High Calorie Snacks Per Day
Number Of Previous Doses
Number Of Pupils In Class
Number Of Skin Patches
Number Of Urinary Incontinence Episodes
Numbness Of Left Upper Arm
Numbness Of Tongue
Numerous Vacuole-like Areas
Nurse Practitioner Rendering Service In Collaboration With A Physician
Nursing Care Evaluation
Nursing Diagnoses
Nursing End Time:
Nutrient Deficiency
Nutrient Intake Assessment
Nutrition Deficiency Due To A Particular Kind Of Food
Nutrition Intake Pattern
Nutrition Management
Nutritional Assessment Completed
Nutritional Deficiency; Lack Of Food
Nutritional Quality Of Current Diet
Nystagmus, Intermittent (1 Of 2 Sibs)
Nystagmus, Latent
Nystagmus, Nos
O/e - Abdominal Breathing
O/e - Anxious
O/e - Bone - Unusual Posture
O/e - Bp Reading Very Low
O/e - Bruising
O/e - Closed Comedones
O/e - Coordination Nos
O/e - Cracked Nipple
O/e - Depressed
O/e - Fearful Mood
O/e - Fit/convulsion
O/e - Focal (jacksonian) Fit
O/e - Impulsive Behaviour
O/e - Inappropriate Footwear
O/e - Involuntary Movement Nos
O/e - Liver Very Hard
O/e - Profoundly Anaemic
O/e - Sensory Aphasia
O/e - Significantly Deaf
O/e - Spasm/tic
O/e - Tremor Outstretched Hands
Obesity Adult Onset
Obesity Chronic Steroid Use
Obesity Morbid
Obesity Related Glomerulopathy
Obesity, Pediatric
Obesity; Exogenous
Obesity; Nutritional, Overalimentation
Observation For Suspected Neurological Conditions
Observe The Stool For Oil
Obsessional Erotomania
Obsessional Thoughts Of Causing Harm To Others
Obsessional Thoughts Of Contamination
Obsessional Thoughts Of Harm Occurring To Property
Obsessive Behaviour (in Some Patients)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Nos
Obsessive Features
Obsessive Tendencies
Obsessive Thinking
Obsessive-compulsive Disorder In Adolescence
Obsessive-compulsive Disorders And Symptoms
Obsessive-compulsive Symptom
Obsessive-compulsive Trait
Obstructions, Gastric Outlet
Obstructive Hydrocephalus
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (in Some Patients)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea
Obtain A Pertinent Medical History
Obtain And Evaluate Previous Medical Records
Obtain Baseline Ekg, As Appropriate
Obtains Regular Dental Care
Occasional Back Pain
Occasional Choking
Occasional Overeating
Occasionally Incontinent (one Episode Of Bowel Incontinence)
Occasionally Low-dose Insulin Required
Occipital Intermittent Rhythmic Delta Activity
Occult Chronic Type B Viral Hepatitis
Occupation-related Stress Disorder
Occupational Impairment, Functional
Occupational Therapy - Group Minutes
Occupational Therapy - Individual Minutes
Occupational Therapy Assessment
Occupational Therapy At Gym
Occupational Therapy At Ot Unit
Occurrence Of Difficulty Breathing
Ocular Motility Disorder
Ocular Nystagmus, Spontaneous
Ocular Physical Exam
Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1
Oculodigitoesophagoduodenal Syndrome
Oculomotor; Apraxia
Oedema Pitting
Oesophageal Tear
Oestradiol Decreased
Office Visit - After Regularly Scheduled Hours
Often Confused With Tuberous Sclerosis (191000)
Olecranon Bursitis
Olivopontocerebellar; Atrophy
On A Daily Basis
On Examination - A Rash
On Examination - Dry Lips
On Examination - Erythematous Rash
On Examination - Hoffman's Sign
On Examination - Neurological (finding)
On Severe Mental Illness Register
On Work Experience
On-line Medical Direction
One High-risk Medication Ordered
One Of The Most Common Autoimmune Diseases
One Or More Foot Problems
One Or More Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
One Or More Organs Examined
One Or More Positive Axillary Node
One Or More Tests Pending
One Or Two Attempts
One Third Of Patients Represent New Mutations
Ongoing Assessment Of Behaviour
Ongoing Resuscitation In Ed
Only Occasionally At Bedtimes, Including Naps
Onset In First Few Years Of Life
Onset Of Labor Induced (finding)
Onset Of Seizures In Infancy
Opacity; Lens
Open Mouth (finding)
Open Wound With Visible Tendons
Opens Containers
Opens Eyes To External Stimuli
Ophthalmologic Procedure Possible Limitations And Risks Discussed Include Residual Visual Impairment
Ophthalmologic Procedure Possible Limitations And Risks Discussed Include Worsened Strabismus
Opiate Abuse Pain Medication Dependence
Opportunity To Urinate
Oppositional Behavior
Oppositional Defiant Disorder In Children
Optic Atrophy Nos
Optic Disc Masses Bilaterally
Optic Nerve Pallor
Optimal Change Scores - Difficulty
Oral Aversion
Oral Behaviors
Oral Care
Oral Contraceptive Changed
Oral Hygiene Poor
Oral Hypersensitivity
Oral Motor Dysfunction (juvenile Form)
Oral Phase Dysphagia
Oral Steroids Last Used
Oral Temperature Sensitivity
Oral Ulcer
Oral Yeast Infection
Orange (color)
Orbital Cellulitis
Orbital Separation Excessive
Order Diagnostic Tests, As Appropriate
Ordinary Things Have Unique Significance (reference)
Organ Weight, Abnormal Increase
Organic Amnesia Of Language
Organic Dysphonia
Organic Memory Impairment
Organic; Mood Disorder
Organisational Skills
Orientation To Hospital Daily Routine
Original Hair Color
Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency
Oromotor Dysfunction
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Orthodontic Braces Were Being Worn
Orthopantogram: Mucosal Thickening Of Both Maxillary Sinuses
Orthopantogram: Mucosal Thickening Of Left Maxillary Sinus
Orthostatic Hypotension
Orthostatic Tachycardia
Ortolani's Test Response
Oscillation Of Arm Or Leg During Movement
Osteitis Cystica Fibrosa
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Levin Type
Osteomyelitis Chronic Multifocal
Osteomyelitis Of Vertebra
Osteopenia Prematurity
Osteoporosis (classic Feature)
Osteoporosis, Nos
Osteoradionecrosis Of The Temporal Bone
Ostomy Present
Other Abnormal Granulation Tissue Nos
Other Activity Involving Climbing, Rappelling And Jumping Off
Other Atopic Dermatitis
Other Childhood Emotional Disorders
Other Chronic Nonalcoholic Liver Disease
Other Chronic Organic Psychotic Conditions
Other Congenital Retinal Changes Nos
Other Convulsions
Other Decreased Leukocytes
Other Developmental Speech Or Language Disorder
Other Difficulties With Micturition
Other Disease Diagnoses
Other Diseases Of Larynx
Other Eating Disorders
Other Emergency Department Services
Other Emotional Disturbances Of Childhood Or Adolescence
Other Exophthalmic Conditions
Other Feeding Types
Other Gastrointestinal Adverse Event
Other Immunisation (rate A)
Other Incorrect Electrode Placement
Other Inflammatory Disorders Of Penis
Other Intellectual Disabilities
Other Internal Organ Problems
Other Intervention Target
Other Intestinal Malabsorption
Other Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Other Items Of Service Admin.
Other Lack Of Coordination
Other Language
Other Malaise
Other Medical Condition
Other Mixed Anxiety Disorders
Other Myopathies
Other Neurology Adverse Event
Other Or Unspecified Stimulant Use Disorder, Severe
Other Pain
Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Other Phobic Anxiety Disorders
Other Physical Or Medical Problem
Other Physical Or Occupational Therapy Subsequent Functional Limitation, Current Status, At Therapy Episode Outset And At Reporting Intervals
Other Pregnancy-related Complications
Other Problems Related To Life-management Difficulty
Other Reactions To Severe Stress
Other Recurrent Depressive Disorders
Other Seizures
Other Sexual Dysfunction, Not Caused By Organic Disorder Or Disease
Other Sleep Disorders
Other Specific Developmental Learning Difficulties
Other Specified Adjustment Reaction
Other Specified Anxiety Disorder
Other Specified Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
Other Specified Depressive Disorder
Other Specified Disorders Of Muscle
Other Specified Multiple Gestation
Other Specified Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Other Speech Language Pathology Functional Limitation, Current Status At Therapy Episode Outset And At Reporting Intervals
Other Subjective Visual Disturbances
Other Symptoms
Other Syndromes, Ctcae
Other Things
Other Tic Disorders
Other Transient Organic Psychoses Nos
Other Transitory Neonatal Endocrine And Metabolic Problem
Other Vincent's Infections
Other Vitamin-b12-deficiency Anemia
Other Vocal Cord Disease Nos
Otitis Externa
Otitis Media, Nos
Otitis Media, Recurrent
Otitis Media, With Effusion
Otitis, Recurrent
Otitis; Media, Serous, Acute
Otopalatodigital Syndrome, Type Ii
Otorrhea, Right Ear
Out Sleeping
Outbursts Of Aggression Or Rage
Outbursts Of Anger
Output Above Specifications
Outs Time
Ovarian Failure
Ovarian Failure, Premature
Over A Few Months
Over-anxious Character
Overall Change In Care Needs
Overall Level Of Difficulty With These Activities Today
Overall Prognosis For Recovery From This Episode
Overall Summary Score
Overgrowth Yeast
Overlapping Features Of Digeorge Syndrome
Overlapping Fingers (in Some Patients)
Overlapping Syndrome
Overlying Behaviour
Overreaction To Real Or Imagined Slights Or Failures
Overwhelming Infection In Asplenic Patient
Overwhelming Negative Feelings
Ovine Interdigital Dermatitis
Oxygen Desaturation
Oxygen Saturation 92% To 94% Room Air
Oxygen Saturation Below Reference Range
P Mitrale (finding)
Pacing Threshold Increased
Pacing Up And Down
Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infection
Paediatric Feeding Management
Pain Above Heel
Pain Above Left Heel
Pain Around The Eye
Pain Behavior Present
Pain Distress Level
Pain During Labor And Delivery
Pain Effect On Function
Pain Elicited In Shoulder During Bear Hug Test
Pain Foot
Pain In (r) Hip
Pain In Eye
Pain In Left Groin
Pain In Left Lower Limb
Pain In Lower Limb Nos
Pain In Right Lower Limb
Pain In The Umbilical Region
Pain In Throat And Chest
Pain Irritated
Pain Localised
Pain Mechanical
Pain Of Back Of Left Arm
Pain Onset New
Pain Oral
Pain Radiating To Head
Pain Severity.legs
Pain Threshold Decreased
Pain Thresholds
Pain When Defecating
Pain, Facial
Pain: Adverse Psychological Response
Pain; Hypersensitivity
Pain; Sinus
Painful Feet
Painful Rash
Pains Toe
Palatal Expander
Pale Lips
Palliative Care By Specialist - Outpatient (treatment)
Pallor Of Optic Discs
Pallor Of Skin
Palmar Creases (finding)
Palpable Mass
Palpitations Nos
Palsy Bells
Palsy Cerebral
Pancreatic Acinar Atrophy
Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Pancreatic Stone Disease
Pancreatic Toxicity
Panhypopituitarism Nos
Panic Attacks (in Some Patients)
Panic Symptoms
Pansinusitis Nos
Papillomatosis With Overlying Thin, Slightly Hyperpigmented Epidermis
Papillon Lefevre Disease
Papular Eruptions Of Chin
Papular Rash On Arms
Papule Of Skin
Papule On Hand
Papule Red Lichenoid
Paradoxical Drug Reaction
Paradoxical Facial Movements
Paradoxical Respiration
Paraesophageal Hernia
Paralysis; General
Paranasal Sinus Disorder
Paranoid Behavior
Paranoid-hallucinatory Epileptic Psychosis
Parasomnia, Nos
Parathyroid Hormone Concentration Above Normal Range
Paratyphoid Fever; A
Parent-child; Problem
Parental Concerns
Parental Concerns Child Does Not Respond To His/her Name
Parental Concerns Child Has Started Biting
Parental Concerns Child Is Hyperactive
Parental Concerns Toys Dropped Or Put In Mouth
Parental Concerns: Child Cries A Lot
Parental Concerns: Child Has Lost Weight
Parental Concerns: Child Is Picky Eater
Parental Concerns: Child Seems Uninterested In Nursing
Parental Concerns: Child Snores At Night
Parental Concerns: Child Spits Up A Lot
Parental Concerns: Child's Behavior
Parental Concerns: Child's Motor Skills
Parental Concerns: Child's Socialization Behavior
Parental Concerns: Child's Speech
Parental Concerns: Growth
Parental Concerns: Hearing
Parental Concerns: Sleeping
Parental Concerns: Vision
Parental Support
Parenting Behavior
Parents Got Into Trouble With The Law
Parents' Evaluation Of Developmental Status (pediatric Screen)
Parkinsonian Disorders
Paroxysmal Cough
Paroxysmal Dystonia
Paroxysmal Junctional Tachycardia
Paroxysmal; Hemoglobinuria, Nocturnal
Partial Epilepsies
Partial Epilepsy, Complex
Partial Paralysis (paresis) Vocal Cords
Partial Postnatal Care
Partial Response
Partial Therapeutic Response
Partial-complex Seizure
Partially Accommodative Esotropia
Participates In Organized Activity
Participates In Prescribed Cardiac Rehabilitation
Participates In Screening For Associated Health Problems
Participates In Social Interaction
Participation In 'choking Game'
Participation In Curricular School Activities
Participation, Social
Partington X-linked Mental Retardation Syndrome
Partner With Behavior Problem
Passing Large Clots Vaginally
Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder
Past Illness
Past Medical History Reviewed
Past Medication
Past Treatments
Patch Between Toes
Patchy Distribution
Patchy Hypo- And Hyperpigmentation
Patellar Instability
Patient Appear Acutely Ill
Patient Appearance Regarding Mental Status Exam
Patient Behavioral Profile
Patient Complaints: Slow Response
Patient Condition Unchanged
Patient Disappearance
Patient Education - Intensive Diabetes Prevention Program
Patient Engagement: Anticoagulant Therapy
Patient Has Difficulty Distinguishing Between Medications
Patient History Prior To This Current Illness, Exacerbation, Or Injury
Patient Managed Orthosis Independently
Patient Medical And Psychiatric Status
Patient Monitoring: Review Lab Values
Patient Non-compliance
Patient Nonresponsive
Patient Not Examined On This Visit
Patient Observation, Nos
Patient Or Significant Other Will Discuss Issues Related To Focus Or Source Of Anxiety.
Patient Problem
Patient Referral For Specialized Training
Patient Requests Alternative Treatment
Patient Requires Dressing Stick
Patient Requires Electric Razor
Patient Requires Manual Disimpaction
Patient Requires Zipper Pull
Patient Riding Rollercoaster At Time Of Event
Patient Satisfaction Score
Patient Status Determination, Slightly Improved
Patient Symptoms
Patient Transfer Management
Patient Treated With A Beta-lactam Antibiotic As Definitive Therapy
Patient Treated With Otc (over The Counter) Medication
Patient Was Hospitalized Because Of This Condition
Patient Was Never An Inpatient
Patient Will Have Minimal Postoperative Bleeding.
Patient's Condition Worsened
Patient's General Overall Feeling
Patient's Noncompliance With Dietary Regimen
Patient's Other Noncompliance With Medication Regimen
Patients Condition Poor
Patients Who Are Evaluated For Venous Thromboembolic And Cardiovascular Risk Factors Within 30 Days Prior To The Procedure (e.g., History Of Dvt, Pe, Mi, Arrhythmia And Stroke)
Pattern Sensitive Seizure
Patulous Eustachian Tube, Right Ear
Pauciarticular Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Paucity Of Desmosomes
Pays Fleeting Attention
Peak Arterial Velocity
Pearson's Marrow-pancreas Syndrome
Pectus Excavatum, Mild
Pedals A Riding Toy
Pedis Tinea
Pedophilia, Same Sex
Peeling Of Hands & Feet On Soles
Peer Problem
Peer Refusal Skills
Peer Relations
Pelizaeus-merzbacher Disease
Pelvic Exam Last Performed
Pelvic Pain Decreasing In Severity
Pelvic Pain Increasing In Severity
Pemphigus; Benign Familial
Pending - Rolestatus
Penile Erection, Painful
People In This Neighborhood Can Be Trusted
Peptic Ulcer Other
Peptic Ulcer, Nos
Perceived Difficulty In Last 2w
Perceived Inability To Meet Child's Needs
Percentage Change In Weight
Perception Of Others
Perception Of The World
Perception That Health Behavior Requires Reasonable Effort
Perception, Depth
Perception, Self
Perceptual Closure
Perceptual Disorders, Auditory
Perceptual Disturbance
Perceptual Disturbances Visual Skills
Perfectionistic Character
Perforation (observation)
Perforation, Intestinal
Perform Crisis Intervention, As Appropriate
Perform Physical Assessment(s)
Perform The Final Check
Performances, Academic
Performs Healthy Behaviors Routinely
Performs Self-care Tasks
Perinatal Anoxic-ischaemic Brain Injury
Perinatal Central Nervous System Depression
Perinatal Complications
Perinatal Cyanotic Attack
Perinatal Forceps Injury
Perinatal Jaundice From Bruising
Perinatal Stroke
Perineal Support Loss Symptomatic
Period Of Rapid Growth In Childhood
Period Of Rapid Growth In Childhood; Evaluation
Periodic Fever Syndromes
Periodic Fevers (in Some Patients)
Periodic Headache Syndromes
Periodic Paralysis (finding)
Periodontitis Aggressive Generalized Moderate
Periodontitis, Aggressive
Perioral Dermatitis
Perioral; Eczema
Periorbital Fullness
Periorbital Hyperpigmentation
Peripheral Neuropathy, Demyelinating
Periportal Fibrosis
Periventricular And Subcortical White Matter Abnormalities
Periventricular Nodular Heterotopias
Periventricular White Matter Changes
Periventricular White Matter Gliosis (in Some Patients)
Periventricular White Matter Hyperintensities, Bilateral
Permit Siblings To Settle Own Difficulties
Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder, Complementation Group C
Persecution Delusion
Perseverating Thought
Perseverative Thinking
Persistent (chronic) Motor Or Vocal Tic Disorder
Persistent Asthma, Preferred Long Term Control Medication Or An Acceptable Alternative Treatment, Prescribed (nma-no Measure Associated)
Persistent Bleeding After Trauma
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent Diarrhea
Persistent Fetal Tachycardia
Persistent Insomnia (disorder)
Persistent Mood Affective Disorder, Unspecified
Persistent Sinus Bradycardia
Personal Behavior
Personal Care Impairment
Personal Communication
Personal Economic Resources
Personal History Of Pre-term Labor
Personal Irresponsibility
Personalities, Type A
Personality And Behavioral Change Adverse Event
Personality As An Aodc
Personality Character
Personality Disorder Emotionally Unstable
Personality Disorder, Narcissistic
Personality Disorder, Nos
Personality Disorders With Dramatic Behavior (cluster B)
Personality, Obsessive-compulsive
Personality; Change
Persons With A Condition Influencing Their Health Status
Persons, Homebound
Perspective Taking
Pervasive Development Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder Of Childhood, Residual State
Pervasive Mood
Petit Mal Seizure, Not Intractable
Petit Mal; Status
Pfaundler-hurler Syndrome
Pharyngeal Residue
Pharyngeal Spasm
Pharyngitis, Infective
Pharyngoconjunctival Fever Of Children
Phencyclidine Use
Phenx Measure - Attention-deficit - Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms
Phenx Measure - Difficulty In Conceiving
Phenx Measure - Disinhibiting Behaviors - Impulsivity
Phenx Measure - Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Philtrum Abnormalities
Phobia Of Storm
Phobias Specific
Phonation Volume
Phonemic Awareness
Phonological Awareness
Photoparoxysmal Response (in Some)
Photoparoxysmal Response 3
Photophobia (in Some Patients)
Photosensitive Seizures
Phototherapy: Mood Regulation
Physical Activities
Physical Activity Tolerance Recently Decreased
Physical Aggression
Physical Altercation, Nos
Physical Examination
Physical Examination Normal
Physical Fitness Behaviour
Physical Health Issues
Physical Occupational Therapy 4
Physical Symptoms
Physical Therapy Assessment
Physical Therapy Potential
Physical Wandering
Physically Or Sexually Abused By Stranger
Physically Restless
Physically Restrained
Physician Agrees With Exam
Physiologic Stressor
Physiological Energy Management
Pica Disease
Pick Disease Of The Brain
Pick Nose
Picky Eater
Pigmentation Irregular Area
Pile Reducible With Difficulty
Pili Torti
Pili Torti Developmental Delay Neurological Abnormalities
Pill Rolling Tremor
Pill Rolling Tremor In Both Hands
Pilonidal Cysts
Pin Point Pupils
Pinching Other Person
Pinching Self
Pineal Gland Cyst
Pins And Needles
Pitt-hopkins Syndrome
Pittsburgh Pneumonia
Pituitary And Hypothalamic Disorders
Pituitary Function Test Abnormal
Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome
Pivot Shift Test Response
Placement For Residential Accommodation
Placement In Residential Treatment Program
Placement Potential Need
Placement Problem
Placentitis (disorder)
Plan: Decrease Medication To Reduce Side Effects
Plan: Surgery (treatment)
Plan: Surgery To Reduce Symptoms
Plan: Test To Determine Severity
Plan: Test To Investigate New Symptoms
Planned And Impulsive Behavior
Plans For The Future
Plantar Reflex
Plantar Wart
Plaque On Forehead
Plasma Color Red
Platelet Count Decreased
Play Aggression
Play Behavior
Play Impairment Stares Blankly At Play Objects Rather Than Manipulating Them
Playing Loud Music - Antisocial Behaviour
Plays Interactive Games With Peers
Plays Musical Instrument
Pleasurable Emotion
Pleasure Level Assessment: Anhedonic
Pleural Based Lesion Stable
Pneumonia Due To Infection By Streptococcus Pyogenes
Pneumonia Left Lower Zone
Pneumonia Nos
Pneumonia, Mycoplasma
Pneumonia; Chlamydial, Neonatal
Pneumonia; Viral
Pneumonitis Nos
Po Intake Fluid Deficient
Po Intake Food Refused
Po Intake Poor
Po Intake Variable
Point Injection Therapy Each Injection
Points With Index Fingers
Poking Own Eyes
Policy Implications Of Research
Poliomyelitis Nos
Polyarteritis Nodosa Nos
Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant
Polycythemia Due To Excess Erythopoetin Production
Polydipsia Nos
Polymorphic Focal Epileptiform Discharges
Polyneuropathy Due To Vitamin B Deficiency
Polyneuropathy, Critical Illness
Polyp Nasal
Polysomnography: Periodic Leg Movements
Polysubstance Abuse
Polyuria Nos
Pooling Of Saliva Of Pyriform Sinus
Poor - Grade Value
Poor Adaptation To Disability
Poor Adaptive Skills
Poor Awareness Of Safety At Work
Poor Balance (finding)
Poor Baseline Variability In Fetal Heart Rate
Poor Communication
Poor Compliance
Poor Concentration (finding)
Poor Control Of Movement
Poor Coordination
Poor Coordination Of Lower Extremity
Poor Coordination Slowed Reaction Time
Poor Dental Alignment
Poor Eye Contact
Poor Eye Contact (in Some Patients)
Poor Feeding
Poor Feeding (family A)
Poor Fetal Growth Affecting Management
Poor Fine Motor Coordination
Poor Fine Motor Skills
Poor Focus
Poor Grasp Abstract Concepts
Poor Gross And Fine Motor Coordination
Poor Growth
Poor Growth (in Some Patients)
Poor Hair Growth
Poor Head Control
Poor Health
Poor Historian
Poor Hygiene
Poor Insight Into Neurotic Condition
Poor Insight Into Psychotic Condition
Poor Judgement
Poor Language
Poor Language And Speech Development
Poor Linear Growth
Poor Manual Dexterity
Poor Motor Coordination
Poor Posture
Poor Pupil Dilation To Mydriatic Eye Drop
Poor Reading Skills
Poor Respiratory Effort
Poor Response To Light (in Some Patients)
Poor Responsiveness
Poor School Performance
Poor Self-esteem (finding)
Poor Sleep Pattern
Poor Speech
Poor Sucking
Poor Verbal Skills
Poor Vibratory Sense
Poor Visual Fixation (in Some Patients)
Poor Visual Sequential Memory
Poor Visual-spatial Construction
Poor Wound Healing
Poor Writing Skills
Poorly Defined
Poorly Differentiated
Popping Noise In The Ears
Porencephalic Cyst
Positional Nystagmus, Variable Eye Direction
Positioning Patient (procedure)
Positive Negative Symptom
Positive Self Image
Positive Support Reaction
Positive Thoughts
Possible Limitations And Risks Discussed Include Partial Success
Possibly Factitious Low Anxiety During Abdominal Exam
Post Hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus
Post Inflammatory Pigmentation Change
Post-ictal Drowsiness
Post-ictal State
Post-operative Care Discharged
Post-operative Encouragement For Increased Oral Intake
Post-splenectomy Septicemia
Post-tussive Crackles
Postcoital Cervical Mucus Sperm - Slow Progressive Motility
Posterior Fossa Arachnoid Cyst
Posterior Rhinorrhea
Posterior Spinal Arch Fusion Defect
Postnatal Examination Finding
Postnatal Examination Minor Problem Found
Postoperative Hypothyroidism
Postpartum Depression
Postprocedural Endocrine And Metabolic Disorder, Unspecified
Postthrombotic Syndrome Nos
Postural Tremor, Slow, Irregular (in Some Patients)
Posture Clenched Fists
Potassium Low
Potential Adverse Drug Interaction
Potential Problem
Potential Study Subject
Pounding Heart
Poverty Of Speech
Poverty Of Thought
Power (psychology)
Power Struggles
Ppvt-4 Standard Score
Prader Syndrome Willis
Prader-willi-like Syndrome
Pre-eclampsia During Pregnancy
Pre-eclampsia; Affecting Fetus
Pre-operative Initial Assessment
Precise Pincer Grasp
Precocious Puberties
Precocious; Puberty, Central
Prediabetes Syndrome
Predicted Height
Predominance Of The D-stereoisomer
Predominance Of Type 2 Fibers
Predominantly Compulsive Acts [obsessional Rituals]
Preference For A Bath
Preferences, Food
Prefers Change In Daily Routine
Pregnancy Associated Hypertension
Pregnancy Problems
Pregnancy Risk Factors For Prenatal Genetic Testing
Pregnancy Unplanned
Pregnancy Weight Gain.current
Pregnancy; Hypertension, Mild, With Edema
Premature Complexes, Atrial
Premature Infant
Premature Ovarian Failure In Female Carriers
Premature Ventricular Contraction
Prematurity Retinopathy
Premenstrual Tension
Premutation+full Mutation
Prenatal Care Outside Clinic
Prenatal Care; Poor
Prenatal Complications
Prenatal Diagnosis By Ultrasound
Prenatal Exposure
Prenatal Exposure To Narcotics
Prenatal Fetal Exposure To Alcohol
Prenatal Testing
Preoccupation Finding
Preoccupation With Violent Thoughts
Preoccupied With Emotional Problems
Prepare The Label
Prepare The Medication
Preposition For
Preschool Completion
Prescribed Medication That Increase Risk For Falls
Prescriber Declined Change
Prescription Drug Used Without A Prescription
Prescription Event Monitoring
Prescription Procedure
Present At Least One Month
Presidential Debates
Pressor Response Paradoxical
Pressure Area
Pressure Injury Risk By Formal Assessment
Pressure Issue
Pressure Point
Pressure Sinus
Pressure, Heavy, Vise
Pressure; Ulcer
Pressured By Peers
Presynaptic Defect At The Neuromuscular Junction
Prevention Issue Substance Abuse
Previous Balloon Angioplasty
Previous Dental Surgery
Previous Employment Medical Examination
Previous Known Suicide Attempt
Previous Multiple Hospital Admissions
Previous Pain Treatment Assessment
Previous Psychiatric Treatment
Previous Repeat Elective Delivery By Cesarean Section
Previous Repeat Elective Delivery By Cesarean Section After Failed Trial Of Labor
Previous Suicide Attempt
Previous Tests Free Text
Previous Therapy
Previous Treatment Continue
Previous Well-weight
Previous Work-related Injury
Prevocational Screening Below Normal Limits
Primary Aldosteronism, Seizures, And Neurologic Abnormalities
Primary Cough Headache
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Primary Genetic Hyperlipidaemia
Primary Optic Atrophy, Bilateral
Primary Problem
Primary Reinforcement Of Behaviour
Primary Right Vesicoureteral Reflux Grade 1 Measured By Voiding Cystourethrography
Primary Snoring
Primary; Insomnia
Principal Diagnosis
Prior - Feeding
Prior - Management Of Oral Medications
Prior Blood Pressure Check
Prior Diagnosis
Prior Functioning.functional Cognition
Prior Level Of Function
Prioritising Treatment Regime
Prioritizing Problems
Private Home-based Care
Privately Sponsored Program
Problem Getting An Erection
Problem Hearing
Problem List Entry Task
Problem New Onset
Problem Of Visual Accommodation
Problem Prior Evaluation
Problem Social
Problem Solving (mental Process)
Problem That Resulted From The Equipment Or Device Function Problem
Problem With Care Of An Ill Relative
Problem-solving Skills
Problem; Academic
Problem; Atypical Parenting Situation
Problem; Communication
Problem; Language
Problem; Social, Complicating Pregnancy
Problem; Swallowing
Problem; Work Schedule
Problem;independent Function
Problematic Behaviour In Children
Problems At Work
Problems For Those Close To The Aod User
Problems Related To Alleged Physical Abuse Of Child
Problems Related To Social Environment
Problems Stool
Problems Tooth
Problems With Spouse Or Significant Other
Procedure Scheduling Issues
Procedure This Admission
Procedure With A Procedure Focus
Processed Cheese Intake
Processing Speed
Processings, Visual-auditory Spatial
Prodromal Symptoms
Producing Messages In Formal Sign Language
Profound Deafness
Profound Intellectual Disabilities
Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Program, Managed Care
Programs Treatment
Progressive Breathing Difficulty
Progressive Deafness With Stapes Fixation
Progressive Disorder
Progressive Intellectual Decline
Progressive Language Deterioration
Progressive Muscle Weakness
Progressive Pyramidal And Cerebellar Signs
Progressive Symptoms
Progressive Visual Impairment, Mild
Progressive White Matter Lesions In The Brain
Prolactin Levels Decreased
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy New Vessels On Disc
Prolonged Bleeding
Prolonged Bleeding Time
Prolonged Fever
Prolonged Menses
Prolonged Qrs Duration
Prolonged Qtc Interval, Ctcae
Prolonged Seizure
Prominence Of The Premaxilla
Prominent Blood Vessel
Prominent Cortical Sulci
Prominent Csf Spaces (in Some Patients)
Prominent Fingertip Pads
Prominent Metopic Ridge
Prominent Nasal Bridge
Prominent Perivascular Spaces
Prominent Perivascular Spaces With Surrounding Gliosis In Periatrial White Matter
Prominent Sulci
Prominent Veins - Symptom
Prominent Veins Nos
Prominent Veins Of The Scalp
Prominent, Asymmetric Mandible
Promote Parent Participation In Feeding
Promote Sleep.
Pronation During Swing Phase Of Gait
Propensity To Adverse Reactions To Food
Prophylactic (no Symptoms)
Propofol Infusion Syndrome
Prosocial Behavior
Prostate Obstruction, Ctcae
Prostate-specific Antigen Elevated, Marked
Prostate-specific Antigen Monitoring
Prostatitis Associated With Another Disorder
Prosthetic Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Protective Measures Problem
Protective Muscle Spasm
Protein Elevated
Protein S Deficiency
Proteinaceous Lymphadenopathy
Proteinuria Of Undiagnosed Cause
Proteus-like Syndrome (disorder)
Prothrombin Consumption Increased
Provide A Firm Mattress
Provide Verbal Or Tactile Stimulation, As Appropriate
Provides Relevant Information
Provision Of Medical Equipment
Provocative Behaviour
Provoked By Crying Or Emotional Upset
Proximal Muscle Weakness (occasional)
Proximal Muscle Weakness, Mild
Proximal Muscle Weakness, Mild (in Some Patients)
Psc-10: Fear Of New Situations
Psc-19: Down On Himself Or Herself
Pseudo Hurler Polydystrophy
Pseudobulbar Affect
Pseudocholinesterase; Deficiency
Psyche Structure
Psychiatric Behavioural Disability
Psychiatric Decompensation
Psychiatric Follow-up
Psychiatric Inpatient
Psychiatric Issue
Psychiatric Problem/abnormal Behavior/suicide Attempt
Psychiatric Symptoms (in Some Patients)
Psycho./socio.- Therapy Nos
Psychogenic Seizures
Psychological Symptoms
Psychology Recognition
Psychomotor Activity Altered
Psychomotor Agitation, Nos
Psychomotor Regression (in Some)
Psychomotor Retardation, Mild
Psychophysiologic Disorder
Psychophysiological Insomnia
Psychosis (in Some Patients)
Psychosis Including Hallucinations And Delusions, Ctcae
Psychosis; Mania
Psychosocial Adaptive Behavior: Life Change
Psychosocial Stressor
Psychotic Affective Disorders
Psychotic Behavior
Psychotic Episodes
Psychotic Illness
Psychotic Mood Disorders
Psychotic Symptom
Psychotic Symptom Present
Ptca In-lab Medications:
Ptca Indications: Significant Residual Lesion Post-mi
Ptosis Of Left Eye
Ptosis, Bilateral
Ptosis, Mild
Pulling At The Ear(s)
Pulling Other Person's Hair
Pulling Out Sutures
Pulmonary Artery Pressure
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive, Rate Of Decline Of Lung Function In
Pulmonary Eosinophilias
Pulmonary Function Rv/tlc
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Pulmonic Stenosis, Mild (in Some Patients)
Pulse Absent
Pulse Taking
Punching Self
Punctate Periventricular T2 Hyperintense Foci
Puncture By Knife
Pupillary Abnormalities
Purple-blue Nail Beds
Purposeful Head Movement
Purposeful Sensory Experiences
Purposeless Movements (if Left Untreated)
Purpura On Both Sides Of Anterior Neck
Purpura On Right Cheek
Purpura On Right Forearm
Purpura; Thrombocytopenic, Thrombotic
Purulent Drainage
Pushing Other Person
Pustules On The Face
Puts On Socks
Putti's Syndrome
Pyle Metaphyseal Dysplasia
Pyramidal Sign, Nos
Pyramidal Symptoms
Pyridoxine-dependent Epilepsy
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency Disease
Pyruvate Low
Pyschological Bonding
Qrs Complex Height Increased
Quadriplegia Spastic
Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
Qualitative Abnormality Of Granulocyte, Nos
Quality Of Sleep
Quarter 4 1992 Pervious
Quite A Bit
R Wave Feature
Rabies (disorder)
Racial Background
Racial Segregations
Radiation Sensitivity Of Natural Killer Activity
Radiation Therapy With Special Instructions
Radiculopathy, Nos
Radiotherapy Completed
Ragged-red Fibers (in Some Patients)
Raine Syndrome
Raised Alkaline Phosphatase
Raised Basal Metabolic Rate
Raised Esr
Raised Serum Creatinine
Raised Serum Lipid Levels
Raised Tsh Level
Rapid Metabolizer
Rapid Onset
Rapid Regression
Rapid Response Ventricular
Rapid Shallow Breathing
Rapid Speech
Rapid Weight Gain May Occur
Rapid Weight Loss
Rapidly Progressive
Rapidly Progressive Clinical Course
Rare Centralized Nuclei
Rare Diseases
Rare Infection Of Cysts
Rare Necrotic Fibers
Rash Back
Rash Erythematous
Rash In The Outer Ear
Rash Neck
Rash Of Groin
Rash Over Arms
Rash Recurrent
Rashes, Diaper
Rate Of Weight Gain
Rates, Fetal Heart
Raymond-cestan Syndrome
Rbc Count Low
Re-evaluation - Limited, Problem Focused (established Patient; Not Post-operative Visit)
Re-experiencing A Previous Traumatic Event
Reaches The Minimum Height
Reaching In All Directions
Reaction Emotional
Reaction To Previous Exposure To Any Vaccine
Reaction To Severe Stress
Reaction To Severe Stress, And Adjustment Disorders
Reaction To Sudden Wakening
Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
Reactive Arthropathy Of Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Reactive Gastropathy
Reactivity Problem Identified
Reactivity Reduced
Reading (activity)
Reading Achievement
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Deficits
Reading Comprehension Limited To Simple Words
Reading Comprehension On Par With Verbal Abilities
Reading Disability
Reading Skills
Reading With Struggle Behavior
Readings, Low
Reality Test
Reason For Multiple Patients
Reassure Patient That Depression And Fatigue Commonly Occur During Withdrawal
Reassuring (procedure)
Rebound Effect
Rebound Headache
Recalls Immediate Information Accurately
Received Outside Of This Facility
Receives A Little Social Support
Receives As Much Social Support As Wanted
Receiving Home Tuition (finding)
Receiving Insufficient Emotional Support
Recent Antibiotics Therapy
Recent Asthma Management
Recent Change In Dosage
Recent Change In Dosage Of Antipsychotic Medication
Recent Change In Frequency Of Bowel Movements
Recent Change In Medication
Recent Change In Sleep
Recent Change In Weight
Recent Countries Visited
Recent Decline In Mental, Emotional, Or Behavioral Status
Recent Dental Work
Recent Depression
Recent Difficulty Breathing
Recent Ear Infection
Recent Emotional Stress From Chronic Pain
Recent Emotional Stress From Serious Financial Problems
Recent Events Relating To Health
Recent Exposure To Cold Environment
Recent Fracture
Recent Fracture Requiring Open Surgical Reduction
Recent Increase In Cigarettes Per Day
Recent Increase In Frequency Of Bowel Movements
Recent Increase In Intensity Of Exercise
Recent Increase In Physical Activity
Recent Increase In Use Of Mood-altering Drugs
Recent Infection
Recent Intentional Weight Gain
Recent Involuntary Weight Loss
Recent Legal Problems
Recent Memory
Recent Multiple Incidents Of Sexual Assault
Recent New Medication
Recent Onset Headache
Recent Self-examination Of Breast
Recent Surgery
Recent Upper Respiratory Infection
Recent Viral Illness
Recent Voluntary Weight Loss Due To Induced Vomiting
Recent Weight Gain Due To Inability To Exercise
Recent Weight Gain Due To Overeating During Emotional Stress
Recent Weight Loss In Pounds
Recent Weight Loss Rapid
Recently Experienced Terrorist Attack (history)
Recently Physically Abused
Recently Physically Assaulted By Choking
Reception Of Gestural Language
Receptive Language Developmental Disorder
Receptive Language Impairment
Receptive Language Learning Disability
Receptive; Language
Recessive Hereditary Disorder (autosomal)
Recognition Of Early Hunger Cues
Recognition, Visual Pattern
Recognizes Urge To Defecate
Recommend Treatment Plan Continuation
Recommendation To Continue A Medication
Reconciliations, Medication
Recovering From
Recovery - Action
Rectal Prolapse
Rectal Soreness After Hard Bowel Movement
Recurrent Acute Otitis Media
Recurrent Acute Otitis Media Of Bilateral Ears
Recurrent Anxiety
Recurrent Brief Depressive Episodes
Recurrent Cough
Recurrent Cough, Mild (1 Patient)
Recurrent Depressive Disorder
Recurrent Febrile Illnesses
Recurrent Headache
Recurrent Hemorrhagic Events (patients A And B)
Recurrent Infection
Recurrent Infections (in Some Patients)
Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder With Atypical Features
Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder With Catatonic Features
Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes
Recurrent Muscle Twitches (symptom)
Recurrent Pneumonia
Recurrent Respiratory Infections
Recurrent Stroke
Recurrent Thoughts Of Death
Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
Recurrent Vomiting
Red Blotches
Red Cell Phospholipid Defect With Hemolysis
Red Discoloration Of Teeth
Red Neck
Red Rash
Red Reflex (finding)
Red Skin Patch
Red Spot On Sclera
Red-streaked Feces
Redirected Aggression
Redirected Behaviour
Redness Of Eyes
Redness Of Face
Reduced Concentration Span
Reduced Distortion In Thinking
Reduced Fetal Movement
Reduced Need For Sleep
Reduced;visual Acuity
Reduction In Hip Movement
Reevaluate Muscle Fitness Levels Monthly
Refer For Eeg
Referral For Electrocardiogram
Referral For Endoscopy
Referral For Further Care
Referral For Home Tube Feeding Instruction
Referral For Laboratory Tests
Referral For Office-based Physical Therapy
Referral To Heart Failure Exercise Programme
Referral To Vocational Rehabilitation Service
Referred To Emergency Room
Reflux Gastritis
Reflux Within Device Medical Device Problem
Refraction Measurement Findings
Refractive Amblyopia, Bilateral
Refractive Amblyopia, Left Eye
Refractive Error
Refractory Infantile Spasms
Refrains From Injuring Self
Refrains From Verbal Outbursts
Refused Referral To Minor Ailments Clinic
Refuses To Interact With Significant Other
Refusing Food
Regression - Mental Defense Mechanism
Regression Of Early Motor Skills
Regular Daily Routine
Regularity Of Work
Regulation Of Behavior
Regurgitant Murmurs, Systolic
Regurgitates After Swallowing
Reinforce Behavior, As Appropriate
Reiter's Disease, Multiple Sites
Rejection Of Positive Feedback
Relatedness, Relationship
Relation, Interpersonal
Relational Problem Nos
Relationship Problems With Peer Group
Relationships, Parent-child
Relative Muscle Weakness, Especially In Pelvic Girdle
Relative Sparing Of Language
Relative Stress Scale Score
Relatively Higher Cognitive Abilities Than Classic Autism
Relatively Mild Course
Relatively Preserved Limb Strength
Religious Delusion
Religious Or Spiritual Problem
Reliving Traumatic Memories
Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder
Rem Sleep Parasomnias
Remove The Tourniquet Cuff
Renal Abnormalities
Renal Carnitine Transport Defect
Renal Function, Absent
Renal Insufficiency
Renal Pelvis Dilatation
Renal Scar
Renewed Elevation Of Distress
Renpenning Syndrome 1
Rental (use The 'rr' Modifier When Dme Is To Be Rented)
Repeat Procedure By Another Physician
Repeated Exposure To Allergen-producing Environmental Substance
Repeated Invasive Infections
Repeated Speech
Repetition Of Phrases
Repetition Of Single-syllable Words
Repetition Of Two-syllable Words
Repetition With Secondary Eye Blinking
Repetition With Secondary Hand Flapping
Repetition With Secondary Head Jerking
Repetition With Struggle Behavior
Repetitious Behaviour
Repetitive Complex Twisting Movements
Repetitive Complex Twisting Movements Of Fingers
Repetitive Complex Twisting Movements Of Whole Body
Repetitive Compulsive Behavior
Repetitive Eye Blinking Accompanying Visual Hallucinations (in Some Patients)
Repetitive Flapping Movements
Repetitive Pressing On Eyes
Repetitive Self-excoriation
Repetitive Spinning Movements
Repetitive Spinning Of Objects
Repetitive Tail Chasing
Repetitive Tapping Movements
Repetitive, Self-stimulatory Behavior Using Upper Limbs
Replacement Of Hearing Aid Battery
Reported Abnormal Chest X-ray
Reported Abnormal Lumbar Puncture
Reported Abnormal Prostate Antigen Blood Test
Reported Bite On Arm
Reported Bite On Fingernail
Reported Bite On Hand (history)
Reported Bite On Toenail
Reported Bite On Wrist (history)
Reported Bruising Of Back
Reported Bruising Of Back By Fall
Reported Bruising Of Hip
Reported Bruising Of Knee (history)
Reported History Of Intermittent Hypertension (history)
Reported Home Blood Sugar Level Before Breakfast Average High
Reported Home Blood Sugar Level Before Breakfast Average Low
Reported Previous Cholesterol Problem
Reported Previous Heart Murmur
Reported Previous Low Blood Pressure
Reported Previous Medical Disability
Reported Prior Gi Problem
Reported Prior High Blood Pressure
Reported Recent Electrocardiogram
Reported Recent Home Blood Sugar Average Low
Reported Recent Immunization For Influenza
Reported Recent Immunization For Pneumococcal Pneumonia
Reported Scratched By Dog
Reported Trauma To Face
Reported Twisting Of Arm
Reported Twisting Of Wrist
Reports Symptoms Of Worsening Disease
Request Consultation By Outpatient Physical Therapy
Requires Full Course Of Tetanus Vaccination
Requires Immediate Evaluation Or Treatment
Requires Immediate Life-saving Intervention
Reserves, Cognitive
Residence Remote From Hospital Or Other Health Care Facility
Resident's Overall Goals
Residual Infantile Autism
Residual Neurologic Deficits Are Slowly Progressive
Residual Pain
Resistance To Change
Resistance To Changes In Environment
Resistance To Changes In Household Contents
Respect For Personal Perspectives
Respiration Intermittent
Respiratory Compromise At Birth
Respiratory Distress (in 1 Patient)
Respiratory Distress (in Some Patients)
Respiratory Distress At Birth
Respiratory Distress, Episodic
Respiratory Distress, Severe, Neonatal
Respiratory Failure Chronic
Respiratory Failure Often Resulting In Ventilator Dependency
Respiratory Failure, Nos
Respiratory Infections, Recurrent, Chronic
Respiratory Insufficiency (in Some Patients)
Respiratory Pattern
Respiratory Signs Symptoms
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
Respiratory System Findings Completion Status
Respiratory Tract Infection
Respite Care Of Patient
Responds To Tactile Cues
Responds To Visual Cues
Response Delay
Response Inhibition
Response To Voice
Response, Increased Therapeutic
Responses Voluntary Reduced
Responsible Behavior
Rest Radionuclide Ventriculography (feet Up): Left Ventricular Dilation
Restless Behavior
Restless Sleeping
Restlessness And Agitation
Restlessness, Agitation, Crying Under Stress
Restoring The Balance Rite
Restrained Respiration
Restricted Diet
Restricted, Repetitive, And Stereotyped Patterns
Restricting Type Anorexia Nervosa
Restrictive Behavior, Interests, And Activities
Restrictive Behaviour
Restrictive Impairment
Restrictive Lung Disease
Restrictive Physiology (in Some Patients)
Results Pending Completion Of Investigation
Retention (memory)
Retention, Urinary
Retinal Detachment Nos
Retinal Disease
Retinal Vascular Tortuosity
Retinitis; Pigmentosa
Retirement Unsettled
Retraction (finding)
Retro-orbital Eye Pain Left
Retrognathic Mandibular Position (some)
Rett Syndrome
Rett Syndrome Atypical
Rett Syndrome, Zappella Variant
Reversed Sleep-wake Cycle
Review Prior Antepartum Tests
Review, Utilization
Reviews Life's Accomplishments
Reward Dependence Behavior
Rheumatoid; Arthritis
Rheumatologic Screen Positive
Rhinitis Nos
Rhinitis Seasonal
Rhinitis; Chronic
Rhinovirus Infection Nos
Rhythmic Movement Disorders, Nocturnal
Rhythmic Rocking Or Bumping
Rib Fractures After Coughing (in Some Patients)
Rickets Nos
Rides Tricycle Or Bicycle With Training Wheels
Right Atrial Enlargement
Right Conductive Hearing Loss
Right Corner Of Mouth Droops
Right Hand Nonfunctional With Peg Board
Right Hemiparesis
Right Hemiplegia
Right Lower Leg Pain Over Shin
Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Tenderness
Right Shifted White Blood Cells
Right Sided Action Tremor
Right To Left Cardiovascular Shunt (finding)
Right Ventricular Conduction Delay By Ecg Finding
Rigid Behavior
Rigid Perineum In Pregnancy
Rigid Standing Posture
Rigidity (personality)
Rigidity Of Thinking
Rigidity, Muscle
Rigor - Temperature-associated Observation
Ringing In Ears Sounds Like
Rippling Muscle Disease 2 (disorder)
Risk For Elopement
Risk Of Elopement For Cognitvely Impaired Subject
Risky Shift
Ritual Compulsion
Ritualistic Behavior (qualifier Value)
Rn General Care Healthy Environment Maintenance Control Noise
Rn General Care Healthy Environment Maintenance Dim Lights
Rnax Administer Anti-anxiety Medication
Rnax Administer Antidepressant Medication
Rnax Administer Psychotropic Medication
Rnax Assess Cognitive Ability
Rnax Check Vital Signs
Rnax Contact Financial Counselor
Rnax Coordination Of Ongoing Care
Rnax Encourage Self-monitoring Of Behavior Change
Rnax Evaluate Body Image
Rnax Instruct In Medication Regimen
Rnax Perform Seizure Precaution Protocol
Rnax Perform Swallowing Trial
Rnax Provide Back Rub
Rnax Provide Measures To Decrease Anxiety
Rnax Provide Simplified Medication Regimen
Rnax Support Coping Measures
Rnax Support Speech Therapy Service
Roberts-sc Phocomelia Syndrome
Rohhad Syndrome
Rolandic Epilepsy, Benign
Roles Social
Roller Coaster Riding
Romantic Relationships
Round Face
Routine Child Health Examination
Routine General Medical Examination At A Health Care Facility
Routine Initial Prenatal Checkup
Routine Ophthalmological Exam
Routines Sleep
Routines/rituals Insists On Following Routines
Routines/rituals Perseverative Play
Routines/rituals Repetitively Opens And Closes Doors
Rowpvt Percentile Score
Rub Forehead, As Appropriate
Rumination - Thoughts
Rumination Disorder, Nos
Running (physical Activity)
Rutter A Scale Score
S+ Extensive
Sacral Dimples
Sacrum Disorders
Sad Mood
Saethre Chotzen Syndrome
Safe And Unsafe Behavior
Safe Behavior
Safety Behaviour
Safety Issue
Safety Issue (clinical Studies)
Salaam Seizures
Salmon Colored Skin Papule
Salt Crave
Salt; Deficit, Cramp(s)
Same Generation Sex Partner
Sample Delayed In Transit
Sandal Gap
Scales On Scalp (in Some Patients)
Scales On The Scalp
Scalp Alopecia, Near-complete
Scalp Ear Nipple Syndrome
Scalp Pruritus
Scalp Swelling
Scaly Rash
Scan Myocardial Perfusion Abnormal
Scar Of Submandibular Area
Scar On Face
Scarring Chronic Alopecia
Scattered Microscopic Foci
Schedule Medication Room Inspection
Schedule Rotates/shift Work
Schizoaffective Disorder, Nos
Schizoaffective; Disorder, Bipolar Type
Schizophrenia In The Aged
Schizophrenia Spectrum And Other Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia, Childhood
Schizophrenia, Paranoid
Schizophrenia-like Symptoms (uncommon)
Schizophrenia; Disorganized
Schizophrenias, Incipient
Schizophrenic Psychoses (& [paranoid Schizophrenia])
School Health Services
School Learning
School Problem (finding)
School Refusal
School-based Intervention
Scintillating Scotomas
Sclerosing Panencephalitis, Subacute
Scoliosis, Unspecified
Score Out Of Range
Scotoma Moves Where Eye Moves
Scotoma Nos
Scratch Marks On Vulva
Scratches Self
Scratching Other Person
Screaming Attack
Screaming In Middle Of Night
Screaming Intermittently
Screening Tests
Scrotal Mass
Seborrheic Dermatitis Of Scalp
Secluding Patient
Second Degree Murder
Second Heart Sound Split
Second Language
Second Stage Behavioural Assessment
Second-generation Immigrant
Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia
Secondary Diabetes Mellitus With Other Coma, Not Stated As Uncontrolled, Or Unspecified
Secondary Dysthymia, Nos
Secondary Functional Encopresis
Secondary Generalization
Secondary Generalization (rare)
Secondary Hyperparathyroidisms
Secondary Myopathic Features
Secondary Problem
Section Examination - Patient's Gp
Sedated State
Sedative, Hypnotic, Or Anxiolytic Use Disorder, Mild
See 607731 For An Autosomal Recessive Form
Seeing Yellow-green Halos Around Lights
Seeking; Hazardous Interventions, Physical
Seen In Speech And Language Clinic
Seizure Control Behaviour
Seizure Disorder Control Status
Seizure Disorder Control Status Adequate
Seizure Disorder Control Status Inadequate
Seizure Emergency Action Plan Completed
Seizure Focal Complex Generalization
Seizure Focal New Onset
Seizure Focal With Subsequent Generalization
Seizure Free
Seizure Free > 12 Months
Seizure Generalized New Onset
Seizure Like Activity Episode Shaking
Seizure Like Activity New Onset
Seizure Like Activity Pseudoseizure
Seizure Like Activity Staring Spell
Seizure Like Episode
Seizure Recurrent
Seizure Self-control
Seizure Status Epilepticus
Seizure Witnessed
Seizure, Ctcae 3.0
Seizure, Generalized
Seizure, Jacksonian
Seizure, Movement, Partial
Seizure, Partial, Multiple Symptoms
Seizure-like Activity (in Some Patients)
Seizures (3 Patients)
Seizures (if Left Untreated)
Seizures (in Most Patients)
Seizures (in One Patient)
Seizures (in Some)
Seizures (less Common)
Seizures (rare)
Seizures Are Poorly Controlled
Seizures Are Refractory
Seizures Are Usually Refractory
Seizures Become Nearly Continuous
Seizures In 15-30%
Seizures In Response To Acute Event
Seizures May Be Refractory
Seizures May Occur With Illness
Seizures May Persist Into Adulthood
Seizures Occur In Clusters
Seizures Recur In 33% Of Patients
Seizures, Continuous, Refractory
Seizures, Intractable
Seizures, Mild
Seizures, Particularly Absence (in Some Patients)
Seizures, Refractory
Seizures, Severe, Intractable
Seizures, Simple Partial, Special Sensory Symptoms
Seizures, Tonic, Clonic, Focal
Seizures, Tonic-clonic (1 Patient)
Select A Non-injectable Medication
Select The Most Appropriate Approach
Select The Rate Of Infusion
Select The Transfer Device
Selective Eating Disorder
Self Criticism
Self Defeating Behavior
Self Esteems
Self Handicapping Strategy
Self Inflicted Laceration
Self Inflicted Wound Bite
Self Inflicted Wound Scratch
Self Mutilation (in Some Patients)
Self Organization
Self Soothing Repetitive Behaviour
Self Stimulations
Self Talking
Self-care Behavior
Self-care Interventions
Self-control As A Personality Trait
Self-control Behavior: Aggression
Self-control Behavior: Anxiety
Self-damaging Behavior; Problem
Self-destructive Behavior In Children
Self-directed Care Behaviour
Self-esteem; Loss
Self-induced Hyperinsulinemia
Self-induced Vomiting
Self-inducing A Prolapse
Self-initiated Health Seeking Behavior
Self-injurious Behavior
Self-injurious Behavior (in Some Patients)
Self-negating Verbalizations
Self-performance In Walking During This Episode
Self-stimulating Behavior (in Some Patients)
Self-stimulative Behavior
Semantic-pragmatic Disorder
Semantic-pragmatic Impairment
Sensation Of A Lesion
Sensation Of Falling
Sensation Pain And Temperature Decreased
Sensation Related To Thoracic Organ
Sense Of A Foreshortened Future
Sense Of Hopelessness
Sense Of Humor
Sense Of Personal Capacity
Sense Of Smell Impaired
Sense Of Unfounded Dread
Sense; Anxiety
Sensitive Smell
Sensitive Touch
Sensitivity (hyper); Gastrointestinal
Sensitivity (personality)
Sensitivity To Weather Change
Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Bilateral
Sensory (qualifier Value)
Sensory Acuity
Sensory And Motor; Attack
Sensory Axonal Neuropathy
Sensory Axonal Neuropathy, Mild
Sensory Change
Sensory Deprivations
Sensory Discomfort
Sensory Discrimination
Sensory Disorder, Nos
Sensory Exam
Sensory Hallucinations
Sensory Hearing Loss Of Both Ears
Sensory Impairment (in Some Patients)
Sensory Integration Disorder
Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
Sensory Or Speech Status
Sensory Overstimulation
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Symptom Nos
Sensory-perceptual Alteration: Input Excess Finding
Sent Mobile Crisis Unit To Home
Separate Triphalangeal Thumb (in Some Patients)
Separated From Cohabitee
Separation Anxiety (finding)
Separation Anxiety Disorder Of Childhood - Early Onset
Separation In The Uterus
Sepsis; Newborn
Septic Joint
Septic Toxemia
Septicemia Due To Streptococcus, Group A
Septo Optic Dysplasia
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Scores
Serious Adverse Event
Serious Mental Illness
Serious Threat To Self
Serious Weight Gain Attempts
Serum Folate Low
Serum Lipase Elevated
Serum Tsh Level Abnormal
Services Provided In The Evening
Services Provided, Afternoon
Set Limits For Therapeutic Play Session
Set Limits On Intrusive, Interruptive Behavior(s)
Sets Clear Rules For Behavior
Severe (severity Modifier)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Severe Allergic Reaction
Severe Anxiety (panic)
Severe Attention Deficit
Severe Behavioral Problems At Age 3-4
Severe Bipolar I Disorder
Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Severe Chronic Ulcerative Colitis
Severe Cognitive Impairment
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Atypical
Severe Constipation
Severe Cystic Acne
Severe Dehydration
Severe Diarrhoea
Severe Distal Sensory Loss
Severe Dry Skin
Severe Dyspnea Requiring Oxygen
Severe Expressive Language Delay
Severe Expressive Speech Delay
Severe Facial Acne (in Female Patient)
Severe Failure To Thrive
Severe Global Developmental Delay
Severe Hearing Loss
Severe Hereditary Factor Viii Deficiency Disease
Severe Infantile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Severe Intellectual Disability
Severe Lactic Acidosis
Severe Manic Bipolar I Disorder Without Psychotic Features
Severe Medical Complication
Severe Mood Disorder
Severe Myopia
Severe Persistent Asthma Nos
Severe Photosensitivity
Severe Reaction
Severe Receptive Language Delay
Severe Scoliosis
Severe Sepsis Nos
Severe Signs/symptoms
Severe Speech Impairment
Severe Systemic Illness Respiratory Muscle Fatigue
Severe; Interferes With Many Activities
Severely Abnormal Behaviour
Severely Abnormal Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Severely Affected; Not All Words Are Legible
Severely Reduced Cone Responses
Severely Reduced Response To Mitogens
Severity (disorders)
Severity Asthma
Severity Of Adverse Event
Severity Of Illness, Nos
Severity Of Side Effect To Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rx
Sex Unsafe
Sexual Acting Out/provocative Behaviors/harassment
Sexual Aggression, Nos
Sexual Behavior Analysis Assessment
Sexual Behaviour Analysis
Sexual Difficulty
Sexual Function Problems
Sexual Functions And Problems In The Adult
Sexual Maturation Axillary Hair Development Moderate
Sexual; Behavior, Impulse Control
Shakes, Hands Trembling
Shaking Hands
Shaking Spell
Share Strategies For Managing Adolescent's Perception Of Parental Rejection
Shared Cooperative Play
Sharing (social Behavior)
Sharing Attention
Sharing Of Sex Aids
Sharp Slow Wave Activity
Sheehan's Syndrome
Shift Change
Shifting Attention
Shock Refractory
Shopping (activity)
Short Distal Phalanx Of Finger
Short Frenulum
Short Hair
Short Menstrual Cycle
Short Menstrual Periods
Short Nose
Short Philtrum
Short Stature Nos
Short-limb Skeletal Dysplasia With Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Short-term Memories
Short-term Memory Poor
Short-term Memory Within Normal Limits
Shorter Of The Two Times
Shoulder Instability Posterior Jerk Test
Shoulder Movement
Shoulder Stiffness Progressively Worse
Shows Interest In Auditory Stimuli
Shows Interest In Toys
Shprintzens Syndrome
Shuffling Gait
Shwachman Syndrome
Sibling Relational Problem
Sick Sinus
Sick Sinus Syndrome Tachy Brady Type
Sickle Trait
Sickle-cell Trait
Sickness, Decompression
Sickness, Motion
Sign And Symptom
Sign Or Symptom
Signal Changes In The Caudate And Putamen
Significant Change Down
Significant Change In Status Assessment
Significant Correction To Prior Comprehensive Assessment
Significant Difficulty In Verbal And Non-verbal Communication
Significant Increase In Respiratory Rate Above Baseline
Significant Memory Loss Requiring Supervision
Significant Phenotypic Variability
Significant Tissue Loss
Significantly Decreased Axial Length
Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration
Silent Reading
Silver-russell Syndrome
Similar Reaction On Previous Exposure To Drug
Simple Partial Seizure On Left Side
Simple Renal Cyst
Simple Tic
Simplified Gyral Pattern
Simpson Golabi Behmel Syndrome Type 1
Singers' Node
Single Ovarian Simple Cyst
Single Seizures
Single Spot On Gums
Single Transverse Palmar Creases
Sings A Song
Sinopulmonary Infections, Recurrent
Sinus Node Dysfunction (disorder)
Sinusitis Nos
Sister Mary Joseph's Nodule
Site Of Distant Metastasis
Sitting - Difficulty
Situational Anxiety
Situational Challenge To Self-worth
Situational Crisis
Situational Depression
Size Of Head
Skeletal Muscle Problem
Skill Deficit About Alternatives Related To Sexuality
Skill, Social
Skills Relating To Executive Cognitive Functions
Skin Crack Involving Knuckle
Skin Crack Of Fingers
Skin Crack Of Neck
Skin Drag
Skin Dry
Skin Folds Around The Neck
Skin Lesion Erythematous
Skin Lesion With Yellow-white Drainage
Skin Loss Exposing Bone
Skin Lump On Forehead
Skin Papule On Neck
Skin Pebbly
Skin Peeling
Skin Pigmentation, Light
Skin Rash On Scalp
Skin Scab Of Face
Skin Scab Of Forehead
Skin Tan
Skin Temperature, Increased
Skin Texture Around Mouth
Skin Thinning
Skin; Change
Skin; Irritation
Sleep Abnormalities
Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Sleep Apnea, Mixed Central And Obstructive
Sleep Apneas, Obstructive
Sleep Assessment Early Insomnia
Sleep Behavior Finding
Sleep Disorder Due To A General Medical Condition
Sleep Disorder, Limit Setting
Sleep Disorder, Nos
Sleep Disturbances (in Some Patients)
Sleep Efficiency
Sleep Hypoventilation (rare)
Sleep Inertia
Sleep Latency Weekends
Sleep Onset Association Disorder
Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Related Rhythmic Movement Disorder
Sleep Study Abnormal
Sleep Symptoms
Sleep, Rem
Sleep-cycle Issues
Sleep-pattern Disturbance
Sleep-related Bruxism
Sleep-wake Transition Disorders
Sleep/rest Pattern Disrupts Family
Sleeper Syndromes, Short
Sleeping Disturbances
Sleeps During Day
Sleeps Through The Night Consistently
Slight (qualifier Value)
Slight Ankle Varus Deformity
Slight Build (patient A)
Slight Change
Slight Response To Treatment
Slight Temperature
Slight Widening Of The Distal Femoral Metaphyses
Slightly (qualifier Value)
Slightly Asymmetric Mouth
Slightly Below
Slightly Better
Slightly Elevated Cholesterol
Slightly Irritable
Slightly Limited
Slightly Limited - Lethargic
Slightly Louder Than Breathing
Slightly Slow Or Small
Slightly Worse
Slow Background
Slow Colon Transit Time
Slow Gait
Slow Gross Motor Activity
Slow Growing Hair
Slow Learner
Slow Metabolic Rate
Slow Nail Growth
Slow Progression
Slow Rate Of Delivery
Slow Shallow Breathing
Slow Speech
Slow Spike-wave Discharges
Slow Transit Constipation
Slow Wave
Slow Weight Gain
Slow, Monotonous Speech
Slowed Activity
Slowed Rate Of Thought
Slowed Saccades
Slowed Slurred Speech
Slowing Of Thought Processes
Slowing Of Vertical Saccades
Slowness And Poor Responsiveness
Small Airways
Small Bladder
Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth
Small Bowel Necrosis, Ctcae
Small Caliber Formed Stools
Small Cell Component Present
Small Face
Small Fiber Neuropathies
Small Hands (deletion Patients)
Small Hemorrhagic Blisters On Hands
Small Intestinal Ulcer
Small Nose (family A)
Small Object In Airway
Small Optic Nerve, Bilateral
Small Penis
Small Renal Cysts
Small Sharp Transients During Sleep
Small Stools
Small Testes (in Some Patients)
Small Testicle
Small Upturned Nose
Small Volume Of Diarrhea
Small Widely Spaced Teeth
Smashing Up Furniture
Smearing Faeces
Smearing Feces On Walls
Smiles, Laughs, Squeals, Imitates Noise
Smokes Drugs Through A Pipe
Smoking, Marihuana
Smooth Philtrum
Sniffs Drugs
Snout Reflex
So Many Things Yet Undone
Social Adjustment Problem
Social Adjustment, Nos
Social Anxiety Disorder (social Phobia)
Social Behaviour
Social Cognition
Social Communication Disorders
Social Competence
Social Cues In Relationships
Social Difficulties
Social Disinhibition
Social Distress
Social Engagement
Social Functioning Scale Score
Social Group 3 - Skilled
Social Interaction
Social Interaction Impairment In Nonverbal Behaviors
Social Interaction Impairment In Peer Relationships
Social Interaction Impairment In Sharing Enjoyment, Interests, Achievements
Social Interaction Impairment In Social/emotional Reciprocity
Social Interaction Nonverbal Behaviors Inappropriate Emotions
Social Interaction Nonverbal Behaviors Limited Or Fleeting Eye Contact
Social Interaction Peer Relationships Oblivious To Other Children
Social Interaction Skills
Social Issues
Social Perceptions
Social Phobia
Social Problem With Welfare
Social Rejections
Social Sensitivity
Social Services Counseling Long-term Options
Social Situation
Social Situation High Stress
Social Skills Delayed
Social Support
Social Support - Counseling Strategy
Social Withdrawal
Social/emotional Reciprocity Appears Deaf
Social/emotional Reciprocity Lacks Knowledge Of Appropriate Social Behavior
Social/emotional Reciprocity Unaware Of Social Conventions
Socialisation Alteration
Socialized Aggressive Child Behavior
Socialized Conduct Disorder, Mild
Socially Immature For Age
Socially Inappropriate Behavior
Soft Stool (finding)
Soft Systolic Murmur
Soft Tissue Swelling Throughout Body
Soft Tissue X-ray Abnormal
Soft, Thin Skin
Solves Problems Confidently
Solving Complex Problems
Somatic Or Germline Mosaicism May Occur
Somatic Symptom Disorders
Somatotropin Deficiency, Nos
Some (level Unknown)
Some Carrier Females May Manifest Mild Symptoms
Some College Completion
Some College Education
Some Dental Plaque
Some Features Are Variable
Some Flexion Of Arms And Legs
Some Fragmented Or Disrupted Golgi
Some Loss Of Unmyelinated Fibers
Some Of Time
Some Patient May Be Asymptomatic
Some Patients Become Bedridden
Some Patients Become Wheelchair-dependent
Some Patients Have Additional Neurologic Involvement
Some Patients Have An Attenuated Phenotype
Some Patients Have Milder Persistent Blistering
Some Patients May Have Residual Muscle Weakness
Some Patients Never Achieve Independent Ambulation
Some Phenotypic Overlap With Rett Syndrome (312750)
Some Response To L-dopa Therapy
Some Show Atypical Features, Such As Nuclear Pleomorphism
Something Else
Somewhat Slow, But No Help Needed
Somewhat Worse
Sore Mouth
Sore Penetrating Deeply Into Underlying Flesh
Sore To Touch
Soreness Or Pain On Right Side Of Mouth
Sound Discrimination
Sound Lateralised To Non-affected Ear
Sound Sensitivity
Sounds Are Very Loud
Sounds Clear With Cough
Sounds Within The Chest
Soy-free Diet
Spasm, Nos
Spasm; Nodding
Spasmodic Movement
Spastic Movement
Spastic Tetraparesis
Spastic; Gait
Spatial Awareness
Spatial Visualizations
Speak In A Clear, Low, Warm, Respectful Tone Of Voice
Speaking (activity)
Special Activity Medical Nos
Special Behavior Symptom Evaluation Program
Special Care Of Premature Baby
Special Ent Procedures
Special Needs Support
Special Screening For Other Neurological Conditions
Special Service
Specialist Consultation
Specific Academic Or Work Inhibition
Specific Antibody Deficiency
Specific Attitude And Behavior
Specific Developmental Disorder
Specific Learning Disability
Specific Learning Disorder, With Impairment In Mathematics
Specific Learning Disorder, With Impairment In Reading
Specific Means Of Suicide In Mind
Specific Number Difficulty
Specific Phobia, Blood-injection-injury
Specific Qualifier Value
Specific Reading Disorder
Specific Sporting Event
Spectacles Services Low Vision Aids Video Display Unit
Speech And Behavior Delayed
Speech And Communication Disorders
Speech And Language - Other
Speech And Language Abnormalities
Speech And Language Delay, Severe
Speech And Language Developmental Delay Due To Hearing Loss
Speech And Language Dyspraxias
Speech And Language Finding
Speech And Language Problems In Children
Speech And Language Regression
Speech And Language.behavior
Speech And Language.knowledge
Speech Articulation Difficulties
Speech Articulation Phonological Process Errors
Speech Articulation Voicing Errors
Speech Deficits
Speech Delay (1 Patient)
Speech Delay, Mild
Speech Delay, Severe
Speech Difficult To Understand
Speech Disability
Speech Disorders
Speech Fluency
Speech Fluency Dialogue Dysfluency
Speech Fluency Reading Prosody
Speech Fluency Word Repetition
Speech Intelligibility
Speech Involuntary Utterances
Speech Language Echolalia
Speech Language Palilalia (repetition Of Own Words)
Speech Limited
Speech Limited To Single Word Or No Words
Speech Nonverbal Communication Skills Body Language
Speech Nonverbal Communication Skills Eye Contact
Speech Nonverbal Communication Skills Facial Expressions
Speech Nonverbal Communication Skills Gestures
Speech Pauses
Speech Phonation Involuntary Sounds Vocal Tics Cough
Speech Phonation Involuntary Sounds Vocal Tics Words
Speech Pragmatics
Speech Rate
Speech Rate Rapid
Speech Rate Slowed
Speech Slurred
Speech Sound Disorder
Speech Tone
Speech Tone High-pitched
Speech Volume Increased
Speech, Limited Or Nonverbal
Speech; Language
Spelling Ability
Spelling Difficulty
Spells (neurological Symptom)
Spermatic Cord, Torsion
Spike Wave Discharges
Spikes Temperature
Spinal Cord Diseases
Spinal Cord Syrinx
Spinal Cord, Compression
Spinal Puncture
Spinal Stenosis, Lumbar Region
Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Autosomal Recessive 1
Spiritual Distress
Spiritual Distress:behavior
Spitting (up);food;child
Spitting At Other Person
Splenectomy Increases Thrombotic Risk In These Patients
Splinter Hemorrhages Of Nails (in Some Patients)
Split Tongue
Spoken Language Comprehension
Spoken Word Recognition Deficit
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia With Immune Dysregulation
Spondylolisthesis Nos
Spontaneous Rupture Of Membranes
Spontaneous, Recurrent Epistaxis
Spontaneous; Pneumothorax
Sports For Persons With Disabilities
Spot; Café Au Lait
Spots In Mouth
Squeaky Cry (rare)
Squirming, Shifting Back And Forth, Tense
St Segment Elevation (finding)
Stabbing Other Person
Stabbing Self
Stabilized (qualifier Value)
Stable Status
Staff Supportive Of Learning Process
Staggering; Gait
Stalking (behavior)
Stamina Decreased
Standard Precautions Wear Face Mask
Standard Reading Tests Score
Standardized Assessment Instrument Items
Standardized Assessment Instruments
Standardized Assessments
Standing Difficulty
Staphylococcal Infections
Staphylococcal Scalded-skin Syndromes
Staring Episodes
Staring Episodes During Seizures
Staring Spells
Starting A Conversation
State And/or Federally-funded Programs/services
State; Agitated
Static Encephalopathy
Stature; Tall
Status Declining Overall
Status Epilepticus
Status Unstable
Status, Socioeconomic
Steady Childhood Growth
Steatorrhea, Nos
Steinberg Thumb Sign
Stenoses, Tracheal
Stenosis Of The Papilla Major
Stenosis, Mitral Valve
Stenosis; Subaortic
Stereotypic Behaviors (tantrums, Aggressiveness)
Stereotypic Hand Movements
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
Stereotypical Body Rocking
Stereotypical Pacing Behavior
Steroid Treatment Chronic
Sticky Eye Sensation
Stiff Temporomandibular Joint
Stiffness In Little Toe
Stiffness Joints
Stiffness Of Neck
Stiffness Of Right Ankle
Stiffness Of Temporomandibular Joint On Both Sides
Still's Murmur
Stillbirth Nos
Stimulates Emotional Growth
Stimulus Sensitivity
Stomach Problem
Stomach Sick
Stomach Upset
Stomatitides, Aphthous
Stool Blood
Stool Heme Positive Episode
Stool, Foul Smelling
Stool; Mucus
Stools Formed Like Round Balls
Stooped Standing Posture
Storage Disease, Nos
Strabismus In The Left Eye
Strabismus Nos
Strange And Inexplicable Behavior
Strange Feeling
Strategies To Increase Diet Compliance
Straw Color
Streak, Angioid
Strength Of Intrinsic Muscles Of Neck
Streptococcal Infection Nos
Streptococcal Lymphadenitis Of Swine
Streptococcal Sore Throat
Stress Associated With Recent Violent Traumatic Event
Stress Associated With Serious Illness
Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic
Stress Disorders, Traumatic
Stress Echo Mitral Regurgitation Increased
Stress Electrocardiogram Nondiagnostic
Stress Fracture Of The Metatarsals
Stress Or Major Life Event
Stress Problem Identified
Stress Radionuclide Ventriculography: Peak Stress Image Left Ventricular Function
Stress Test Ejection Fraction Change
Stress Test Electrocardiogram: Ectopic Count Within Last Minute At Rest
Stress Test Electrocardiogram: St Segment Slope At Rest
Stress Test-induced Signs
Stress Tolerance, Nos
Stress, Emotional
Stress-induced Muscle Tension
Stresses, Psychological
Stretchy Cervix
Striae On Buttocks
Striae On Lower Back
Striae On Upper Arms
Strict Vegetarian
Stricture; Anus
Stridor Inspiratory
Stroke Ischemic
Stroke-like Episodes
Stroke-like Symptoms
Structural Barriers Are Not An Issue.
Structural Changes In The Temporal Lobe
Structural Disorder Of Heart
Student Behavior
Students Get Along Well With Teachers
Study Recommendation
Study Subject Withdrawal By Parent Or Guardian
Sturges Syndrome Weber
Stuttering Associated Avoidance Behaviors Saying Few Words
Stuttering Associated Avoidance Behaviors Word Substitution
Stuttering Impact On Speaking
Stuttering Impact Pediatric Context More Noticeable At
Stuttering Impact Pediatric More Noticeable On Playground
Stuttering Impact Within Pediatric Context
Stuttering Patient Awareness Subtle
Stuttering, Persistent
Sub-therapeutic Drug Level
Subaortic Stenosis, Membranous
Subarachnoid Cyst
Subclinical Seizure
Subcortical Cysts Temporal Lobe
Subdue The Lighting
Subdural Hygroma
Subendocardial; Myocardial Infarction
Subependymal Nodules
Subjective (symptom)
Subjective Observation (qualifier Value)
Substance Abuse Problems
Substance Use Disorder
Substance Withdrawal Syndromes
Substantially Compromised Occlusal Scheme
Substitution - Change
Substrate Aversion
Subtle Foveal Changes
Subtle Personality And Behavioral Changes Are Presenting Signs
Success Treatment
Successful Programs
Sucrose Intolerance
Sudden Death Unexplained
Sudden Infant Death; Syndrome
Sudden Onset (attribute)
Sudden Unexplained Change In Speech
Suggest Trial Elimination Of Foods Containing Lactose, As Appropriate
Suggestibility, Nos
Suicidal And Self-injurious Behavior
Suicidal Behavior
Suicidal Ideation No Action
Suicidal Impulses
Suicidal Tendencies
Suicide Attempt Multiple
Suicide By Multiple Means
Suicide Nos
Suicide Risk Assessed At The Initial Evaluation
Suicide Risk Assessment
Suicide Threat
Summer Camp
Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis
Supervision; Parental, Lack Of
Supplemental Hyperbaric Oxygen
Support From Caring Community
Support Group Case Management
Support Legislative Initiatives That Promote And Enforce Vehicular Safety
Support Parents Throughout This Process
Support Programs To Disclose Environmental Hazards
Support Services For Patient
Support System Deficit
Support The Patient's Use Of The Treatment
Supportive Care
Supportive Counseling
Supports One Another
Supports, Health Planning
Suppressed Lactation, Without Mention Of Attachment Difficulty
Suppression Amblyopias
Supraventricular Arrhythmia
Surgical Implants
Surgical Intervention (finding)
Surgical Management
Surveillance Previously Prescribed Contraceptive Methods
Suspected Autism
Suspected Diagnosis
Suspected Victim Of Emotional Abuse
Suspicious Behavior (finding)
Sustained Alertness During Interaction
Sustaining A Conversation
Sustaining Attention
Swallow Evaluation
Swallowed Foreign Body In Digestive System
Swallowing Difficulties (in Some Patients)
Swallowing Objects
Swallowing Painful
Swallowing Pattern
Swallowing Small Object
Sweating Increased
Sweaty Armpits
Swelling Auricular
Swelling Of Antihelix Of Left Ear
Swelling Of Cheek
Swelling Of Head
Swelling Of Testicle (finding)
Swelling Of The Extremities, Episodic
Swelling Of The Hands And Feet, Episodic
Swelling Over Frontal Sinus
Swelling Toes
Symptom Aggravating Factor Nos
Symptom Burden Score
Symptom Masked
Symptom Mild
Symptom Moderate
Symptom Multiple
Symptom Persistence
Symptom Severity Nos (finding)
Symptom Stability Score
Symptom Very Severe
Symptom, Affective
Symptom, Withdrawal
Symptom/complaint Sinus
Symptomatic Congestive Heart Failure
Symptomatic Epilepsy
Symptomatic Generalized Epilepsy
Symptomatic Partial Complex Epilepsy
Symptomatic Seizures
Symptoms Are Controlled On Current Medication
Symptoms Concerning Nutrition, Metabolism, And Development
Symptoms Exertion
Symptoms Involving Nails
Symptoms Nos
Symptoms Progress With Worsening Myopathy
Symptoms Psychiatric
Symptoms Recur In The Fall
Symptoms Recur In The Summer
Symptoms Related To Behavior
Symptoms Reported Inconsistent Or Changeable
Symptoms Unchanged Since Last Procedure
Synchronization, Electroencephalography Phase
Syncopal Episodes (fainting)/dizziness
Syncopal Episodes (in Some Patients)
Syncope, Nos
Syndrome Dyskinetic
Syndrome Peutz-jeghers
Syndrome Premenstrual
Syndrome Viral
Syndrome Williams
Syndrome, 22q11 Deletion
Syndrome, Aicardi
Syndrome, Antiphospholipid
Syndrome, Asperger's
Syndrome, Bardet-biedl
Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome, Congenital Myasthenic
Syndrome, Depressive
Syndrome, Digeorge
Syndrome, Horner's
Syndrome, Kleine-levin
Syndrome, Landau-kleffner
Syndrome, Laron
Syndrome, Malignant Carcinoid
Syndrome, Mccune-albright
Syndrome, Meconium Aspiration
Syndrome, Nocturnal Myoclonus
Syndrome, Refeeding
Syndrome, Restless Leg
Syndrome, Smith-magenis
Syndrome, Sotos
Syndrome, Sweet
Syndrome; Dumping
Syndrome; Malignant Neuroleptic
Syndrome; Mucocutaneous Lymph Node
Syndrome; Ovary, Polycystic
Syndrome; Sicca
Syndrome; Superior Mesenteric Artery
Syndromes, Heterotaxy
Syndromes, Irritable Bowel
Syndromes, Klinefelter
Syndromes, Leopard
Syndromes, Slit Ventricle
Synophrys, Mild
Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis, And Osteitis Syndrome
Systemic Diseases
Systemic Inflammatory Process
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Encephalitis
Systemic Problem
Systolic Anterior Motion Of Mitral Valve
Systolic Heart Failure, Stage C
T Lymphocytopenia
T Wave Changes Only
T Wave Inverted
T-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia, Somatic
T1a: Tumor Limited To One Vocal Cord
Tablets Too Large To Swallow
Tachycardia; Supraventricular
Tactile Alteration
Tactile Hallucination
Tactile Sensation Decreased Sensory Level
Taking Medication (activity)
Taking Medication For High Blood Pressure (history)
Taking Medication For Infection
Taking Medication To Help Sleep
Taking Off Clothes
Taking Over-the-counter Medication For Allergies
Taking Over-the-counter Medication For Colds
Taking Sips Of Water
Taking Vital Signs
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Talk More
Tangential Thinking
Tanner Girls Breast Development Stage
Tantrums Temper
Tapered Fingers (patient A)
Tapering Fingers (finding)
Target Weight Discussed
Targeted Medication Therapy Review
Taste Peculiar
Teacher Behavior
Teacher's Nodes
Tegretol Level Elevated
Telehealth Consultation, Emergency Department Or Initial Inpatient, Typically 30 Minutes Communicating With The Patient Via Telehealth
Telling Untruths
Temper Outbursts
Temperature Change At Anatomical Site
Temperature Insensitivity, Distal, In Some Patients
Temperature Intolerance
Temperature Intolerance Alternately Too Hot And Too Cold
Temperature Of Breast
Temperature Preference For Drink
Temporal Epileptiform Discharges Seen On Eeg
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Temporal Lobe Infarct (rare)
Temporal Slowing
Tendency To Walk On Toes
Tendency; Paranoid
Tenderness Of Gums
Tends To Be Intolerant Of Frustration
Tends To Be Sensitive To Criticism
Tends To Blame Others
Tends To Exaggerate Emotional Expression Inappropriately
Tennis (activity)
Tented Upper Lip
Tented Upper Lip (patient A)
Terrorist Attacks
Test Of Adolescent/adult Word Finding (tawf) Category Naming Raw Score
Test Scores
Testicular Lump Bilateral
Tethered Cord Syndromes
The Baby Is Coming Out
The Behavior Demonstrated Blinking Eyelids
The Behavior Demonstrated Chewing
The Ejection Fraction Decreased Compared With The Previous Study
The Elbow Suddenly 'locked Up'
The Examiner's Reaction To The Patient
The Most Important Problem I Have
The Place You Live Is Too Noisy Or Too Polluted
The Psyche (function)
Theophylline Level Subtherapeutic
Therapeutic Radiology Treatment Planning; Simple
Therapeutic Relationship Or Milieu
Therapies In Last 7d
Therapy Appropriate
Therapy Assessment: Functional Status Improved With Further Improvement Expected
Therapy Need
Therapy Noncompliance Due To Lack Of Comprehension
Therapy Outcome
Therapy Outcome Measure Impairment Score
Therapy Services
These Symptoms Interfere With Work Or School
Thick Nasal Mucus
Thickened Calvarium
Thickened Cortex
Thickening Of Stratum Corneum, Mild
Thickening Of The Mitral Valve Leaflets
Thigh Pain
Thin Bony Cortex
Thin Hair (in Some Patients)
Thin Upper Lip (family A)
Thin Vermilion Of The Upper Lip
Things Accompanying A Panic Attack
Things Smell Different
Think Faster
Think That People Were Plotting To Harm You (paranoid)
Thinking (function)
Thinking Irrational
Thinking Reduced
Thinking, Critical
Thirst Increased
Thoracolumbar Scoliosis
Thoroughness Of Care
Thought And Speech Disturbance
Thought And Thinking
Thought Disturbances
Thought Processes Attention Auditory Immediate
Thought Processes Attention Over Time
Thought Processes Attention Visual Immediate
Thought Processes Executive Functions Problem-solving
Thought Retardation
Thoughts About Dying
Thoughts Of Self-harm
Thoughts On Hastening Death
Thoughts On Pain Management
Thoughts On Tube Feeding
Threat Of Killing Self
Threatening Behaviour
Threats/reports Of Violence
Thrill Systolic Second And Third Left Intercostal Space Parasternal Line
Throat Sore
Thrombasthenia, Nos
Thromboangiitis, Obliterans
Thrombocytopenia Nos
Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Immune
Thrombosis Cerebral
Thrombosis Cerebral Vein
Thrombosis Inferior Vena Cava
Thrombosis, Deep Vein
Throws A Ball
Thrust Tongue
Thyroid Alteration
Thyroid Anti-microsomal Antibody Elevated
Thyroid Anti-thyroglobulin Antibody Elevated
Thyroid Autoimmune Disease
Thyroid Crisis
Thyroid Diseases
Thyroid Function Tests Abnormal Nos
Thyroiditis, Riedel
Thyrotropin Low
Tibia Vara
Tibial Torsion
Tic Disorder Nos
Tic Disorder, Motor
Tic Disorders, Childhood
Tic Disorders, Vocal
Tic, Motor
Tic-tac Rhythm
Tic; Compulsive
Tic; Motor, Chronic
Tic; Transient
Tics Or Anxieties (rare)
Tics Vocal
Ties Shoes
Tietzes Syndrome
Tightness Neck
Tightness Sensation Quality
Tilting The Head To The Left
Time Of Sedation:
Time Perception
Tingling Of Extremities
Tingling Of Hands And Feet
Tingling Of Legs
Tinnitus, Clicking
Tinnitus, Nos
Tissue Injury On The Knuckles
Tmt Part A Z-score
Todd Paralysis
Toddler Diarrhea
Toe Deformity Progressively Worsening
Toe-walking Gait
Toilet Trained (finding)
Toileting Activity
Tolerance Increased
Tolerance To Alcohol
Tolerant Of Changes In Ambient Temperature
Tongue Protrusion
Tonic Clonic Movements
Tonic Clonic Seizure
Tonic Head Extension
Tonic Posturing
Tonsil Hypertrophy
Tonsillitis; Chronic
Too High
Too Loud
Too Low
Too Much
Tooth Disease
Tooth Eruption, Late
Tooth Eruption, Nos
Tooth Loose
Top Basilar Syndrome
Torticollis Nos
Total Loss Of Vision In Left Eye
Total Perforation Of Tympanic Membrane
Total Score - Patient Examination
Total Symptom Score
Towne Syndrome
Toxic Liver Disease
Toxic Shock Syndrome Nos
Toxicity To Various Agents
Toxicity/side Effects
Trace Alternant Eeg Pattern
Train Collision
Train Collision With Another Train
Trampoline (activity)
Tranquillisation Excessive
Transaminases Mildly Elevated
Transfer Ability, Impaired
Transfer Care Assistance
Transfer To Another Medical Facility
Transfer To Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment - Voluntary Status
Transient Cerebral Ischemia
Transient Childhood Tic
Transient Ischemic Attack Without Residual Deficits
Transient Otoacoustic Emissions
Transient Psychotic Episodes
Transient Tic Disorder
Transitional Care Evaluation And Management Services
Transmitted Sounds
Transplant Evaluation
Trauma; Previous
Treadmill Use
Treatment Changed
Treatment Delayed - Patient Choice
Treatment Further Would Like Discussion
Treatment Option
Treats Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia
Tree; Allergy, Asthma
Tremble Or Shake
Tremor (in Some Patients)
Tremor By Anatomical Site
Tremor Exaggerated By Excitement
Tremor Muscle
Tremor Of The Upper Limb
Tremor With Febrile Episodes (rare)
Tremor, Fine
Tremor, Mild
Tremor; Parkinson's
Tremors Develop After Seizures
Tremors, Action
Tremors, Essential
Tremors, Familial
Tremors, Intermittent
Tremors, Rest
Trial And Error Learning
Triangular Face
Tricuspid Regurgitation Trace
Tricuspid Regurgitation, Moderate
Tricuspid Stenosis And Insufficiency, Cause Unspecified
Tries To Repeat Speech Sounds
Trigger Deformity Of The Fingers
Trigger Finger (disorder)
Triggered By Minor Head Trauma
Triplet Birth
Trisomy; 18, Mosaicism
Trouble With Boss
Troubled Self-object Relation
Troublesome; Personality
True Insight
Trunk Muscle Weakness
Trust (social Behavior)
Trypanosomiasis; African
Tube Disorders Eustachian
Tuberculoses, Extensively Drug-resistant
Tuberculosis Of Larynx, Trachea And Bronchus, Confirmed Bacteriologically And Histologically
Tuberculous Bronchiectasis, Tubercle Bacilli Not Found By Bacteriological Or Histological Examination, But Tuberculosis Confirmed By Other Methods [inoculation Of Animals]
Tucker Syndrome
Tumor Complete Metabolic Response By Pet
Tumor Pigmentation, Diffuse
Tumor Related Swallowing Difficulty
Tumor Stage T1
Tumour Lysis Syndromes
Turner's Syndrome
Turns Head Side To Side When Prone
Twin Brother's Age
Twitching Around The Eyes, Episodic
Twitching Of Neck And Face
Two Main Presentations
Tympanic Membrane Pressure Equalization Tube Drainage Clear
Tympanosclerosis, Nos
Type 2 Diabetes (in Some)
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With Acanthosis Nigricans
Type 2 Muscle Fiber Atrophy
Type A Behavior Pattern
Type Diabetes
Ulcer Duodenal
Ulcer Of Genital Labium
Ulcer Of Rectum
Ulcerative Colitis Flare
Ultrasound Of Abdomen: Thickened Pyloric Muscle Of Stomach
Ultrasound Of Kidney: Cyst Of Upper Pole Of Kidney
Ultrasound Repeat
Umbilical Hernias
Unable (to);concentrate
Unable (to);talk
Unable To Bend To Pick Up Object Without Falling
Unable To Communicate Concerns To Provider
Unable To Communicate Thoughts
Unable To Complete
Unable To Eat
Unable To Feed Self
Unable To Focus
Unable To Handle Money
Unable To Hear
Unable To Initiate Swallowing
Unable To Make A Fist
Unable To Move All Four Limbs
Unable To Process Information
Unable To Protrude Tongue Fully
Unable To Read
Unable To Resist Obsessional Thoughts
Unable To Stand
Unable To Stop Drug Use
Unable To Walk (finding)
Unbalanced Translocation Of Chromosome
Unchanged From The Previous Visit
Unclear Speech- Slurred, Mumbled Words
Uncombable Hair Syndrome
Uncompensated Short Term Memory Deficit
Unconscious State
Uncontrollable Laughing
Uncontrolled Behaviour
Uncontrolled Episodic Energy Demands
Uncontrolled Eye Movements
Uncontrolled Hypertension
Uncontrolled Rage
Uncooperative Behavior
Under Anaesthesia
Under Light General Anaesthesia
Undersocialized Conduct Disorder, Aggressive Type, Mild
Undue Concern And Preoccupation With Stressful Events
Uneasy, Restless, Tense
Uneven Movement
Unexpected Adverse Event
Unexpected Difficult Airway
Unexplained Fever (in Some Patients)
Unexplained Growth Failure
Unexplained Irritability Surrounding Mealtimes
Unfair Dismissal From Job
Unhappy Mood
Unhealthy Skin
Unidentified - Modifier
Uniform - Quality
Unilateral Red Eye
Unintelligible Speech, Vocalizations, Grunting
Unintended Movement Medical Device Problem
University Admission Medical
Unkempt Appearance
Unkind To Animals
Unknown Etiology
Unknown If Any Subsequent Therapy
Unknown Risk Of Deliberate Self Harm
Unpleasant Taste In Mouth
Unpleasant Visual Stimuli
Unpredictability Of Illness Trajectory
Unpredictable Behaviour
Unrealistic Expectations
Unrealistic Planning
Unrelated (finding)
Unresponsive Behavior
Unresponsive To Pain Stimuli
Unsafe Behavior
Unspecified Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
Unspecified Communication Disorder
Unspecified Disorder Of Immune Mechanism
Unspecified Disruptive, Impulse-control, And Conduct Disorder
Unspecified Intellectual Disabilities
Unspecified Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Unspecified Visual Loss
Unstable Blood Sugar
Unstable Medical Device Problem
Unstable Vital Signs
Unsteady When Standing
Unusual Behavior
Unusual Change In Behavior
Unusual, High-pitched Voice
Unwanted Pregnancy
Upper Back Pain Causing Inability To Sleep
Upper Extremities May Be Involved
Upper Extremity Numbness Intermittent
Upper Extremity Weakness Acute
Upper Extremity Weakness Episode
Upper Limb Postural Tremor
Upper Limb Spasticity
Upper Motor Neuron Signs
Upper Respiratory Infections
Upturned Nose (patient A)
Upward Eye Deviation During Episodes
Upward Slanting Palpebral Fissures
Uraemia Primary Symptom
Urgent Desire For Stool
Uric Acid Level Increased
Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic
Urinary Hesitation
Urinary Incontinence (in Some Patients)
Urinary Incontinence (rare)
Urinary Incontinence By Exam While Standing
Urinary Symptoms
Urinary Toileting Program
Urinary Tract Problem
Urinary Urgency (in Some Patients)
Urine Dribble
Urine Ph Alkalotic
Urine Sample Sent To Lab
Urine Volume Finding
Urological Procedures
Urticaria Nos
Use Heroin
Use Of Non-verbal Language
Use Of Pictures And Drawings
Use Of Psychotropic Drugs
Use Of Steroids
Use; Long Term, Anticoagulants
Uses Augmentative And Alternative Communication
Uses Future Tense In Vocabulary
Uses Hearing Aids Correctly
Uses Imagination During Play Activities
Uses Phrases Of Two To Three Words
Uses Signs &or Gestures &or Sounds
Uses Support Services For Hearing Impaired
Using Enemas Recently
Using Inhaled Steroids - High Dose
Using New Mouth Device
Using New Toothpaste
Using Protective Head Gear
Usually Adult Onset
Usually Appropriate Behavior
Uterus Position Fixed
Vaccine Safety Concerns
Vacuum Assisted Vaginal Delivery
Vaginal Discharge Of Stool
Valproic Acid Elevated
Valve Stenoses, Tricuspid
Variability (response)
Variable Expression
Variable Frequency And Severity
Variable Ictal Semiology
Variable Neurologic Phenotype
Variable Penetrance Of These Features
Variables That Apply To The Overall Study
Variation In Fiber Size
Various Seizure Types
Vascular; Lesion
Vascular; Neurosyphilis (manifestation)
Vasovagal Reaction
Vein Stenoses, Pulmonary
Veins Visible On Breast
Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
Ventilation Tube Patent
Ventilator Mode Change Reason
Ventilator-dependent Patient
Ventral Septal Defect (vsd)
Ventricles Slightly Enlarged
Ventricular Arrhythmia (pvc, Nonsustained Vt, Sustained Vt)
Ventricular Enlargement
Ventricular Enlargement, Mild
Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventricular Hypertrophy, Left
Ventricular Hypertrophy, Mild (noted In 1 Patient)
Ventricular Tachycardia (in Some Patients)
Ventricular Tachycardia, Non-sustained
Verbal Abuse By Relative
Verbal Aggression
Verbal Apraxia, Developmental
Verbal Behavior
Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Difficulty Following Social Rules
Verbal Communication Difficulty Reading Listener Cues
Verbal Comprehension
Verbal Delay (in Some Patients)
Verbal Disruptions
Verbal Expressions Of Distress
Verbal Impairment
Verbal Memory Impairment
Verbal Outbursts (in One Patient)
Verbal Rating Scale Score
Verbal Repetition, Nos
Verbal Response
Verbal Short-term Memory Performance
Verbal Skills Limited In Complexity
Verbal Skills Limited To Automatic Responses
Verbal Skills Limited To Expressing Complex Ideas
Verbal Skills Limited To Single Words
Verbalizes Suicidal Ideas
Verbally Threatening Behaviour
Vermian Hypoplasia
Vertical Gaze Palsy
Vertical Nystagmus
Vertigo Associated With Seizures
Vertigo, Nos
Very Bad
Very Difficult To Manage Behaviour
Very Few Granulocyte Precursors
Very Hard
Very Heavy
Very Large
Very Likely
Very Limited
Very Low
Very Low Density Lipoprotein Abnormal
Very Low Igm
Very Low Leptin Level
Very Low Level Personal Hygiene
Very Low/none At All
Very Mild
Very Much
Very Often
Very Poor
Very Poor Expressive Speech
Very Poor Response Treatment
Very Rare
Very Severe
Very Short Fibulae
Very Slow
Very Slow Progression
Very Small Sella Turcica (some)
Very Small Uterus
Very Unstable, Tends To Lose Balance Spontaneously
Very Well
Vesicular Diseases, Swine
Vestibular Dysfunction (in Some Patients)
Vibratory Systolic Interscapular Region
Victim In More Than Two Vehicle Accident
Victim Of Abuse Finding
Victim Of Homosexual Aggression
Victim Of Other Person's Behavior
Victim Of Physical Assault
Viis, Mucopolysaccharidosis
Vineland-ii Domain Composite Scores
Vineland-ii Domain Composite Scores Adaptive Behavior Composite
Vineland-ii Subdomains Written Communication Score
Violence-related Symptom
Violent Behavior With A Weapon
Violent Ideation
Violent Thoughts
Viral Disease; Exposure, Hepatitis
Viral Myocarditis
Viral Symptoms Acute
Viscosity & Bolus Volumes Thin Liquid
Vision Impairment Level
Vision Services Lens Additions
Vision Therapy
Vision Waxing Waning
Vision, Abnormal
Vision; Perception
Visit By Established Outpatient With Minimal Problem
Visit For Neurological Exam
Visit For Routine Adult History And Physical
Visit For: Laboratory Test
Visual Acuity Pl - Accurate Projection
Visual Attention
Visual Behaviour
Visual Blurring
Visual Change
Visual Discomfort, Right Eye
Visual Discrimination
Visual Distortion
Visual Disturbance Nos
Visual Illusions
Visual Impairment
Visual Impairment (patient A)
Visual Impairment, Severe
Visual Inspection (procedure)
Visual Loss, Progressive
Visual Loss: Further Characterization
Visual Memory
Visual Memory For Objects
Visual Perceptual Weakness
Visual Problems, Mild
Visual Processing
Visual Scanning Speed
Visual Short-term Memory Performance
Visual Symptom Nos
Visual-spatial Organization
Visuospatial Ability
Visuospatial Agnosias
Vital (qualifier Value)
Vital Signs Measurements
Vitamin A Deficiency With Bitot Spot And Conjunctival Xerosis
Vitamin B 12 Deficiency
Vitamin D Decreased Nos
Vitamin D Deficiency
Vivid Color Saturation
Vivid Hallucinations
Vocal And Verbal Behavior Finding
Vocal Cords Paralysis
Vocal Fremitus Increased
Vocalization (finding)
Vocational Assessment
Voice Abnormality
Voice Deepening
Voice Fatigues
Voice Quality
Voice, Monotone
Volatile Mood
Volition, Nos
Volume Depletion, Extrarenal Loss
Volume Limiting
Vomit Contains Blood
Vomiting Bile
Vomiting More Than Twice After Injury
Vomiting Through The Nose
Vomiting With Recent Abdominal Surgery
Vomiting, Episodic
Vomiting, Persistent
Vomiting, Projectile
Von Willebrand Disease, Type 1
Von Willebrand's Disease
Vu, Deja
Vulgaris; Acne
Wakens To Toilet All Or Most Nights
Wakes Up During Night
Walker-warburg Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
Walking Difficulty Due To Multiple Sites
Walks At Slow Pace
Walks Occasionally
Wandering Behavior
Warm-up Exercises
Warming-cooling Mattress Temperature
Warts Of Foot
Wash (cleansing Action)
Washes Face
Washing Hands, Function
Wasi-ii Composite Score Full Scale Intelligence Quotient Standard
Wasi-ii Verbal Standard Score
Watching Videos-dvds
Watercraft Accident Causing Submersion Or Drowning
Watery Diarrhea
Watery Eye
Wax In Ear Canal
Wcst Total Errors Standard Score
Wcst Total Errors T-score
Weak Anal Sphincter
Weak Cry
Weak Grasp
Weak Grip
Weak Sucking
Weak; Intellectual Abilities
Weakness In Hands And Feet
Weakness In Right Arm
Weakness Of Distal Muscles
Weakness Of Left Ankle
Weakness Residual
Weakness Subjective
Weakness Worsened
Weakness, Muscle
Weakness-facial Droop-left
Wearing Ceramic Plate
Wearing Of Nails
Wearing Off Effect
Wearing Shoes Without Socks
Wearing Special Protective Eyewear Cylindrical System (specs)
Wears Odd Socks
Wears Unlaundered Clothes
Weighing Patient
Weight Above The 90th Percentile
Weight Fixation
Weight Gain (in Some Patients)
Weight Gain Due To Fluid Retention
Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Weight High
Weight Loss (& Abnormal) (finding)
Weight Loss >=10% Of Body Weight
Weight Loss Acute
Weight Loss Chronic
Weight Loss Extreme
Weight Loss Gradual
Weight Loss Pregnancy Persistent
Weight Loss, Slight
Weight Management Programme
Weight Monitoring
Weight Of Wheelchair
Weight Percentile For Height
Weight Percentile Low
Weight Steady
Weight Trend
Weight: [target Discussed] Or [loss Advised]
Well Differentiated
Well-healed Incision
Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
West Syndrome
Westcotes Individualized Outcome Measure Score
Western Equine Encephalomyelitis
Wets Clothing Or Bedding During Night
Wheat-free Diet Finding
Wheelchair Bound
Wheelchair Most Of The Time
Wheezing Aggravated
Wheezing Recurs Intermittently
When Frightened, My Heart Beats Fast
Which Diagnostic Criteria Met
White Blood Cell Count Decreased
White Blood Cell Count Increased (lab Result)
White Coat Hypertension
White Matter Abnormalities (in Some)
White Matter Changes
White Matter Hyperintensities In T2 Imaging
White Matter Injury
White Or Light Spots In Field Of Vision
Wiat-iii Composite Oral Language Standard Score
Wiat-iii Composite Score Mathematics
Wiat-iii Composite Score Total Reading
Wiat-iii Subtests Reading Comprehension Standard Score
Wiat-iii Subtests Word Reading Standard Score
Wide Mouth (in Some Patients)
Wide Open Angle
Wide Phenotypic Variability
Wide Range Of Severity Between Affected Members Of The Same Family
Wide Spectrum Of Severity
Wide Sylvian Fissures With Incomplete Opercularization
Wide, Slightly Short Ribs
Wide, Thin Scars
Widely-spaced Teeth
Widening Of The Operculum
Wiedemann Beckwith Syndrome
Winged Scapulas
Wisc-iv Composite Score
Wisc-iv Full Scale Intelligence Quotient Confidence Index
Wisc-iv Full Scale Intelligence Quotient Standard Score
Wisc-iv Perceptual Reasoning Confidence Index
Wisc-iv Perceptual Reasoning Score
Wisc-iv Verbal Comprehension Standard Score
Wisc-v Composite Score
Wisc-v Full Scale Intelligence Quotient Standard Score
Wisc-v Verbal Comprehension Confidence Index
Wisc-v Working Memory Standard Score
With A Lot Of Trouble
With Intensity
With Some Trouble
With Type (attribute)
Withdraw Offending Medication
Withdrawal (dysfunction)
Withdrawal And Rebound Effects
Withdrawn Behavior
Withdrawn, Complete Loss Of Motivation
Withholding Treatment
Witness To Terrorist Attack
Witness To Violent Trauma Sexual Abuse
Witness To Violent Trauma Verbal Abuse
Witnessing A Crime
Wj-iii Ach Academic Fluency Score
Wj-iii Ach Academic Skills Standard Score
Wj-iii Ach Listening Comprehension Standard Score
Wj-iii Ach Total Achievement Standard Score
Wj-iii Cog Score Cognitive Efficiency
Wj-iii Cog Visual-spatial Thinking Score
Wms-iv Visual Working Memory Standard Score
Women Are More Often Affected
Women May Be Mildly Affected
Womens Liberation Movement
Word Finding Difficulty (disorder)
Word Recognition
Work Difficulty
Work Restrictions Decision Pending Further Evaluation
Working As Musician
Working Through The Pain Of Grief
Works At Home
Worksite Assessment Carrying Required One-handed
Worsening Headaches
Worsening Pattern
Worsening Peripheral Vision In Upper Visual Fields
Worsening Unremitting Headache
Worsening Vision Progressing Rapidly
Wound Site Infected
Wound With Staples In Place
Wound With Vertical Orientation
Wppsi-iv Cognitive Proficiency Index
Wppsi-iv Fluid Reasoning Index Confidence Index
Wppsi-iv Fluid Reasoning Index Standard Score
Wppsi-iv Full Scale Intelligence Quotient Standard Score
Wppsi-iv General Ability Index
Wppsi-iv Nonverbal Index Standard Score
Wppsi-iv Processing Speed Index Standard Score
Wppsi-iv Verbal Comprehension Index Standard Score
Wppsi-iv Visual Spatial Index
Wraml-2 Recognition Standard Score
Wrapping (procedure)
Wrat-4 Subtests Math Computation Standard Score
Wrat-4 Subtests Spelling Standard Score
Wravma Pegboard Test Age Equivalent
Wrist Contractures (in Some)
Wrist Sign
Writer; Cramp(s), Organic
Writhing Movements
Writing (function)
Writing Ability Physical Difficulty Forming Letters
Writing Difficulties
Writing Impaired Spelling
Writing Learning Disability
Writing Skills
Wyburn Mason Syndrome
X Syndrome, Metabolic
X-linked Creatine Deficiency
X-linked Mental Retardation 31
X-linked Mental Retardations
X-linked Periventricular Heterotopias
X-ray Of Hand: 'pencil-in-cup' Deformity
X-ray Of Paranasal Sinus: Mucosal Thickening
X-ray Series Of Small Bowel: Rapid Transit Time
Y (multi-modality)
Yellow Green Colour
Yellow Skin Or Eyes After Hypotensive Episode
Yellow Skin Or Eyes Following Blood Transfusion
Yes - Presence Findings
Yes - Previous Response Was Yes
Yes, After Cueing (a Color)
You Are Concerned About Side Effects
Zenkers Diverticulum
[d]heart Murmur, Benign
[v]other Specified Reproductive And Developmental Problems
[v]reproductive And Developmental Problems Nos
[v]routine Health Check-up
[x]mental And Behavioural Disorders Due To Multiple Drug Use And Use Of Other Psychoactive Substances: Withdrawal State
[x]rheumatoid Arthritis+involvement/other Organs Or Systems
[x]single Episode Agitated Depression Without Psychotic Symptoms